Your favourite text editor for webdev?

Okay, there are some exceptions, probably :).
I'd not go the open source route unless had to but I tend to work with larger companies with decent budgets.
In spare time do use OS languages such as Perl and Ruby and Java.
Went from sublime text 3 to VS Code myself. You can install different plugins based on what you need and the overall look is simple but pleasing to the eye.
I really like brackets, but the one decent ftp plugin for it has been stopped. I tried atom out and found it almost too rich, but keeping it going for now as i see it has potential
Depends which backend I am using. If C#/.Net then Visual Studio. PyCharm for Python. If it's purely some javascript/html work, then VS code.
I use PyCharm for all my web development needs. Python is so much better than PHP for web development in my mind.

while i actually really enjoy using Laravel framework (the only one i enjoy with PHP) and think it is fantastic. The huge benefit with python is its useful for more than just web development. It just makes sense to hit up python early on. And obviously its a pretty fantastic language too.
while i actually really enjoy using Laravel framework (the only one i enjoy with PHP) and think it is fantastic. The huge benefit with python is its useful for more than just web development. It just makes sense to hit up python early on. And obviously its a pretty fantastic language too.

I'm actually in the process of learning of C# and the .NET Core platform and am enjoying it at the moment as well. But Python, C and C++ are my goto programming languages when I have something to do. Hopefully by adding C# to that list I'll have a good way of making Windows desktop apps which is something I really want to do.
I enjoy C# too, not much of a C/C++ guy.

I'm currently starting to play with rust a bit, so far enjoying it though i've not sunk my teeth in.
I'm warming a lot to vs code, primarily because of .net core development is now entirely possible on it. Fast, working intellisense, very customisable. F# has never been such a doddle outside of full fat visual studio before.
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