Your favourite video games of all time

That's difficult to answer and the answer now, looking back, is not the same as the answer I would have given when I was playing the games! I think Tera would have to be no.1 on grounds that I spent so much time hunting world monsters.
Yeah very difficult question, but GTA (VC/SA/IV/V, all for different reasons), Skate (all 3 and hopefully 4) and Ark (evolved and ascended) cos who doesn't love dinosaurs?!

But also, Dawn of War+DLC, Battlefield (especially BC2 and BF3), Tropico 3-6, I could go on forever....
Stalker SOC
Jagged Alliance 2
Ultima Online
Pro Evolution Soccer
UFO Enemy Unknown (Original XCOM)
Crusader Kings 2
Way too many for me to list, I would have to list my favourite 5 from every year for the last 40+ years and even that would be hard to narrow to 5. I play over 60 titles a year and being totally honest I like 99% of the titles I play
A lot depends on when you experienced the games. So for me its games like original Tomb Raider and StarCraft that I played as a kid in the 90s. There was nothing like this. Then there was KOTOR in the early 2000s.
Street Fighter 2
Unreal Tournament
Enemy Territory
Counter Srtike Source
Borderlands 2
Battlefield Bad Company 2
The Dizzy games
Tau Ceti
Sensible World of Soccer
Champ Manager
Timesplitters 2
Escape From Tarkov
No Man's Sky

I have no respect for anyone who lists Mario or Zelda games, they are merely quite good.
Multiplayer FPS
Medal of Honour Allied Assault
Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty 4
Counter Strike GO
Battlefield 4 & 1

Single Player
Dying Light 1
Wolfenstein The New Order

Just a few memorable, great games and more specifically in terms of the multiplayer ones “Great times, with great people!”
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