Your favourite video games of all time

Tony Crowthers 'Captive'(1990) more than likely, as it's the one I played the most, well until I couldn't (due to bugs).
That's the first title that came to me when I read the thread title :)
The Dizzy games
Tau Ceti
Sensible World of Soccer
Champ Manager
Timesplitters 2
Escape From Tarkov
No Man's Sky

I have no respect for anyone who lists Mario or Zelda games, they are merely quite good.
Considering that 4 of the top 10 rated games are Mario or Zelda your opinions are not universal.
Mariokart (SNES)
Horizon:Zero Dawn
Half Life 2
Darksiders I and II
Gears of War
Mario Odyssey

I really enjoyed Stellar Blade too so i'd probably also add this..
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Original Tomb Raiders
Sensible World Of Soccer (Amiga)
Kick Off (Amiga)
Dead Space Series
Doom and Quake Originals
Res Series
Onimusha Series

Really hard to answer really. 40 Years of gaming here and impossible to remember all of the great games I have played over the years. The ones above spring to mind but there are many more.
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Broken Sword
Resident Evil
Grim Fandango
Witcher 3
Mass Effect 2

Probably a load more I’ve forgotten too.
An all-time favourite game could be defined in terms of replayability...

As much as I've enjoyed the usual GOAT contenders like Dark Souls, Sekiro, Alien: Isolation etc, I'd go for DCS:World, Iracing or Assetto Corsa - these have infinite replay ability, challnge and depth.
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Fallout 3
CyberPunk (picking one of recent years)

I went PC only. Would have to add Zelda Links awakening on the gameboy for all time all platform, GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, MarioKart 64 too.
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Unreal Tournament - Instagib mutator. No other game since has grabbed me like that series. No blinking, tunnel vision, adrenaline on high twitch gaming at its best :D Nope not Quake :p

Reading through this thread I hadn't thought of this but the amount of fun I had, and only ever played with Instagib on, especially on my favourite map Facing Worlds. I will have to install UT tonight and have a go, against bots only as in this day and age my reactions are far too slow to play against real people.

As per the title of this thread, no idea really.

Star Wars Galaxies playing as a Bounty Hunter hunting Player Jedi, I had the most fun ever in PvP with that. I received my favourite ever in game insult from someone, must've been a young kid, when I killed a Jedi who was stupidly duelling one of his PA mates at a Star Port. He sent me a /tell saying "you're a poo head you are".

EVE Online. Played this for years and had great fun null sec roams, fighting in the big BoB war back in the 00's. Just chilling on voice comms seeing if a newly joined American would last in our Corp, mostly UK and Euro members but we took people from any where in the world, when they heard the excessive use, not to us, of the C word on voice comms. A few quit quite quickly, most didn't mind or started using the word a lot.

Early 00's MMOs as those days it was me and 3 mates, all playing together, so we had a ready made 4 person group. Great fun.

I loved the Infocom text adventure games back in the 80's.

Pong. In the 70's when we got our fist console Pong was awesome given we hadn't really seen anything like that in the home before. You could play games on your TV and given TV stations were sparse, and didn't run 24hrs in fact not broadcasting a lot of the daytime, this was a huge deal.

Ah nostalgia.
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