Your First Ever Game....

Was at a mate's house, but details are vague - anyone remember a Toshiba home computer (possibly MSX) from around 84 ?

Was a turn based survival game with some relation to predators/prey. Google isn't much use, it's just too obscure.
Aye, my first proper computer after my Tandy. MSX 10 i think mine was, came with a black cassette recorder and Microsoft basic v1.0.

No idea what the game was you're describing tho :(
possibly kung fu master on the arcade circa 1983, possibly stonkers or similar on my spectrum.. maybe even spy hunter on a mates bbc..

all I know is jesus christ weren't games crap! to every kids who slags off crysis.. LOOK WHAT WE HAD TO LIVE THROUGH!!!

Jet set w****r my ass!
That would be the games that came with the original 48k Spectrum.
The Horace series.
Hungry Horace from memory.

Most memorable game i bought for the Spectrum was Manic Miner.

I still own the spectrum, and it still works.
Not bad considering i got it XMAS 1982.
Alex Kidd in Miracle World on the Sega Master System. Damn, good times. I think the game was actually built into the console. :p So when you turned the console on with no game in it, Alex Kidd came on. :p

Same with me how sad is this my mum saw a competition on the side of a been can so we put in for it and won the console. my pall had the same one but with sonic built in so we used to swap consoles lol
I can't remember what it was called. I remember climbing ladders... that's about it. Amstrad.

Chucky egg?

Originally Posted by jdickerson View Post
I can't remember what it was called. I remember climbing ladders... that's about it. Amstrad.

That or space invaders.

Roland on the Ropes!!!

harrier attack, oh mummy! (tomb raiding game), and an assortment of dizzy games - amstrad cpc 464
first game i really remember completing was sonic the hedgehog 2 on the megadrive. I did have a C64 but i was really young then i dont remember that much with regards to the games.

by complete i do mean getting all the chaos emeralds therefore unlocking super sonic, 50rings and ZOOM ! you was gone like a flash.... is it lame remembering things like this ?
I can't even recall the name of my first computer. It was gray and black, the cartridges were huge (only had space invaders) and the controllers were joined to the console by curly wire. They were big with a control stick, 2 red rectangle buttons, then a grid of black rectangle buttons beneath them.
Next comp was a vic 20 (58k ram pack :D) where i'd spend hours typing basic commands to make balls bump around the screen.
Next was Commadore 64, then nes and amiga etc. Sadly, i've owned most consoles apart from the latest gen (my PC is meaty so I prefer it).
Strykers Run on the BBC Micro. The game I have probably played the most still is TwinTris on the Amiga, I haven't found a version of Tetris as good as TwinTris yet. Must have played it, what seems like every waking hour.

'Hopper', although more well known versions of it were called 'Frogger' I think... On my Acorn Electron!

You have to love the old Acorn Electron, and BBC Micros. You could SMASH the keyboard with both fists when things didn't go your way, and the whole room could shake, but little men inside running on treadmills to make the thing work just laughed at you!
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