Your First Ever Game....

A Soundic "Sports" console game which my dad won in a works raffle.

We didn't have a TV as we were too poor, so he went out and bought little black and white tv to play it on.

Those were the days....


Wow, until seeing that pic, I completely forgot about playing that when I was little. Fantastic stuff. :D
I played space invaders when i was about 5-6 must have been 79-80
the first game i played around someones house was pong on the old wooden atari
the first game i played at home i think was jet set willy on the 48K speccy.
ahh the good old days!!
My earliest memory of games - Vindaloo, Repton, Paperboy and Bulleyes all on the Acorn Electron
cant remember the game but im 99% sure it would be on the zx spectrum (the one with the plastic keyboard where the buttons were rounded off in the middles of them)

The game though god knows

EDIT: Knighs lore! OMG THAT GAME WAS AWESOME, just found videos on youtube

i only remember it in black and white though

EDIT2: perhaps it was an atari i had...though i specificly remember the circular buttons which the old old speccy had
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Well first "console" or "games machine" that I had was my 128k Spectrum with tape AND disk drive (yes I was privaledged to have the disk).

I think the first game I ever had was Bravestarr or Batman, both appauling by todays standards (thanks for the 20minute wait on tape to load).

Legendary stuff though :)
Chucky Egg on C64, I had the printer and the 5 1/4 Floppy Drive. With that and my Flat top hair cut i was the coolest cat in town ;)
It'd either have been Batman on the A500 or The Newzeland Story. I always used to play stuff on a friends Amstrad CPC464 before that.
Someone else has already said it. Pong on a Grandstand system 78-79 time. It also had 7 other games including 2-side football and a clay pidgeon shoot game. I was so jealous though when my neighbour got a Atari with Space Invaders on it :D
Mine was Dreaded Dragon Droom on the BBC Micro at school, don't know that counts so Wonderboy in monster land on the amazing Sega Master System.
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