Baldurs gate 3 for me. Prior to release I couldn’t have cared less as I wasn’t a fan of the genre. I picked it up to see what all the fuss was about and got hooked.
Finally a man with asteStar Citizen - yes I know its not finished ... but for the technical accomplishment it still looks amazing even when you go back to it.
If they can pull off the final result and not mess up Squadron 42 hopefully in my lifetime
'Should' be a good year for SC
Although didn't read the rules properly.. strictly speaking not a 2023 game but I feel will likely go on until 2123!Finally a man with aste
I love SC!!!
This year is looking to be a good one and would not be surprised if more and more ocuk members start playing it.Although didn't read the rules properly.. strictly speaking not a 2023 game but I feel will likely go on until 2123!
For all it's many many flaws it's kinda the space game most have wanted...but nowhere near finished.
This started off great but ultimately got really tedious I foundSystem Shock remake.