Your most disturbing movie scene?

Oldboy - won't mention the scene as it'll spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but those who have will know what I mean. There are others but that was the film that sprung to mind.
Belmit said:
Has to be when I saw Who Framed Roger Rabbit? at the cinema aged eight. Watching Judge Doom go under the steam roller was pretty horrific, as was the change in his character afterwards; oh god, the eyes...
I remember having to hide round the back of the sofa for that one :o :D
the bit at towards the end of 28 days later you know 'the bit with the eyes, if you've seen it you'll know what I mean.

saving private ryan always comes to mind wades death really upsets me I can hardly watch it :(
Raymond Lin said:
Audition was and still is the only movie with a scene that made me not just look away, but press Stop on the DVD player and take a breather before i can resume again.

Kiri kiri kiri kiri kiri kiri!

It was great showing that to my film class, even better that the class was being moderated that day, and the moderator has a fear of needles :D

I found most of Last House of the Left hard to watch (R1 uncut!) And the climatic scene as mentioned.

I've got Seven doors of Death to watch tonight ^^
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really cant remeber its name but it was french and hit it big over here, there was a rape scene in a underpass, very graphic and made me feel very hollow inside. thought about it for ages after, didnt enjoy the rest of the film due to it.


jaws coming up through the fishing boat when i was a nipper made me jump 7 feet into the air, my dad told me to sit in front of the screen, meanie!
As mentioned in the other thread it has to be the end of "Don't look now" when Donal Sutherland finally catches up with his daughter.

Se7en when the box arrives at the end. Didn't bother me when I saw it years ago as a teenager, but thinking about it now, it's just horrific.

Scarface, the chainsaw scene.
$loth said:
Kiri kiri kiri kiri kiri kiri!
AAAARRGH! I forgotten about that, reading that line gave me a genuine chill.

Gore doesn't really shock me a such but some of the scenes in Man Bites Dog were pretty gruesome, one rape scene in particular. The most disturbing for me though, are the russian roulette scenes in The Deer Hunter. Maybe it's because I was very caught up in the film but my guts were in a knot and my face screwed up, I wanted to stop watching but I couldn't.
The nun rape in Bad Lieutenant. Another scene that had absolutely no need to be there just like the Running Scared apartment scene.

Controversay for the sake of it!
I rarely find horror films or gore disturbing at all, that kind of thing dosn't effect me. Rape scenes on the other hand I have found particularly disturbing and sometimes hads stopped me watching a film altogether. i am trying to think which ones they are now, but they aren't coming to mind for some reason. I do remember though that I really wished I had never seen some of them and regretted watching the film.
By far, far away the 'Rape / Pole' scene in Cannibal Holocaust :(

A group of American youths are out in the jungle filming for a documentary about jungle tribes. We see this footage in 'blair witch style', veiwing what was filmed. They catch a native girl and show her to the camera saying what an incredible find this is. They then proceed to wrestle to the ground and group rape her whilst 'yee hah!ing' and 'yahoo'ing'. When the American woman claims this is a waste of film, they then beat her to the ground and seem to rape her as well. The next thing we know is that the Americans stumble across a girl who has been placed on a pole in the air completely impaled from her mouth to her other area, and is left suspended there. It is obviously the girl they have raped and they film saying how brutal and savage the natives must be. I felt like throwing up.

easyrider said:

In the tunnel :eek:


and in the scenes at start in the gay club aint much better either :eek: :eek:

second time i watched irreversible i actually felt so disturbed i skipped the scene in tunnel
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