Your motoring irritations

Middle lane morons
Foglight retards
Not indicating at roundabouts
People who park really boring cars over 2 spaces to avoid dings at the shops
People who brake for EVERYTHING, cars coming towards them, corners, signs, puddles
Foglights, rear foglights, headlights that are not set correct, lack of indication at any turn, people who go slow down a country lane and then speed through a town :mad: and people who sit on their brakes so the lights annoy me at a set of lights.
People who over use their brakes annoy me.

You'll come up to a roundabout and they are braking hundreds of yards too early and riding their brakes for ages.

They end up crawling the last 50 or 60 yards to the junction, crazy!

Same with corners, bit of a bend in the road, must slow down!
Letting people out and not saying thank you :mad:

People who sit in the middle lane :mad:

People who indicate and then slow down to a crawl to turn :mad:

People who fly up an outside lane and budge into a line of traffic :mad:

Basically, other people.
See i can forgive lack of indication, foglights etc.
but what really bugs me is SLOW people, frustrates me so much, 40 in a 60 when the road is clear, but what irritates me even more are the same ones that when you hit a 30 zone carry on to do 40 all the way through, i dont get it!
I can forgive a lot of things, but pulling out in front of me then not getting up to speed is annoying; especially if there's no traffic following me. - Why can't they just wait the extra 20 seconds for me to go past?

Something I find really funny is the BMW/Audi drivers who absolutely must get past my 20-year old Japanese rust box. - The longer I can hold them up the better; I don't care how aggressive they want to be.
People not showing any thanks if I let them out/give way to them.
Driving when it's very sunny right after a big shower of rain (hello blindness).
People pulling out on me and then just dawdling around accelerating slowly.
Signalling at the last second after slamming on their breaks. Having to play a guessing game on roundabouts because people find it too much effort to use their indicators. People who speed in a 30 (35 or 40) and go no faster in national speed limit areas.
Whats wrong with that?

They're useless. Either it's dark enough to need your lights on, or it isn't :p

My irritations.. I don't honestly know where to start. It'd be easier to say what doesn't irritate me. But I'll have a go:

As said, people sitting at traffic lights with their foot on the brake in their brand new Mercedes with ridiculously bright rear lights.

People who approach traffic lights / traffic, slow down practically to a stop 2 car lengths from the front of the queue and then slowly creep forward. Argh.

People who follow someone so closely in traffic that they're constantly on the brakes, off the brakes, on the brakes, off the brakes, on the brakes, off the brakes. Just hang back a bit!

People with no observational skills who only see about one car length directly in front of them. People utterly oblivious to things such as motorway slip roads and don't give way to a stream of traffic entering the motorway when there is obviously plenty of opportunity to do so, or on the flip side, people who dribble along the slip road at 40mph.

People who don't know how wide their car is.

People who indicate around parked cars and cyclists.

People who drive unnecessarily slowly for the conditions.

Citroen Xsara Picassos.


Lane hoggers. And people who brake on the motorway. Obviously the exception to this is if everyone is stopping or there is a hazard, or someone in a white Audi has just carved you up.

White Audis.

Motorway matrix signs that say "FOG" when the fog is so thick you can barely read the sign. Cheers.

Poor road planning. Shrubbery right up to large roundabouts, for instance. I know the idea is to make it 'safer' or some nonsense, but it isn't very efficient or conducive to good traffic flow. It's no wonder people don't know how to anticipate a gap and just come to a near stop on any roundabout regardless of whether it's 3am and there's no cars, or not. Pedestrian crossings in silly places, like on the sliproads from roundabouts onto motorways/dual carriageways.

Speed bumps.

I'll no doubt think of others as the day goes by.
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One less Little Chef in the UK. :p

The idiot I encountered today. There was a fair bit of rain last night, and a few puddles on the roads on my work route this morning. I was stuck behind a Toyota Landcruiser Amazon who literally slowed to 10MPH to go through a puddle that didn't even span half the width of the road, let alone go deeper than halfway up the walls of my tyres. Serious :confused: from me. YOU'RE DRIVING A TANK, NOT AN F1 CAR!!

Pet Hates,


Perhaps people who drive through standing water at high speed just because they can! Splashing Pavements (and anybody who might be on them) Eroding grass verges where pavements are absent (which blocks the drains and makes the flooding worse) Throws water into the paths of other vehicles and damages the road surface (Driving through puddles at speed "Fracks" the road surface, that why you always see loads more potholes after very wet weather)

10MPH is quite plenty for water more than an inch or two deep, And Yes, I DO drive an LC Amazon. One of the "Off Road" rules is to treat all puddles as bottomless pits unless you know otherwise! A bit extreme for On-road perhaps but that 1" puddle could still be hiding a 4" pothole and you wouldn't want to hit that at 30!
People who dont know the 'right of way' rule then look at you like you are in the wrong f'in n blinding through window at you.

I think it about it for days hoping i bump into them to correct their ways one way or another.
People who drive like absolute wangs yet get offended when someone beeps their horn at them. Had this happen in Birmingham a week ago, some utter retard swerved between me and another car on a roundabout and nearly wiped the front of my car out, a couple of 'friendly' beeps and he spends the next 30 mins playing games with me on the M42/M6 and M1 trying to put me in dangerous positions before I got fed up and put my foot down. All while in a company van covered in phone numbers and email addresses, are people really this stupid?
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