*your name* needs...

Andrew needs a belt. Andrew is showing his undies, what a classy moment.
Andrew needs sleep, badly (so true)
Andrew needs help (probably :D )
Andrew Needs More Work (nope im fine as i am ;) )
Andrew needs someone who will see through his behaviour and help him,
Andrew needs a permanent placement in the north west (i really hope the last two are about an animal :eek: )
Andrew needs all the prayers he can get

Oh and this one http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/andrewgott/entry/ok_a_couple :p
Daniel's needs are like any other two-year-old (wth)

Ooooh someone already done it for my name. Lazy 4tw

Daniel needs protection from his own bad decisions.
Daniel needs someone to brush his teeth for him each night just before he is put to bed.
Daniel needs all of his food cut into small pieces.
Daniel needs time and understanding that he has many feelings of grief, loss, and abandonment.
Daniel needs IT.
Daniel needs some advice on being sued by a buyer
Daniel needs to wear the green pants and a sleeveless balck t-shirt. Then accessorize with a P-90.
Daniel needs help palm sterine granules.
Daniel needs to happen.
Daniel needs to start ACTING like an 18 year old man and tell Lily to take her meat. hhahahahahahahahaha
Daniel needs more beer.
Daniel needs to think about his pension.
Daniel needs it to work on his D template library.
Daniel needs to settle down with a wife.
Daniel needs advice if he should continue to Philadelphia and deliver the message, or if he should refuse to carry out a friend’s final wishes.
Daniel needs to rock out, and he needs to rock out with a band.
Daniel needs an operation.
Daniel needs water once a month and needs to be in sunlight.
Daniel needs some money to buy a duffle coat that is in fashion
Daniel needs to be the only child in the household, or the youngest by 5 years.
Considering the first reply stole my real name..

"Gord needs to take more vacations"..

and too damn right.. wait a second.. ive now got 4 weeks off.. this thing is bloody magic!
gord said:
Considering the first reply stole my real name..

"Gord needs to take more vacations"..

and too damn right.. wait a second.. ive now got 4 weeks off.. this thing is bloody magic!

Your name's Holly?

Sucks to be you dude :p

(awesome real real name by the way :D)
Lewis Needs a Kidney :eek:
Lewis needs his rock
Lewis needs to listen to history.
Lewis Needs No Introduction
Lewis 'needs' two more Super wins
Lewis doesn't need much to make him happy.
Lewis needs to get it through his head that Joe Manchin is his enemy.

Hell yea!
Mark Needs A Chick
Mark needs more room
Mark needs to relax more
Mark Needs Help!
Mark needs some help from up above
Mark needs help to avoid another 2nd-place points finish

Matt needs a car
Matt needs his elbowroom
Matt needs a sponsor
Matt needs tasks
Matt needs money
Matt needs a partner
Matt needs a fan club
Matt needs prayers
Matt needs help

I never knew Google could know so many of my needs. If anyone wants to sponsor me or just give me money for being me please feel free :p
"The shelter of a generously planted hedgerow is just what this adult treefrog needs."
That'll be a frisbee tree then. ;)

"treefrog needs temporary pools or permanent water for breeding"
In the bath ladies?

"treefrog needs a 20 gallon minimum tank"
How about a Chieftain? :D
Apostolis needs a car
Apostolis needs money
Apostolis needs some food right now
Apostolis needs to get off his arse and cook.

holly35 said:
Holly needs to stop selling her body and concentrate on her singing abit!

Tell me more.
Last edited:
Antoni needs to stand by his player, not make him sound like he is slacking because he isn't ready to come back yet.
Antoni needs to utilize his bench much more
Antoni needs to have a shorter leash on Q when He starts going astray

And my personal favourite
Antoni needs to stop MAKING Them low budget porn flix

Ant :cool:
Chris needs your sex talk
Christopher needs a LIFE
Chris needs no mic stand
once a year Chris needs to check that everything is going well
Christopher needs to cool down abit
Christopher needs supervision
Thinking is good and Chris needs to do some, fast
Chris needs to give me cancer
Chris Needs his First Man **** WTF?

Andy needs no help,
Andy needs a BAD girl,
Andy needs NHS tutoring,
Andy needs your vote Monday night,
Andy needs some help looking around Manhattan for his Mojo,
Andy needs some assistance with stairs and a boost into the car.

Didn't realise I'd lost my mojo :eek: But I suppose a bad girl could always be fun:D
Gibran needs most of all to be heard
Gibran needs no introduction
Gibran needs a girlfriend

cant stop laughing at them as they are all so true!
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