Your random pictures..

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Plus-44 said:
We made this dish when we were rather drunk, theres nothing nasty in it just a lot of kitchen food and drink. It started out by frying some bread in lemonade and just got worse. There is also countless quantities of alcohol in there too from brandy to rum to fosters.


Then someone had a spoonful, yummy!


Looks like an average curry from my local indian !


Castle Romeo, American thermonuclear test- 27th March, 1954. A 'dry' fusion device using lithium deuteride fuel, it produced a yield of 11 Megatons (11 Million tons of a TNT equivalent). It was the first American thermonuclear test to be conducted on a barge, as previous tests had a habit of wiping out the islands the tests were stationed on.

Afterwards, the innards of the 'Runt' device that produced the explosion found their way into the MK-17 bomb:


The Runt-


Romeo's mushroom cloud is a archetypal example of a thermonuclear detonation, for me. It's an image that is often used by the media when nuclear weapons are mentioned, even though today's weapons are different in size and purpose.

Bit of a history lesson, and nothing like what's been posted so far, but hey, it's a random image. And a striking one, at that.

Remember, kids! Duck and cover :)
Whats the story with these Nuke testing Islands. Are they unihabitable now, if so for how long?
How big are the islands?
Mic said:
Whats the story with these Nuke testing Islands. Are they unihabitable now, if so for how long?
How big are the islands?

Bikini Atoll was the primary site for US hydrogen bomb tests, in the Marshall Islands.



There were 67 nuclear tests conducted in the Marshall Islands. The inhabitants of Bikini were moved to nearby islands, and have yet to return to their home island, despite one cleanup operation in the 70's. Three Islands were vaporized during the nuclear tests: Bokonijien, Aerokojlol and Nam.
Fusion said:
There were 67 nuclear tests conducted in the Marshall Islands. The inhabitants of Bikini were moved to nearby islands, and have yet to return to their home island, despite one cleanup operation in the 70's. Three Islands were vaporized during the nuclear tests: Bokonijien, Aerokojlol and Nam.
Holy hell :eek:
homerio said:


thanks for reminding me of moshzilla.

it was like broadband but gone international, some of the edited pictures had me on the floor crying when i first seen them
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