your thoughts on the midlife crisis

Lots of cats - Check
Traveling a lot, especially cruises - Check
Fast car/motorbike - I don't even have a license
Still DJing/making music - Check
Putting more effort into health & fitness - Check
Enjoying chilling at home with the wife - Check

Early 40s, and I think I will be skipping the mid-life crisis as I am already playing a game of flipping between 20s fun and being retired :D
Retiring while not something to yearn for, live a little first, is a second teen /twenties without the angst. I can grow my hair, wear what I like, do mostly what I like or nothing at all. Revisit old vinyl. Less driving more cycling. Go places. Don't stress about the news.
So maybe the midlife crisis has translated to late fifties and early sixties just before you give up the day job for a well earned rest.
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I turned 40 last December. Spent my birthday relaxing on the beach in Morocco, thinking about the last 40 years. It put a smile on my face as I am fit and healthy because I didn't smoke or drink my younger years away. Something too many take for granted.

Midlife crisis....nah. More like First World problems.
Just turned 44.

Been going through it in some way or another recently. The past few years actually. Ticked all the main boxes in life. House, offspring, respectable and well compensated career. Nowhere else to go from here really. Higher positions, higher pay, don't need the money or the stress. The past three years have been much of the same. Prior to that my life always seemed to be in flux. Always running, scheming, hustling, and trying to get somewhere.

I’m in a pretty enviable position, but somehow it all feels very ‘meh’ some days. I’ve lost interest in most of the things I happily did in my 20s and 30s. These days I only seem to want to exercise, read, hang with my family, hike, and do stuff around the house. Don’t even really care about travelling any more. Although I am heading over to Australia twice more this year with a big European trip starting in February. I can take it or leave it.

Believe me, if it was a question of just buying more stuff like some in the thread is doing, it’ll make my life a million times easier. If I cared about screaming for a sports ball team of some sort, or even a political ‘team’, my life would be a million times easier.

And then there’s the people in my life getting older, people dying, people changing. I knew ageing is a thing obviously, but it all seemed very abstract when you’re younger. Until the cold reality of it sets in and you realize it’s all true and very real, and happening to you.

I should definitely count my blessings more and remember that there’s billions of people in the world that would just about give anything to swap positions with me.
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