Your top 5 films (not judging, looking for options)

Time Bandits
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Tit for tat (Laurel and Hardy short)
Dumb and dumber.
The Shawshank Redemption

"Come And See" by Elem Klimov. The war film to end all war films. Absolutely horrific.
The Wizard of Oz. Just magic. I still FEAR THE WITCH
Those magnificent men and their flying machines. Fun, and they built and flew those ridiculous planes for the film.
Unforgiven. Clint is a terrifying force of nature.
Gran Turino. And he still is...
Robin Hood (Errol Flynn version). An entertaining romp, with maybe the best swordfight ever staged.
Raiders of the lost ark.
Blade Runner
First Man

Choosing 5 is hard! I made a list a while back and my top 10 ended up as a top 30 as I just couldn't cut any of them.
It is interesting reading this thread and seeing so many sequels rated as the better film.

Personally, always felt in the minority and favoured the first film, e.g. Star Wars, Rocky, The Godfather, Alien, The Terminator were better films than subsequent sequels. Sequels usually are a bigger budget and look slicker.
The Terminator were better films than subsequent sequels. Sequels usually are a bigger budget and look slicker.

I always thought T2 was great but not as good as the original. It was basically a remake of the first but lost the dark tone and introduced a kid and some cheese.
It is interesting reading this thread and seeing so many sequels rated as the better film.

Personally, always felt in the minority and favoured the first film, e.g. Star Wars, Rocky, The Godfather, Alien, The Terminator were better films than subsequent sequels. Sequels usually are a bigger budget and look slicker.

Generally I agree - Alien and Aliens though I don't think either is better but if I had to choose one to watch it would be Aliens every time. I think it is a rare example where they've made a satisfying follow up where trying to *just* ape the original as so many sequels do wouldn't have delivered at that time while still being spiritually close to the original movie.
Top Gun
Star Wars
Child's Play

Of course many others have left an impression over the years there the 5 that always come to front of mind though
Bourne Identity
The Upside
Freedom Writers
Coach Carter

In no particular order and I couldn't even say I like these 5 movies more than many others that I left out.
Deep Red
Raiders of the Lost Ark

Videodrome, Lost Boys, First Blood, Alien, Aliens, The Terminator, Platoon, The Thing, The Dark Knight, Bladerunner 2049, Carlito's Way, State of Grace
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Halloween (1978)
The Thing (1982)

These four were easy choices for me, and 5th place can change, but at present :

It is interesting reading this thread and seeing so many sequels rated as the better film.

Personally, always felt in the minority and favoured the first film, e.g. Star Wars, Rocky, The Godfather, Alien, The Terminator were better films than subsequent sequels. Sequels usually are a bigger budget and look slicker.
Surprised you state Godfather better than pt2. Part 2 is phenomenal compared to the first one, and the first one was super duper. Part 3 though, yeah it was ok/good? but I think they left it too long to make it. Or should have not made it at all. Actually, I need to re-watch them all now.
@Droolinggimp I personally found the first Godfather has so many iconic scenes that makes it my number 1.

Marlon Brando's legendary offer, the Sinatra connotation, hospital and café scenes. Michael Corleone's reluctant rise to power.

All three Godfather films are decent, the third is the weakest but in no way would I say it ruins the series.

There are some brilliant films mentioned in this thread, Jaws is another, which if remade tomorrow, I highly doubt it would ever beat the chemistry and edge of the original cast. The original will always be the best.
Dune (2021)

This is top 5 films that I'd want to sit down and enjoy watching again.....which isn't necessarily the same as top 5 on artistic merit :P

Well, the first 3 are stone cold classics....
Blue Velvet
Star Wars Empire Strikes Back
Dune 1984

I completely forgot about Young Frankenstein, that should be on the very top of my list.

Edit: And Trading Places
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I'd find it hard to even do a top 20 but here are some of mine

Shawshank Redemption
Fight Club
Terminator 2
The Matrix
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