Your top iphone apps!

Is anyone else having issues with Showtime? I have a unlocked and jailbroken 2g iphone with the 2.01 firmware on and have installed showtime and it doesn't work? All that happens when i click on it is i get a purple bar at the top and then nothing until it goes back to the desktop?
Yeah, why else would I post that?

Just wanted an excuse to post a rainbow really ;)
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Papijump.. nto so much for me but the wife loves it i have got a better score than her tho lool
23,000 my best so far
Simplify media is awsome, i'm loving this app.

It lets you share your music from your itunes coolection,winamp or music folder etc and send it to your iphone anywhere aslong as you have a wifi, edge or 3g connection.

Free to for now.
Simplify media is awsome, i'm loving this app.

It lets you share your music from your itunes coolection,winamp or music folder etc and send it to your iphone anywhere aslong as you have a wifi, edge or 3g connection.

Free to for now.

Yeah it's ace. My username : ojhaslam
well iam loving the iphone and all the apps so are great but how do u delete the ones you dont want ive deleted it for the apps in itunes amd it say's it will delete it for on your ipod/iphone when sync'd but it does not remove it from the phone

what am i doing wrong ?

Sorry if i posted in wrong place
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Press and hold the icon on the iPod, it should start shaking and there should be a red x above the app.
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