I've just started watching this one, but I'm putting it here ASAP. It's a serious experiment regarding arrows vs armour, organised by Tod Todeschini. Not a TV special drama scene with a perconceived result. Not a well intentioned but under-funded rough experiment with stuff people had to hand. This has a professional fletcher, a professional armourer and a bowyer who is also an archer up to standard for a medieval English or Welsh longbowman, shooting a 160lb war bow modelled on the closest historical bows we have - the Mary Rose bows. The arrows and armor and general conditions are set for the battle of Agincourt because a lot is known about it so reasonably accurate recreation of bow vs armour can be done for it. Oversight is provided by Tobias Capwell, who's as good an expert on late medieval armour as you could find anywhere. Looks like it's going to be quality testing all round.
EDIT: Nice...they mounted the breastplate correctly - ballistic gel on a weighted movable frame to replicate a human body, arming garment, mail, plate. Extra testing with the exterior fabric armour commonly worn by French soldiers (those who could afford to be armoured in plate) of the time over the top of the rest, which showed why they wore it, period-correct arrow heads, some case-hardened using the techniques available at the time and some not (because doing so was extremely labour intensive and so probably wasn't normal) and a final test with arrow heads made from the most appropriate modern steel with modern hardening and shot from just 10 metres.
Looked this up after hearing it on the radio to see who the guitarist was...seemed pretty extreme playing even for the 80”s!
Thought Yngwie only did instrumental stuff!
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