Youtubers asking for donations

Many a people have turned a hobby into a job. Just because it may not be what you consider a job does not mean that it takes as many hours if not more than the majority of jobs out there. He is in the fortunate position that he can ask people to help him take it to the next level which he may very well be doing.

If you do not ask you do not get, You may consider it cheeky the next person may happily throw some cash at him to help him continue to produce the content they have until this point consumed for free.

Absolutely. It's not harming anyone, and he's obviously providing viewing pleasure for his subscribers and donators.

Just becuase some people don't get it (and are possibly jealous) doesn't mean the chap is doing anything wrong by asking for money, and indeed getting it. It's not ebegging when you're providing a service.
He has a good rig its a bit cheeky to ask for donations for better stuff which there isnt a lot more he can do to improve his videos except for a i7 maybe.

A new monitor if he did ask for one that was 144mhz is a bit daft too cos that only effects him not his videos really at all. The recording tool will record what the gpu outputs not what the display outputs.

If he wants to do better videos tell him to save his money up or stop making videos and get a job or better job to get the stuff he wants.
He has a good rig its a bit cheeky to ask for donations for better stuff which there isnt a lot more he can do to improve his videos except for a i7 maybe.

A new monitor if he did ask for one that was 144mhz is a bit daft too cos that only effects him not his videos really at all. The recording tool will record what the gpu outputs not what the display outputs.

If he wants to do better videos tell him to save his money up or stop making videos and get a job or better job to get the stuff he wants.

His rig is better than mine, ISadly I cant stream myself but I would if I could.

Unless he was streaming on a pc breaking appart at the seems, I wouldnt even consider donating.
I am not sure what he is expecting in the sense of improved performance. He has an overclocked 4 core 8 threaded ivybridge. I assume he wants X99 and either 6 or 8 cores (a lot of donations, then!). I can't see it making that much of a difference, a matter of a few minutes depending how multi-threaded and optimized the software he uses is.

More likely an excuse to ask for money. Up to him, we all need/like money.
I actually really like Battle(non)sense. Easily compares to some of the best produced content on YouTube.

I've never donated a penny. Don't have a problem with him asking though.
But don't tell me that that my hardware is not slowing me down and becoming a problem
That sounds like a response to a troll post, so I would like to know exactly what it was the OP said to him in the first place.
We have only really seen 1 side of the conversation so far.
To everyone saying it's not a job - YouTubers create consumable content for millions of people. Some of those channels require a huge amount of time dedicated to learning software, researching your subject, takes and retakes, and editing. There are expensive overheads too: if you think some videos aren't produced with industry-grade cameras, lighting rigged and proper microphones then you're out of touch.

If you are producing something and receiving money in return - it's a job.
That sounds like a response to a troll post, so I would like to know exactly what it was the OP said to him in the first place.
We have only really seen 1 side of the conversation so far.

Find his latest video on youtube and read the conversation. I am not going to link it as I don't agree with "donations" for non essential/luxury hardware.
Find his latest video on youtube and read the conversation. I am not going to link it as I don't agree with "donations" for non essential/luxury hardware.

So if he said 'Please donate to let me spend money on things totally unrelated to the videos you will be watching in the future' would you still be moaning just as much? :rolleyes:
Many a people have turned a hobby into a job. Just because it may not be what you consider a job does not mean that it takes as many hours if not more than the majority of jobs out there. He is in the fortunate position that he can ask people to help him take it to the next level which he may very well be doing.

If you do not ask you do not get, You may consider it cheeky the next person may happily throw some cash at him to help him continue to produce the content they have until this point consumed for free.

Well more fool them to be perfectly honest. Its his hobby and hes basically e-begging in my opinion. Once it becomes a service where its his job and a business then ask for investors or whatever. Hope hes paying taxes on the income in that case :p

I think its a sign of the times...its sad...youngsters in my day (not that long ago!) would never dream of begging for cash from complete strangers to get a better pc so he can continue to do something he enjoys.

Absolutely. It's not harming anyone, and he's obviously providing viewing pleasure for his subscribers and donators.

Just becuase some people don't get it (and are possibly jealous) doesn't mean the chap is doing anything wrong by asking for money, and indeed getting it. It's not ebegging when you're providing a service.

If hes providing a service then i assume hes declaring his income to the taxman :p Once it becomes a service and his subscribers are really paid customers then yeah its fine i don't have a problem if people want to invest in his channel.

But atm it comes across as e-begging to me. I'm not jealous at all. Its just my opinion :)

Bit like those websites where people setup an account and basically beg people for money so they can do all these adventures all over the world...

In my saved money so you could go gallivanting around the world. Or wanted to upgrade your pc for your hobby.

These days just jump on the internet and beg...someone out there will be willing to throw a few coins your way as long as you have no pride or self respect.
I can't say from a Youtube side - mainly cause I don't use it, but on Twitch I see people getting constat donations + those that get partnered get a subscription aswell

As a Streamer, Yes i would like to be partnered and do it as a full time job - but that takes the fun out of it for me.

I stream for myself, no other reason, just for myself - if people like it and want to watch then thats great - if not, well thats fine aswell :)

I do have a small band of followers (150 ish) and I will never ask for anything from them - irrespective of number.

I am tempted to try youtube gaming see what it's like though for the fun side
Sounds like he just needs to change his editing software to something with better GPU encoding. I have my own youtube gaming channel which is doing pretty well over its 4 1/2 month life so far and I use both cyberlink powerdirector 13 and adobe premiere pro depending on my requirements at the time. If I want to do a "lets play" style video, premiere pro is faster to use, whilst powerdirector 13 absolutely annihilates it on production time on videos full of images, gifs etc.

Asking for donations is a bit cheeky though in my opinion. If hes got a successful channel, he should approach it like a business and make an investment in the hardware he "wants" to make things better. For clarity, I produce 1080p 60fps very high quality video with the best audio and lighting setup I could get my hands on. I do it as a hobby, yet still but the investment in as people don't want to watch crap quality content in a world of full HD everything. Adapt or die, simple really.
its always great on twitch when you see people involved with the streamer sending money to get the donations started. see it so many times

oh look i cant believe it someone just sent me £50 ! :eek: :p then you google and see its his mate or brother :D
female gamers are purely there for pervs to look at all day, especially before twitches ban on boob flashing.

it annoys me aswell, it means many male gamers have to work harder sometimes because we don't have huge breasts XD

You can't just generalise a whole gender like that. You have to realise that some female streamers are nothing like that and people watch them for more than just because LOL GIRL XD.
I have a youtube channel I tend to upload raw videos; if I'm dieing a lot etc; it doesn't get edited out.

I do it because I like to record; I got 252 videos now; most are like let's play. Some follow guilds I'm in doing ops or pvp........I don't see a problem people asking for donations. You don't have to; doesn't kill ya.

When I move I'll start streaming. I have a few that have asked me to start streaming now; but I'd need a seperate mic and actual working webcam/camera lol :D
I have a youtube channel I tend to upload raw videos; if I'm dieing a lot etc; it doesn't get edited out.

I do it because I like to record; I got 252 videos now; most are like let's play. Some follow guilds I'm in doing ops or pvp........I don't see a problem people asking for donations. You don't have to; doesn't kill ya.

When I move I'll start streaming. I have a few that have asked me to start streaming now; but I'd need a seperate mic and actual working webcam/camera lol :D

What's your channel's name?
Adults influencing kids to give them money shouldn't be allowed but it's all part of the sexualization and monetization of the young agenda.

It wouldn't be tolerated if adults hung around school gates asking kids for their pocket money (in a non threatening manner) yet somehow it's fine online.

what utter nonsense. adults have been influencing kids to give them their money since the inception of targeted advertising (and probably before that)

think of the adverts for kids toys and games, you know the ones that are shown predominantly during kids prime time viewing schedule?!

that is adults and that is tolerated.

this is the same, some folks who are adults are providing a 'show' that kids enjoy watching - so they give them the big sell and try to get some ££'s out of them. or rather their parents. now this may be morally wrong but it certainly is nothing like some adults hanging round outside a school asking kids for their money. how you came to that comparison is baffling :confused:
I dont see a problem with donating.. if your enjoy watching someone game.

Its voluntary after all.

We pay to watch football / cricket / Tennis and they are already paid huge sums... so why not.
People tend to be happy to pay for what they enjoy. The Youtuber is not excluding those not donating, so there is no problem with asking.
I do a weekly podcast for the Dungeon Crawler Network, and a the beginning of the show we let viewers know where they can go to support us if they wish to, or if not then just to let friends know about us.
The money raised helps cover the site cost, a community Teamspeak Server, and helped expand the Network to podcast more shows - rather than just an ESO podcast there is an FFXIV one, a monthly general gaming on and now another show.
So, money voluntarily donated has allowed the site to expand and provide more entertainment for those that enjoy it - their money has brought them more entertainment.

But ultimately, whether money people donate is going towards better entertainment or just being spent on whatever, it doesn't really matter - people donate because they wish to and feelthe entertainment is worth it, the streamer gets money which helps encourage him to keep on doing what he does.
tbh his specs are fine, I video edit and twitch stream fine on my 3770k with minimal impacts.

BUT! If I had the following i'd leave a donation link on my youtube/twitch channel, I have a small following now but I won't put a link up I'd find it cheeky in myself as a new/small streamer to do such a thing.

if I had the chance to make money from it and leave my current job, i'd do it in a heart beat, provide an entertaining service, upgrade my kit to improve stream/video quality and churn out content faster, More importantly for me no longer have to get up at silly o'clock get stuck in traffic, no longer being depressed in said job as you are in your own environment you're comfortable with and you are your own boss, control your own hours.

my two cents, it would make my life hell of a lot better.
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