Youtubers asking for donations

Is this now the norm for content creators on Youtube to ask for money after they get partially successful? Am I being unreasonable as his hardware is really showing it's age with the content he creates? To me he just wants luxury items and I know people will say well if you enjoy his videos and want to make his task easier for him then donate.

I did question him directly and this was his reply.

interesting how you seem to know the challenges I face in the production of my videos due to my current hardware.
Guess you also work a lot with After Effects, 1080p60 material, color correction, 10+ video layer editing and capturing gameplay at 60FPS using dxtory as no other capture tool is able to provide proper video quality? And no, shadowplay does not provide good video quality because thats not what nvec is meant for.

3770 was good enough as long as YT was 30FPS - to work and produce everything in 60FPS is a whole new level where I have to wait for the CPU to finish processing a lot. And that is a problem considering the limited amount of time I have available to produce videos. Most of the time I have to stay up until 3AM just because of all the times I am waiting for the processing to finish, instead of being able to go to bed at 1AM.

So if you don't want to support me then this is okay! But don't tell me that that my hardware is not slowing me down and becoming a problem, as you have no clue what I do here.

I think it's the norm these days. But in regards to what he does, I also work a lot with After Effects, 1080p60 material, color correction, 10+ video layer editing and capturing gameplay at 60FPS using dxtory. But my specs are slightly older than his (i5 2500k, GTX670, 16GB RAM). Video editing rendering time consuming but I don't think it's that bad, obviously depending on your hardware and such. Videos do take time to process depending on settings, length of video and all the extra added effects. But if he's complaining about losing 2 hours of sleep and not getting to bed until 3am then to shave that much time off based on his current rig he would need a serious high end spec imo.

As for the donations, not a fan so I've never really donated to anyone when it comes to YT/Streamers but each to there own. I'd rather spend my money on some quality beers to enjoy myself rather than fund new hardware for someone else.
It shocks me how much people are prepared to give to YT/Twitch streamers and the like.

But ultimately, as long as they're giving it freely...
The quick answer here I think is he wants to make a living from being a broadcaster. Really when I see people do that from games its because of sponsors (large companies) more then advertising or anything else

Apparently the rates on youtube used to be a lot more generous then now. Unless your mate is getting a million views I doubt he is comfortable and no doubt aspires to more
He should at least be getting the gear free and he can flash the company logo or wear their jacket or something. People get gamer chairs free because the company logo on the headrest and displayed everytime they address the audience.
Baffles me that anybody even watches these randomers play a game rather than just play themselves. I understand watching some really high skill ceiling game tournament where you can see stuff you potentially couldnt pull off yourself. But the amount of money people like lirik make by playing any old game at a mediocre level and having thousands of people watching him do it? crazy.

On topic, you arent being forced to pay, and why not just get extra cash for nothing from strangers. Costs him nothing to ask for the donation.
I donate to one guy ($5 a month) because for that couple of quid, I get 3 videos a week of informative content from a guy who I genuinely find funny and I'm happy to support.

There are also plenty of other people I'm subscribed to but don't donate to.

Horses for courses; donate if you want, don't if you don't want.
I think it's just natural progression for ALL content creators. You start of small, build your fan base and when you start getting enough subscribers power gets to your head and you start requesting money, approach sponsors as Youtube ad revenue is no longer enough. What you happily spent time doing before is now considered a means of income and entertainment for those subscribers you built and you can take advantage of that by asking for donations.

If he stays up until 3am then that's his lifestyle choice and following on from his last video - The one where he mentioned his Brother in Law died and said enjoy every minute of your life then he must enjoy staying up late rendering.

Whilst the reason for his latest donation is something I disagree with I think that it just becomes the norm for all content creators as a way getting something for free. It goes from being a personal hobby to something that is strictly business.

Anyway thanks for your opinions, gave me some food for thought and due to "tone" I got from his reply I've unsubscribed from him.
I think it's just natural progression for ALL content creators. You start of small, build your fan base and when you start getting enough subscribers power gets to your head and you start requesting money, approach sponsors as Youtube ad revenue is no longer enough. What you happily spent time doing before is now considered a means of income and entertainment for those subscribers you built and you can take advantage of that by asking for donations.

If he stays up until 3am then that's his lifestyle choice and following on from his last video - The one where he mentioned his Brother in Law died and said enjoy every minute of your life then he must enjoy staying up late rendering.

Whilst the reason for his latest donation is something I disagree with I think that it just becomes the norm for all content creators as a way getting something for free. It goes from being a personal hobby to something that is strictly business.

Anyway thanks for your opinions, gave me some food for thought and due to "tone" I got from his reply I've unsubscribed from him.

I suspect he's not really in a normal frame of mind at the moment due to the life issues that have been occurring. People say and do funny things under those circumstances and it's not really a true reflection of their character.
Its his hobby, if he has followers who are grateful / daft / stupid enough to want to donate to him then good luck to him!

I fail to see asking for a donation is taking the ****, taking the **** is forcing somebody to pay for your crap!
Not surprised at this kinda things nowadays.

Its all me me me me culture these days.

In days gone by...only scum and chavs would even have the brass neck to even ask this...

I'd tell him to get off his arse and get a job. Maybe then he would be able to afford the tech for his hobby...
Don't worry about it a fool and their money are easily parted.

If people are stupid enough to give strangers doing often nothing more than playing a game money then let the idiots do it.

I know what you mean though I cringe at the twitch tv types subbing and donating constantly to streamers imo it's like some weird modern Fagin pied piper stuff.

Adults influencing kids to give them money shouldn't be allowed but it's all part of the sexualization and monetization of the young agenda.

It wouldn't be tolerated if adults hung around school gates asking kids for their pocket money (in a non threatening manner) yet somehow it's fine online.
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For me if Youtuber are surviving on donations (Patreon etc.), then either they aren't good enough, have missed the boat or are unlucky at what they are doing. I've never donated but would consider it if I found a channel that produced content I thought was good enough and I really liked.

They are so many poorly produced, poor quality, rushed uploads in an effort to keep people interested on YT, that I don't think it's a bad think if the gold rush slows down in terms of people trying to make money. Similar to media website I'm fairly sick of reading reviews of non-qualified, so called journalists.
the biggest youtuber that ****es me off with the donations thing, is kitty plays..
She is a female pc gamer.. and of course, being female, she gets a lot of attention..
She has videos of people donations $5,000 dollars in one donation etc..

She even built a $15,000 gaming rig from donations..

Dont get me wrong, like previously said, they make the vids, you watch them, then sure they can accept donations..

but this, kitty plays... she is a terrible gamer! plays CS:GO, and gets rekt constantly..
but thinks she plays good because she has a good team that carries her..
So the fame and donations is all because she is female..

which really ****es me off
the biggest youtuber that ****es me off with the donations thing, is kitty plays..
She is a female pc gamer.. and of course, being female, she gets a lot of attention..
She has videos of people donations $5,000 dollars in one donation etc..

She even built a $15,000 gaming rig from donations..

Dont get me wrong, like previously said, they make the vids, you watch them, then sure they can accept donations..

but this, kitty plays... she is a terrible gamer! plays CS:GO, and gets rekt constantly..
but thinks she plays good because she has a good team that carries her..
So the fame and donations is all because she is female..

which really ****es me off

female gamers are purely there for pervs to look at all day, especially before twitches ban on boob flashing.

it annoys me aswell, it means many male gamers have to work harder sometimes because we don't have huge breasts XD
Not surprised at this kinda things nowadays.

Its all me me me me culture these days.

In days gone by...only scum and chavs would even have the brass neck to even ask this...

I'd tell him to get off his arse and get a job. Maybe then he would be able to afford the tech for his hobby...

Many a people have turned a hobby into a job. Just because it may not be what you consider a job does not mean that it takes as many hours if not more than the majority of jobs out there. He is in the fortunate position that he can ask people to help him take it to the next level which he may very well be doing.

If you do not ask you do not get, You may consider it cheeky the next person may happily throw some cash at him to help him continue to produce the content they have until this point consumed for free.
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