Youtubers asking for donations

I don't have a problem with people asking for donations, would never actually donate myself though.

There are a lot of other more worthy causes that I could be donating my money too IMO.
i have not read all the replies but sounds like he wants a new system and doesn't want to pay for it himself so decided to ask for donations so he can build a PC and not be out of pocket.
You can't just generalise a whole gender like that. You have to realise that some female streamers are nothing like that and people watch them for more than just because LOL GIRL XD.

Then what would the reason be? As none of these girls streaming are at the top of their respective games are they :/

Thats not a gender dig by the way, if a girl literally was the top of their game then that would be great for girl gamers. But they are invariably fairly bad and get sponsored for being women. I think the only one that is actually at/near the top of their game is kayane in Soul Calibur? So yeah, a guy watching a random girl play games averagely?...hes not watching the game.
You can't just generalise a whole gender like that. You have to realise that some female streamers are nothing like that and people watch them for more than just because LOL GIRL XD.

KittyPlays - **** at CS:GO, gets carried by her team constantly, but shows clevage, chats ****, and gets given $1k donation in stream, more than once...

Freakhopper - her video's are not entertaining, she hardly speaks to the viewers, Plays **** games that no one wants to see, But has huge boobs, and gets donations coz of it...

MichelleDaisy - Acts all fake, hasnt got much of a SOH, but pulls her top low, shows boobage, and gets donations...

SSSniperwolf - gamer that spends more time uploading pics of her ass hangng out, and her body, as cosplays and snapchat...
Rarely uploads gaming footage and doesnt stream........but gets donations, enough to buy her a brand new chevrolet car not so long ago...

GirlGoneGamer - used to be gaming related, but now uploads junk like "relationship advice", and other junk, but coz she is a small girl, and very pretty... she gets donations...

Brittany venti - ahh brittany... universally hated among gamers, twitch videos raided by 4chan, making her cry on stream, her youtube is bonbarded with hate messages, even had death threats too, sits on a dxracer chair but rarely gives gaming content..
BUT, through all her hate, she has a loyal few subs, that pay for her via donations...
they arent loyal because of gaming related video's, or because she is particularly liked.. its because she often shows a little bit of booby.,
people even comment why she hasnt got them on show, if she wears a covered top...

So yeah, the spotty 15 year old nerd gamer boy, living at his mums, paying to fap off.... seams legit :D
His reasoning for wanting better hardware is a load of poop.

Boo hoo he wants to release his vids at 1am not 3am, deal with it - release it in the morning or next day, there's literally NO NEED for you to do anything once you've finished your product and export.
You'll have all your youtube templates set up and the only thing you'd need to do is drag the file into youtube upload and publish when ready. Other than that, being up and waiting does absolutely nothing.

99% of the labour is actually editing the video, the time doing everything else takes a handful of minutes.
KittyPlays - **** at CS:GO, gets carried by her team constantly, but shows clevage, chats ****, and gets given $1k donation in stream, more than once...

Freakhopper - her video's are not entertaining, she hardly speaks to the viewers, Plays **** games that no one wants to see, But has huge boobs, and gets donations coz of it...

MichelleDaisy - Acts all fake, hasnt got much of a SOH, but pulls her top low, shows boobage, and gets donations...

SSSniperwolf - gamer that spends more time uploading pics of her ass hangng out, and her body, as cosplays and snapchat...
Rarely uploads gaming footage and doesnt stream........but gets donations, enough to buy her a brand new chevrolet car not so long ago...

GirlGoneGamer - used to be gaming related, but now uploads junk like "relationship advice", and other junk, but coz she is a small girl, and very pretty... she gets donations...

Brittany venti - ahh brittany... universally hated among gamers, twitch videos raided by 4chan, making her cry on stream, her youtube is bonbarded with hate messages, even had death threats too, sits on a dxracer chair but rarely gives gaming content..
BUT, through all her hate, she has a loyal few subs, that pay for her via donations...
they arent loyal because of gaming related video's, or because she is particularly liked.. its because she often shows a little bit of booby.,
people even comment why she hasnt got them on show, if she wears a covered top...

So yeah, the spotty 15 year old nerd gamer boy, living at his mums, paying to fap off.... seams legit :D

Sounds like you've done a lot of intensive 'research' on this subject :p
Sounds like you've done a lot of intensive 'research' on this subject :p

of course.. im there for the boobies too... I just dont donate :p

of course its real.. Kitty Plays, got donated so much, that she built a custom gaming pc, $15,000 dollars of a beast... all with donators money...

but what makes me laugh.. the beast rig, but only plays CS:GO, caps it at 60fps, and sucks at it too..
All the gear, no idea :rolleyes:
That was for his previous donation request (next level latency tests) which he met and exceeded. From that he bought 2X144hz monitors and equipment to test input lag with controllers and mice.

This request is just so he can make encode videos faster by upgrading his hardware.

Next he will want for us to pay for Hypertronic broadband. :rolleyes:

I do respect these EAUK members but asking people to pay for your hobby is going to far. Where do you draw the line? He isn't a Ronku stooge and I will give him that but if he wants to take things to the next level then maybe he should give up his day job. Anyway it's all voluntary but I won't give him a penny and I think there has been a bit of bad blood between him and I lately when I've criticized some of his videos for regurgitating what other youtubers say.

To be frank, that's no different than a couple of months ago when a dim woman had her boat sunk from bad weather and it wasn't insured, so her friend started a gofundme campaign to get donations from people to buy her new things.

In this day and age, people have more money than sense. If someone wants to throw ££ at a youtuber, then that's upto them. If people felt like his videos weren't worth the time, then he'd get very little donations anyway.

More to the point - why can he not just leave his videos encoding overnight? He says he has to stay up till 3am for it to finish encoding, why can't he just set up the encoding at midnight and go to bed. If he's even more clever, he could mock up a script to auto-upload the finished video to youtube.
That reminds me of one tuber, who was collecting donations not for himself but his neighbour who had lost his house in a fire.
The elderly neighbour was a candle maker but not exactly professionally and late night while tired had made a catastrophic mistake. So the quite small youtube channel was raising funds, his wife helping by selling modelling pictures as she was an ex-model. Nobody was objecting much :p was in a good cause though if you want to be harsh the old guy was foolish in his mistakes

why can he not just leave his videos encoding overnight?
Theres the argument he can preview output better and so produce more videos if using faster equipment. The biggest donations come internationally from oil rich countries and such places

sodapoppin said:
This opens a can of worms. It offers the possibility of limiting content you can watch free, if these mugs had an option for pay per view they'd no doubt use it.
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