heads up, VRMs , if you can afford to grab the watercooled ROG then do so, specially if your running AVX!
Treading carefully here, all vendors VRMs run hot - taking away the cooling aspects etc .
Watercooled versions have AVX and non AVX temps closer together but non water boards, there's a good difference.
can see why vendors have stepped up VRM counts- running 5.1/5.2ghz overclock and your VRMs are pushed hard! even at 1.35v
look out for reviews that use heatguns ! and dont just rely on sensors as some boards have them closer to the hottest part of the Mosfet (aorus)
if you can, what ever board you get, change the heatpads
think asus pads are rated at W/mK 1-2, Thermal Grizzly's are like 8 w/mks
asus also have one of the strongest QVL for 2 sticks 4000hz+ but weaker with 4 sticks compared to aorus