z390 pro and Team Group 4000mhz 32gb RAM

If you are still on the original bios you should update anyway as there have been memory compatibility and stability updates since then. It's a painless process and only takes a minute or so.

Uhh ok will do tonight... does a bios flash require a Windows reinstall of any kind?
Stupid question I know but I've never touched bios upgrades.
Ok... bios updated... enabled xml without an overclock on the cpu... restart... won't boot up, lights on, xmp light on, no bios menu or anything... great...

Had to clear CMOS and flash bios again, re-entered all my old settings and good to go, back at 3600mhz, not sure how else to get it to 4000
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On gigabyte boards anything over 3600mhz period is a lottery. We have reported many issues time and time again. I did on both the current platform and z370.

All other vendors no issues if your imc can run high, then the mems can.

I suggest you run 3600 c16 on gigabyte to get the best out of your sticks until they fix this issue.
On gigabyte boards anything over 3600mhz period is a lottery. We have reported many issues time and time again. I did on both the current platform and z370.

All other vendors no issues if your imc can run high, then the mems can.

I suggest you run 3600 c16 on gigabyte to get the best out of your sticks until they fix this issue.
This is my result with Timespy in XMP @ 4,000mhz on the master. I got the saved file as well but im not sure how to attach it and I dont own AID64 so I can't try that.


Looks like RAM tuning is giving me about ~800 additional CPU score. https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/32824596

These are the timings I'm running. Might be worth a shot for others.


@8 Pack any recommendations which timings I could tighten further? Running IO/SA at 1.2 and DRAM voltage at 1.45v
I had a stability issue just to run my 3200mhz XMP profile. Slots A1&B1. In small print at the bottom of the compatibility list of ram it says for better stability place the RAM in A2&B2. Never had any issues after that and with CPU OC’s as well.
@Parkinson1NX Many thanks for posting that about the memory slots. I have not actually read the QVL list so have never seen that. It really should be in the manual!!

I have now moved my memory to slots A2/B2 and flashed the F9b bios. If I knew what frustration this was going to cause me for just over the next hour I would have left the damn thing alone!! The thing was I couldn't get the damn thing to even boot after the bios flash and it kept trying to switch between bios's. Why the hell Gigabyte don't give us a switch so that we can change between the two bios's is beyond me. It would make things a damn sight easier. Sometimes It would get to the post screen before locking up and rebooting. Sometimes I could hit delete on the post screen only for it to lock up and reboot. I finally got into the bios after clearing CMOS. As I suspected, it did wipe my saved profiles (next time I will save them to a USB stick Grrrrrrrrrr) so I had to get dirty in that bloody awful bios again. I set the memory profile to XMP, leaving everything else at stock for now. Back into a non-booting loop again!! Cleared CMOS again and after a few boot attempts got back to the bios where I decided to reflash F9b. Bios reflashed I cleared CMOS and got into the bios first time, yay progress. Set XMP again and checked the dram voltage to find it's not applying 1.35v anymore. Strange because it has with every bios version before this. I enter 1.350v and check other settings. Boot order is messed up as it's trying to boot from the USB stick that the bios was on and isn't even plugged in now. Saved my settings while leaving everything at stock again and finally got into Windows. Fired up CPU-z and checked which bios I was on and memory speed which was 3866mhz C18 so XMP is working now. I got my notebook out in which I have all my settings for 5Ghz written down and rebooted into the bios to enter them. Settings entered I cross my fingers and rebooted. All is well. I ran Aida64 to check bandwith and while Aida64 shows big increases in Read/Write/Copy/Latency by changing from 3600mhz C16 to 3866mhz C18 there is barely any difference in Super pi 1m and 32M while at 16M there is a 0.4 second improvement. I suspect this is due to the much slacker timings. I am just downloading 3dMark again (5.2Gb download :eek:) and will do some runs to compare them to my previous ones. I will report back later.
It's a 3866mhz kit, the one in my siggy and now actually runs at it's proper speed after the bios flash/slot changes. I have done some further testing and the results don't really surprise me. Timespy is showing miniscule increases while Firestrike and Firestrike Extreme are showing small drops in performance. I would have to say that it is the slacker timings that is causing it and to be honest I half expected it. I am going to try tweaking the timings and then do more testing but at the moment 3600mhz @C16 looks to be the sweet spot. I saw faster kits with C19 and C20 when I was searching for memory to buy and am glad I steered well clear of them. It appears that speed isn't everything and tight timings can make a bigger difference.
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Just a heads up and bump.
Managed to get to 4000mhz using 19-19-19-40 and 1.4v
Not the best as I bought it for the low latency, but will do for now!
If anyone else gets lower timing using the same MOBO, let me know in here.

EDIT: NOW WORKING AT 18-18-18-38 with Enhanced stability selected!!!
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check the speed is it running them at 3600mhz??

It is possible that Enhanced stability runs some lower timings "looser" so as to achieve stability or compatibility!!! would be good to have benches to see what this is doing exactly.... I in the run upto computex and new 8Pack products don't have time to test this out now.
check the speed is it running them at 3600mhz??

It is possible that Enhanced stability runs some lower timings "looser" so as to achieve stability or compatibility!!! would be good to have benches to see what this is doing exactly.... I in the run upto computex and new 8Pack products don't have time to test this out now.

Have run mem test in cmd.exe and all 4 sticks are running at 4000.
CPUz also shows it correctly.
How would I bench the ram to get the timings to you?
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