*** Zelda: Breath of the Wild ***

You need to take a step back and look at this objectively. There ARE performance issues. To say there are none is a flat-out lie.

Just because you are loving every moment of your experience doesn't negate how it runs. Get over yourself and stop taking offense to legitimate concerns about the game.

There are performance issues, there are performance issues on every PC game too, but surely that depends how much cash you throw at you machine right? Is it fair for me to complaint about the latest COD runs like an ass on a machine that you bought for £200 three years ago (CPU, mobo, RAM, HDD, PSU included)?

You don't have issues on PC gaming is because you throw enough cash at the machine to make sure it doesn't. You are not there to blame the developer, there is a minimum spec on the box, do you think you can run 60fps on that spec? Because that is what you are doing here.

And do you get Zelda on the PC?

That's a No and No answer surely.
I don't know what kind of quality the reviewers were used to but coming from PC it was hard to take.

The first run downhill at the start of the game saw the FPS absolutely tank and set the standard.

Villages and hubs are terrible. I went to Zora city for the main quest and have never returned because I can't stand the judder.
Fighting a busy mob camp is hit or miss. When I kill a black moblin, for some bizarre reason, sees my system lock up for about 1 sec. Every time. And only black ones.

If you're out exploring in the wilderness, it can be fine. But as soon as it rains, it tanks again.

I made my peace with it a while ago but anyone who says the performance is fine is talking subjectively.

Is this on the Wii U?

There seem to be people having massive issues with framerate and others who just have the occasional slowdown. You can't put this down to peoples standards either. I have had a couple of serious frame rate drops into the low teens perhaps but 99% of the time its absolutely rock solid. When it has tanked it has fallen off a cliff on the FPS but I have had that happen maybe 5 times over 60 hours and I have had noticeable drops perhaps 20-30 times total. Not enough to ruin anything though and only for a few seconds at a time.

Deffo something going wrong if you are having that many problems.
I did not say there there was no framerate drops on the wii u,there are slight drops,but people have been saying there are massive drops.
Im 53 now and my eyesight isnt as good as when i was in my 20s,but going from 30 fps to 24 fps for a split second does not bother me.
Zelda on the wii u is just as good as the switch version,from what i have seen.
5 pieces of prime raw meat for 210 rupees. You can get by hunting deer in a farm at Hetero village. The durian trick is good but you need to wait for them to regrow where as the deer are always there.

Or there is a gambling game in Luelin village or something south east of the map. Bet 100 rupees to get max 300 back. Save the game just before you get and reload if you get it wrong.

Is there a secret tot he deer hunting? You get a minute which is enough time for one or two deers and to collect meet. :(

Also there is deffo performance issues on the Switch, in a large grassland area or when it starts raining. But it's not all the time, and I can live with it. It doesn't take away my gaming pleasure. For the 95%+ of the time, it's rock solid. But then I can't tell the difference between a 60hz screen and a 120hz so who am I to judge.
I just used it for 10 minutes and made about 5k. Went and killed one of the white haired lynels earlier as well. Hard *******. Still nearly killed me with most of his attacks but i've realised that its actually pretty easy to dodge and flurry attack or parry their attacks. Didn't think I would ever kill one of them but I'm on the hunt now.
I made 5k with the snowball too, then spent it all on all kinds of arrows, currently up to 114 bomb arrows and 214 normal arrows and around 80 fire and ice.
Wow! Do you just go around everywhere on rotation?

Not a bad idea, I'm always low on arrows.

Now that money is no longer a problem, and arrows are so useful especially when it comes to bosses, might as well. The bomb arrows packs a punch too and you can't get them everywhere so I have been buying all the stock every time I see some.
Done my first of the 4 'dungeons', went for the one nearest the first few villages. Really impressive. I do miss that old bigger dungeon style but the thing was like a big puzzle in itself

I think I must be around 10ish hours in it's hard to tell, I've played everyday since getting the Switch last weekend so probably more than that!

It's a hard game to discuss because I don't want to spoil or be spoiled!

Currently using the Soldier sort of armour I think!
I decided to go re-explore the starter area to see if I missed anything, and I've only just found the b****y
warm top

Lol, I went back there for a chest I never looted until after getting to the 2nd village the story leads us to. That's when I went down and discovered that 1) weapons and items found in the world respawn and 2) exactly what you found. I still had to use potions and stuff when in cold areas though. Until I got an item that combined with that, made it so that I no longer needed potions anymore.

Did my 2nd DB yesterday and a whole bunch of quests and stuff. I had to go out and do stuff, which made me realise that had I gotten the Switch, I could have continued playing lol. I also tried an obstacle course for horses before going to sleep and was frustrated at the controls. Sometimes the horse just turns on it's own away from the obstacle, even at max affection.

It was the camel thing in the desert. The actual dungeon wasn't too bad, but the Thunderblight Ganon (boss) was nonsense. Framerate drops from him teleporting around made things a bit difficult, especially considering he was fast. And the 3rd stage was just the worst. I had no clue what on earth to do, since his attacks can't be blocked to to his weapons being charged with electricity. Luckily I had some high-electric resist potions that negated the effects of the electricity, which meant I could block him normally. Then it just ended up like the first stage. I was wearing the rubber helmet the whole time and it was absolutely useless.

Just about 2 weeks in and I've pretty much sorted the bottom half of the map. Just a few bit's here and there that I can't deal with yet (quests that direct me north mostly). I also found that I hadn't done the modest combat trial yet and the one I actually did with 4/5 hearts was the major one. I did another one of those and managed it without getting hit once. Pretty fun and good loot too. I'm about to go back and retry that damn obstacle course, wish me luck.
Just finished the first DB (water) and Ive finished maybe 15 dungeons but reading this I feel Ive not found loads of stuff. Done my fair share of exploring as well. How many shrines are in each area do we think?
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