*** Zelda: Breath of the Wild ***

My biggest problem with inventory slots was doing a Major Test of Strength shrine really early on. I've had 3 weapons I haven't wanted to use taking up space for about 20+ hours :p.

I am a hoarder and want to have had a fire and ice rod in my inventory for absolutely ages and hardly uses them, just thinking....hmmm, they might be useful sometime. Even though they have a really low attack value and i am swimming in fire and ice arrows should I want elemental attacks.
Angry Joe massively missed why the weapons need to break in a truly open world game, without enemies matching your level or a clear progression system.
Angry Joe massively missed why the weapons need to break in a truly open world game, without enemies matching your level or a clear progression system.

It feels a clumsy method of keeping you matched to the enemies even so. Along with the clumsy inventory system it does knock some of the immersion in hard fights when you're having to grab a new weapon multiple times.
It feels a clumsy method of keeping you matched to the enemies even so. Along with the clumsy inventory system it does knock some of the immersion in hard fights when you're having to grab a new weapon multiple times.

I think it's added something to the game. It's meant I've had to persevere when things have broken mid battle. I think it you can kill a group of mobs with the same Sword every time then it doesn't force you to get creative.

Most other games it's a case of getting a weapon strong enough to kill everything within the zone you're in. Then find another for the next zone. Rinse and repeat.
It feels a clumsy method of keeping you matched to the enemies even so. Along with the clumsy inventory system it does knock some of the immersion in hard fights when you're having to grab a new weapon multiple times.

I completely agree with the bad inventory. Why can't I hold down "A" to swap weapons in a chest? Instead I have to back out of the sequence, press "R" to throw my current one and then try to open the chest again.

The weapon durability though would completely change the entire game if it was changed, even if it was extended slightly. You would have to block people from accessing the best weapons too early ala the heart limit for the master sword.

People would also just use a few weapons instead of trying to figure out different ways of fighting enemies and would not use the various different styles of weapon during a fight.

This is all proven by how the master sword completely ruins the balance of the game as it's unbreakable (even with its limits). No one ever uses any other weapon after getting it unless they have to and it cuts out a large portion of the game.

Edit: Great video on this topic:
Angry Joe review was very good. I like a lot of his reviews so was happy to see him feel so positive about Zelda.

It's a very special creation from Nintendo and they deserve a lot of respect for it.

Sure there are some negatives on it but the positives massively outweigh them.

It's a shame so many Nintendo games don't hit such a wide audience to be appreciated. Many people make the assumption Mario games are just churned out rubbish, but the reality is they are so well polished and a joy to play.

I hope Nintendo continue to produce classics like this.
This is all proven by how the master sword completely ruins the balance of the game as it's unbreakable (even with its limits). No one ever uses any other weapon after getting it unless they have to and it cuts out a large portion of the game.

It doesn't though. It's mediocre on it's own unless powered up. I left it as secondary when exploring new areas in case I came across guardians. When exploring with higher heart/stam there's so many silver mobs that its 30 hit-rating takes too long and it's better using all the heavier powered weapons you have.
Angry Joe review was very good. I like a lot of his reviews so was happy to see him feel so positive about Zelda.

It's a very special creation from Nintendo and they deserve a lot of respect for it.

Sure there are some negatives on it but the positives massively outweigh them.

It's a shame so many Nintendo games don't hit such a wide audience to be appreciated. Many people make the assumption Mario games are just churned out rubbish, but the reality is they are so well polished and a joy to play.

I hope Nintendo continue to produce classics like this.

I'm surprised he didn't comment on the biggest issue in the game:

He did mention the poor music though which is my biggest complaint.
120 shrines done :D quite a cool reward for doing it. Just ganon left to beat then I will clean up the side quests and wait for the DLC (not going to bother collecting korok seeds).
You can store weapons.

Only up to 3 though. So not too great. I would have used it to store the re-forgeable weapons from each race, but it's missing a single slot... Only reason the weapons breaking works out well is due to the limited inventory. I.e. you end up wanting weapons to break to make room for new weapons.

The funny thing is, there's plenty of issues about the game that don't even have anything to do with the weapons. This video by SuperBunnyHop puts an interesting spin on things, he's pretty much 100%ed the game and no-lifed it the first week doing like 100 hours in that time alone, so I guess any criticisms he has are as fair as they can get... and the video title is so damn accurate, also featuring tons of rhymes!

Playing yesterday, I will say it's starting to drag me down a bit. I'm no longer excited to explore the top half of the map and now I just want to get quests and stuff done. I have also found a place that lets players craft what looks to potentially be the most powerful weapons in the game (and a set of armour). Only issue is that it's expensive in both Rupees and materials. And weapon's breaking has honestly put me off from wanting to make any (i.e. permanently losing a fair amount of resources to get something temporary). I'm currently saving up materials form the armour and it seems some of the later upgrades for various pieces need some rare materials.

And I found that I suck at face to face combat. Probably the fact that I've had the sneaking armour the whole game and just snuck up behind enemies for the stealth-kills. Tried 'training' by fighting some blue moblins yesterday and I can't time dodges right, either that or the animations are way too fast for some attacks. And I'm thinking that I should defeat a Lynel before picking up the Master Sword (a small self-imposed challenge) lol. Speaking of which, I left it and dind't pick it up yet. Somewhere else spoiled it for me that the Master Sword isn't all I hoped it was.

A very late review from AngryJoe, featuring all the dressup and funny stuff, spoilers: he likes the game. Even the things that many other folks (like long term fans) didn't like. And to be fair, I must agree with him that the 'dungeons' in this game are fun. Even if short-lived. Like SuperBunnyHop, he still misses out on a ton of the bad things about the game.

And thumbs up for the rain poster above. I was doing one of those blue flame runs yesterday. Rain fell twice. Oh and it was every other minute when I was doing those rocky outcrop islands the other day (lots of climbing around). Rain does nothing positive for this game, I swear.

I am a hoarder and want to have had a fire and ice rod in my inventory for absolutely ages and hardly uses them, just thinking....hmmm, they might be useful sometime. Even though they have a really low attack value and i am swimming in fire and ice arrows should I want elemental attacks.

Same here. I bought a whole bunch of new slots the other day. Then I got elemental 2-handed swords and tier 2 elemental staves. Now all that new inventory space vanished. I swear some enemies don't even have an elemental weakness. Only the fire/ice ones do and the lightning ones seem to be strong against everything.
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Only up to 3 though. So not too great. I would have used it to store the re-forgeable weapons from each race, but it's missing a single slot... Only reason the weapons breaking works out well is due to the limited inventory. I.e. you end up wanting weapons to break to make room for new weapons.

The funny thing is, there's plenty of issues about the game that don't even have anything to do with the weapons. This video by SuperBunnyHop puts an interesting spin on things, he's pretty much 100%ed the game and no-lifed it the first week doing like 100 hours in that time alone, so I guess any criticisms he has are as fair as they can get... and the video title is so damn accurate, also featuring tons of rhymes!

Playing yesterday, I will say it's starting to drag me down a bit. I'm no longer excited to explore the top half of the map and now I just want to get quests and stuff done. I have also found a place that lets players craft what looks to potentially be the most powerful weapons in the game (and a set of armour). Only issue is that it's expensive in both Rupees and materials. And weapon's breaking has honestly put me off from wanting to make any (i.e. permanently losing a fair amount of resources to get something temporary). I'm currently saving up materials form the armour and it seems some of the later upgrades for various pieces need some rare materials.

And I found that I suck at face to face combat. Probably the fact that I've had the sneaking armour the whole game and just snuck up behind enemies for the stealth-kills. Tried 'training' by fighting some blue moblins yesterday and I can't time dodges right, either that or the animations are way too fast for some attacks. And I'm thinking that I should defeat a Lynel before picking up the Master Sword (a small self-imposed challenge) lol. Speaking of which, I left it and dind't pick it up yet. Somewhere else spoiled it for me that the Master Sword isn't all I hoped it was.

A very late review from AngryJoe, featuring all the dressup and funny stuff, spoilers: he likes the game. Even the things that many other folks (like long term fans) didn't like. And to be fair, I must agree with him that the 'dungeons' in this game are fun. Even if short-lived. Like SuperBunnyHop, he still misses out on a ton of the bad things about the game.

And thumbs up for the rain poster above. I was doing one of those blue flame runs yesterday. Rain fell twice. Oh and it was every other minute when I was doing those rocky outcrop islands the other day (lots of climbing around). Rain does nothing positive for this game, I swear.


Same here. I bought a whole bunch of new slots the other day. Then I got elemental 2-handed swords and tier 2 elemental staves. Now all that new inventory space vanished. I swear some enemies don't even have an elemental weakness. Only the fire/ice ones do and the lightning ones seem to be strong against everything.

I mentioned his main gripes (shrines and koroks dominating the game) a few pages back. Most people refuse to see that point of view... yet :) It was on my way to Gerudo for my second beast that the map felt stretched and ultimately empty when this sank in. I personally don't mind the grindy stuff like collecting parts, but only if it has a purpose. Not much reason to get better gear (beyond seeing what the lvl 2 set bonus is) when you can dodge better / murder quicker.

Re: your point on combat. I think a large reason why it's difficult is because you are heavily punished when trying to learn mob behaviour. If you are late with a dodge or block, you're likely 1-shotted (or will be dead on next hit). This even happens on higher level mobs, I've seen me lose 17 hearts when not wearing protective armour. If your blocks are too early, your shields get wiped out through breakage. This on top of weapons breaking forcing you to choose a completely differnt style in the middle of your practice session e.g. you lose your last 1h sword and now have to switch to 2h or spear, which means you can't practice blocking in the same way.
That's my major gripe with the combat and I like it a little better now I'm better at it. But it's still not a patch on previous Zeldas.
Angry Joe review was very good. I like a lot of his reviews so was happy to see him feel so positive about Zelda.

It's a very special creation from Nintendo and they deserve a lot of respect for it.

Sure there are some negatives on it but the positives massively outweigh them.

It's a shame so many Nintendo games don't hit such a wide audience to be appreciated. Many people make the assumption Mario games are just churned out rubbish, but the reality is they are so well polished and a joy to play.

I hope Nintendo continue to produce classics like this.
Agreed. He is my favourite YouTube reviewer. The music and weapons breaking did not annoy me as much it did him. For me it was more at the start, but then got used to it and even found it refreshingly fitting for this game.

He come to the same conclusion as me. I also could not give it a 10/10 due to story and characters not being strong enough. If they nailed the story and the characters were so good that we cared about them, it would be a 10/10 for sure. Ganon was pretty **** in this one, much preferred the humanoid ganon from past games myself. Also the English voice acting was not that great I thought, Japanese one was better from what I have seen, more emotional.

I hope they have begun developing a new Zelda for the Switch already. They can use a lot of what they learnt from this game, improve story, maybe go full voice acting for the next one. Would love another Zelda in 3 years time hopefully. IMO it would look and run better being built for the Switch from the ground up.
I think this is the fourth best Zelda game after OoT, ALttP and MM.

A new Zelda in a similar style with all the open world and dungeon issues fixed, and with the character depth, combat and music of past Zelda games could easily be the best Zelda game I reckon.
I don't play Zelda for the story, we know the story, same as who play Mario for the story?

It's just an excuse to save the princess/Hyrule. People play Mass Effect for the story, Zelda, its about the puzzles, the combat, the bosses, the music, Master Sword, Hyrule, the mini games.

I don't mind the rain, the only time it annoys me is when i am climbing this wall and it rains mid way through and have to just wait it out. Not too big a deal and not a deal breaker, not even close. In fact, the rain and lighting makes a change in how you play, like instead of going in all guns blazing sometimes I have to run away retreating because i don't have any wooden weapons to fight, and i am certainly not going to win with a stick against a guardian.
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