Zimbabwe 2.0 Inbound

I can't imagine this will end well. The concept isn't completely retarded but lets be honest, all that will happen is that the powerful black elite in SA will take over the farms and their mates will run them and the average person won't see any change to their fortunes. Still, its a good excuse.
Actually what's happening is that they are giving the land to ANC supporters who have no idea how to work it.

They are bringing the white back in as equal partners, or at least were until the ANC said it would not "tolerate" blacks going into business with the white former farmers.

So a lot of this land will revert back to subsistence farming, and the output will - and is already - falling through the floor.

Just like with Mugabe.
I can kind of understand where they coming from (not that I agree with it) in trying to redistribute wealth gained during the inequality of apartheid. However it was ended nearly 30 years ago so probably most of those people are dead and your just penalising their children/beneficiaries for the actions of their parents.

Yeah let's go with that line of thinking and apply it to the whole world. Every country and person should be stripped of their wealth and have it redistributed since at some point down the line it was gained wrongly
Some friends who are currently still living in SA are of the understanding that the law is to allow confiscation of unused and unproductive land.

if they were mostly light skinned and the average person there dark skinned then perhaps the whole identity/race thing would come into play there too
Have you not heard the Corries' version of Scotland The Brave? :D
It's not really covered up tho is it. Apparently in their parliament the other week, the issue was raised by an opposition MP, and one of the ANC MPs shouted "Bury them [the white farmers] alive!" whilst he was speaking.

Not exactly subtle or covered up :p

In fact it's well-known that the ANC supports the efforts kill whites and drive them out of the country. They keep saying whites "should not provoke attacks on themselves" and "we can't protect the whites". They want this to happen, and are letting it happen.

It's common knowledge really. No cover up.

Ah not as up to date as you :)

Shocking really. Another instance of people taking out the sins of their previous generation on the current one even if they are providing financial support and jobs for the population.

Pull out, remove all aid to the country and leave them to themselves and see what happens. I can see the entire country being in a civil war within 10 years. They will slip back into their barbaric ways(Further) and kill each other or starve to death by famine.
I've been watching this unfold for some time. It's getting quite bad out there and it's hardly been mentioned in the news. Although not a farmer my wife's friend was murdered out there a few years ago (tied up in her kitchen and stabbed repeatedly in an alleged robbery by her gardener).

South Africa is going to descend into anarchy as they are unable to feed themselves. As I understand it some of the Boer farmers started those farms when the land wasn't even being farmed by anyone. Their families have been there hundred of years. Many are selling up and leaving. The farms are being taken over by people with a lot less experience and as a result food production is falling. Although I don't know how substantiated it is I have heard of some other Boer farmers starting to form militias to defend their farms from frequent 'robberies' where the victims are murdered while valuables are left untouched.

They are also facing a real threat of drought in Cape Town with water levels rapidly falling. Obviously this is the result of natural events. But it's been predicted for at least a decade and nothing has been done to address it.

I do see the potential here for civil war if food and water become scarce. It's such a shame because I always thought South Africa had so much potential.
Yeah let's go with that line of thinking and apply it to the whole world. Every country and person should be stripped of their wealth and have it redistributed since at some point down the line it was gained wrongly

This is what I don't understand. People pick an arbitrary point in time and decide that was the point things were fair.

People do the same with their country of origin. My mum can't understand why I don't strongly identify as half Irish because she is Irish. I was born here, my dad is English and I have spent very little time in Ireland. How does she think the Irish became the Irish? We didn't all just pop into existence in designated countries. Its just some **** that people use to feel like they have history or a heritage. Who give a **** if your ancestors were slaves or slave owners or if they were murderers. Who gives a **** if your grandad is from Ethiopia, you're from South London and claiming that you are Ethiopian over English is just retarded.
The result of this is quite predictable. Like Zimbabwe the remaining farmers will pack up and leave for their own safety and the country will start to starve.

To say that white colonists held back African development is like trying to claim that the Romans held back Britain lol. We went backwards a few 100 years when the Romans disappeared. When Europeans started to colonize Africa, most of it hadn't even reached the bronze age.
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although my point is serious, as a continent africa is rich in various natural resources, has plenty of land for agriculture and the ability to support a large population. with a united government and improvements to infrastructure it seems like no worse a candidate for becoming a world power than any of the european nations, china russia or america

The (native) Africans (of the sub saharan area) didn't achieve much of note civilisation wise given the size of the area involved before European colonisation started... This was one of the reasons why europeans found Africa relatively easy to colonise in the first place. There's no reason to believe therefore that this would change any time soon with black African politics still so plagued by the tribal politics that pre date colonialism.

There's a popular Marxist lie that white, european colonialism 'set back' overall development in Africa...

If this were to be true we would expect to see some (positive) corellation between the degree and duration of colonisation and (poor) development trajectories of the nations involved....

We actually don't see this generally and actually see the complete reverse. South africa, one of the most heavily colonised countries in terms of duration and how many colonisers settled there is (still) one of the richest sub saharan countries. Ethiopia that was only briefly occupied by Italy remains one of the poorest countries

Zimbabwe, another heavily colonised sub saharan African country, was one of Africa's richest most productive nations when it was know as Rhodesia and up until the 1970's was still richer that South Korea. This all changed after the removal of minority white rule to be replaced by the disasterous fusion that is black African tribalism mixed with marxism/socialism under Mugabe.

That the ANC, having seen the chaos in Zimbabwe, has decided to pursue this course of action is just a further sad indictment to add to the litany of atrocious decisions made by tribal african goverments mired by incompetence, corruption and short sighted, often unjust, reward of their tribal members
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South Africa is ******** and will remain so for a very long time to come, no interest in going there or what happens there if I'm honest.

European Countries should welcome back the white farms and cut ties to South Africa, I've known about whats happening there for a while but rarely do I ever see it mentioned on the news here.

Mind your language
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I'm glad I left that country. It's all been downhill since Mandela died. I called it 15 years ago.... "When he dies this country will go to ****" and here we are. It's so sad to see..... breaks my heart.
The (native) Africans (of the sub saharan area) didn't achieve much of note civilisation wise given the size of the area involved before European colonisation started... This was one of the reasons why europeans found Africa relatively easy to colonise in the first place. There's no reason to believe therefore that this would change any time soon with black African politics still so plagued by the tribal politics that pre date colonialism.

oh i don't disagree, the reality is that human civilisation had the greatest head-start in africa in terms of time, but for whatever reason (i'm not going to go as far as to speculate why) it never developed.

it's just that it had all the right ingredients to be a really powerful nation, if it had followed the same path the rest of the industrial nations had.
If I was a "privileged" white farmer about to be forced off my land I would adopt a scorched earth policy and leave.

Destroy all the infrastructure, buildings and crops on my land and maybe even contaminate it as well.
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