Zimbabwe 2.0 Inbound

I know they killed large numbers. What I’m saying is the other actions would have amounted to genocide without those killings.

OK and what I'm saying is that "genocide" is rather unlikely in South Africa even if "ethnic cleansing" were to take place.
Cyril Ramaphosa calls racial disparities in property ownership in SA an 'original sin' ..

I'm sure he was talking about all colonisation of SA including that done by his Bantu tribe ancestors against the Khoisan people? Or is this another case or a failed political party whipping up some racial hatred to cover their own failures and incompetence? In this case by claiming that whites and only whites were the 'colonisers' in SA who can have their property stolen by the state to be given largely to the Bantu people who themselves aren't 'indigenous' to SA.

Its certainly interesting to see the use of such a religious term now used so explicitly in terms of a racial dissparity. Unfortunately much like the biblical concept.... Collective inter generational guilt is actually a rather immoral concept.

On another note glad we are still a country with a relatively large capacity for freedom of speech (kind off) so that everyone has the chance to read the true views held by some ideologies... ..

Much like thoose held by apparent
A worldwide revolution is needed. In this day and age, no one should go hungry or cold. We are seeing the death throws of capitalism just begin, as automation creeps in, it will get really really really bad.
Hurfdurf who gives us a classic example of how Marxism is both unworkable and immoral with his/her/their 'might is right let's steal everyone stuff' views on how the world should be run. Quite how no one would not be going 'cold' or 'hungry' in his/her/their fantasy 'might is right' world view isn't quite clear..... Socialism doesn't exactly hold a brilliant record when it comes to people not starving now does it?

The more people that get to read this sort of stuff and understand what these sorts of ideologies are actually about the better.
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Cyril Ramaphosa calls racial disparities in property ownership in SA an 'original sin' ..

I'm sure he was talking about all colonisation of SA including that done by his Bantu tribe ancestors against the Khoisan people? Or is this another case or a failed political party whipping up some racial hatred to cover their own failures and incompetence? In this case by claiming that whites and only whites were the 'colonisers' in SA who can have their property stolen by the state to be given largely to the Bantu people who themselves aren't 'indigenous' to SA.

Its certainly interesting to see the use of such a religious term now used so explicitly in terms of a racial dissparity. Unfortunately much like the biblical concept.... Collective inter generational guilt is actually a rather immoral concept.

On another note glad we are still a country with a relatively large capacity for freedom of speech (kind off) so that everyone has the chance to read the true views held by some ideologies... ..

Much like thoose held by apparent Hurfdurf who gives us a classic example of how Marxism is both unworkable and immoral with his/her/their 'might is right let's steal everyone stuff' views on how the world should be run. Quite how no one would not be going 'cold' or 'hungry' in his/her/their fantasy 'might is right' world view isn't quite clear..... Socialism doesn't exactly hold a brilliant record when it comes to people not starving now does it?

The more people that get to read this sort of stuff and understand what these sorts of ideologies are actually about the better.

I love that these are from an entirely separate thread:

* checks for use of the word "Marxist"

* has a sensible chuckle

had to have a quick scan of the OP to check if Marxism had been mentioned :D

edit - damn, beaten by Mags... :(
Africa is increasingly turning into a wasteland that requires geoengineering to fix it's problems rather than education and actual legitimate investment. I won't be surprised if the Green wall fails and Lake Chad disappears regardless of "effort" on part of the African leaders.
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