Zoltan collection discussion thread

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i will be giving Gilly some money on the RR Day - there may be a fair few donations then. i can't really afford to give much, but its the thought that counts eh?
Are there any fees for donating via paypal (I mean does all the money go to the fund, or do Paypal get their sticky mitts on a percentage)? What is the preffered method of giving? (And you can still get mail without a computer? ;) )
Snail mail is a viable alternative. The desired method is bank transfer, and yes, both Paypal and Nochex take percentages.
Thats what I meant by snail mail :)

Bank transfer is easier though.

If you must send via mail drop me an email as the payment thread says.
I thought that was what you meant :)

I could do a bank/money transfer using e-banking right? My bank (Abbey) is quite a way from where I'm staying now, so if I could find another method, it would be much easier.

Originally posted by agw_01
I thought that was what you meant :)

I could do a bank/money transfer using e-banking right? My bank (Abbey) is quite a way from where I'm staying now, so if I could find another method, it would be much easier.


Yeah, afaik any form of armchair banking works, dunno about Abby but Co-Op, in addition to having a fantastic internet banking system, also have top notch phone banking too.
Originally posted by Gilly
Really? Wow, thats crap. I got mine straight away.

It's a good account but i dont like the fact i have to wait for the card and all the details to come through i must admit. Anyway im taking this thread offtopic so just to say as soon as i can say is the donation will be with you as soon as possible :)
Just over £300 :( but bear in mind transfers take 4 days or more to clear, and they don't clear on weekends.
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