RIP Windows Phone

8 Mar 2007
Other than first to market, Microsoft should have been able to compete on all those points.

Android came after iOS and has overtaken it, explain that one?
24 Jan 2007
whatever apps get's released on w10 desktop in the store will be on WP 10 so in time it'll grow. w10 as only been out not even a year yet

android and IOS stores didn't just grow over night. now MS as one platform for all they're devices we should see a differece in time
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Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Other than first to market, Microsoft should have been able to compete on all those points.

Android came after iOS and has overtaken it, so it was in the same place WP was.

Rofl, it was never where wp was. Android did well as it was second to market and absolutely dominated the affordability end, it was only in latter years that the high end androids really took off. When your that late to the game it is extremely hard to get the apps

That's Nott to say Ms is perfect, they've made huge mistakes which have crippled them somewhat.
But it isn't as easy as android. Latter to the game you are the harder it is.
11 Oct 2004
From Paul Thrurrott, Microsoft super-fan:

It’s hard to feel good about Windows phone right now: Microsoft sold just 4.5 million Lumias in the most recent quarter, good for 1.1 percent of the smart phone market. And that’s down from 10.5 million in the same quarter a year ago. It’s even down from the previous (and non-holiday) quarter, which is … alarming, actually. This thing has fallen through the floor faster than anyone really imagined it would.

But it is worth reminding people that Microsoft is simply following through on its promised strategy of July 2015. Which was to reduce its exposure to per-unit losses (Microsoft, like Nokia, loses money on every Lumia) and keep Windows phone in market artificially, on life support, so that it could continue developing a cross platform Windows 10 and the universal apps platform. That is, Windows phone really is dead. But Microsoft will sell you one if you’re a fan.

I’ve said before that Windows phone fans should be happy with this outcome, because the alternative is so terrible to consider. And if you revisit my Lumia 950 review, it’s possible to see this device in a new light. That is, I complained that it’s too expensive, but that may be on purpose, so that Microsoft doesn’t lose money when you buy one. And it is astonishing what happens when you add a high-quality Mozo case to this device. It’s suddenly amazing. (Apps notwithstanding.)

Anyway. Windows phone is a failure, no doubt about it. So much so that it casts serious doubt on the viability of a Surface phone. Looking ahead, I think that Microsoft keeps Windows 10 Mobile around to continue the Windows 10 cross platform dream, but that Windows 10 evolves generally so that hardware makers can add phone/text capabilities to devices as they see fit, but that the notion of a “Windows phone” sort of goes away. It’s just not a real business anymore. Sad but true.

(Side note: To be clear, Lumia is Windows phone. Microsoft sells over 97 percent of all Windows phones in the market.)


(Emphasis mine)
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
From Paul Thrurrott, Microsoft super-fan:

(Emphasis mine)

IMO its a much better route for the future - the ability to plug phone/text capabilities into a device rather than a device being a phone + whatever smart functionality.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Everyone (including Microsoft) has scrubbed versions 1 - 6 of Windows Mobile from their memory. It makes their arguments easier if they can pretend Microsoft are the poor struggling new kid.

Had a Sony Xperia X1 with 6.1 professional - it was almost a good OS - sadly just about every version either side of it was terrible.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Everyone (including Microsoft) has scrubbed versions 1 - 6 of Windows Mobile from their memory. It makes their arguments easier if they can pretend Microsoft are the poor struggling new kid.

Oh dear, completely different OS and not a modern smart phone in the slightest.

As to persisting apps will come try reading. I keep saying better chance of them coming as they make it easier and easier ads well as the tablet market increasing,
8 Mar 2007
Oh dear, completely different OS and not a modern smart phone in the slightest.

Smartphones today have more in common with PDAs from a decade ago than they do with mobile phones from a decade ago.

There was even that crossover period where Windows Phone 6 devices were getting 7 upgrades. Wasn't there a large HTC flagship at that time? The HD6 or something? Hardly a 'completely different OS' if devices were sold that supported both.

As to persisting apps will come try reading. I keep saying better chance of them coming as they make it easier and easier ads well as the tablet market increasing,

My point is the same "the apps will improve" argument has been flung about since WP7 first rocked up over 5 years ago, when Windows 10 was merely a glint in Microsoft's eye.

The excuses keep changing, but the defense is always the same. "The apps will come, the apps will come!". Its been 5 years and they haven't, why should I believe anything is going to change?
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
^^ Before even 7 - throughout owning a WM6 device it was always that "apps" were coming just needed to wait a little longer.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Might have more in common, doesn't mean they are the same at all.
They were terribly use unfriendly. They can not be counted as a modern smartphone, like the first iPhone was,

Some got upgraded due to Ms trying to enter the market early wp7 was actually just windows mobile 6 skinned and a few adjustments to make it a modern smart phone. Wm6 was not a modern smartphone in the likes of iPhone and android. Wp8 was the first true smartphone OS from Microsoft

Again you fail at reading, I'm not saying they will come I'm saying there's a better chance. Why
Three main reasons.

W10 is doing very well over 200million active installs and especially windows tablets are doing well. Every version of windows since 8 is making it easier to cross program, and lastly the ios tools they released.

It's a shame they have canned the android side load
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8 Mar 2007
I can read fine, you just need to stand still.

So, can you lay out your stance so we know were talking the same thing here. Answer me these simple questions:

1) Do you consider pre Windows 7 as totally seperate to 7 onwards?
2) What about the crossover Windows 6.5? Specifically the HTC HD2
3) If you can't count the first iPhone as a modern smartphone, where can you start for that device line? The 3G and 3GS were built on the same platform as the first phone.
4) Likewise, where does the Android line start to be counted as a modern smartphone? Do we have to ignore the first few releases of that too? What is the point we can start to consider it?
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Oh dear live already explained all though, go read.
For general public yes I think you can count wp7 as it was skinned to be a modern OS, even it wasn't on the backend.
Where did I say first iPhone wasn't a modern smart phone? It contained all the stuff that qualified it as a modern smart phone.
You know pretty basic when the OS contains what is considered to be a modern smart phone, something windows mobile 6 never was, was never designed to be. Wp8 was an entire rewrite, not an evolution.

You have been saying for years it's dead, which is clearly wrong, as are the stories in the last few days. If it was dead do you think they would continue to not only chuck money in it, but all the coding time for the massive Redstone release.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
So your definition of a modern smartphone is what its OS looks like, and absolutely zero to do with its actual functionality?

And you've been saying for years that the apps are coming... :rolleyes:
No it's a combination if things, what it looks like is part of it as well as functionality and ecosystems around it. Wm6 was never a modern smartphone OS, it was an evolution of a long lasting OS, that got left behind when iPhone reinvented phones.

Not in the last few years, here we are back to this.
You keep doing tthis, don't respond, skip to something else, then back to nonsense. For a few years I've been saying there's an ever increasing chance of apps coming, slightly different to what you say.

Yes I thought win8 would do extremely well but it didn't, but that was a long time ago and at the other end of the scale, I said the first iPad would do extremely well, when everyone in the iPad release forums was going who wants a bug phone. No one gets everything right. You have a perfect track record?
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