sexual emergency

4 Jul 2012
30 Apr 2006
I have to say, it doesn't surprise me much that you don't understand.

Yes, I am aware that you're talking about Merkel. I'm pointing out that blaming her makes just as much sense as blaming the kid's parents for taking him to the swimming pool (as in, it doesn't make any).

It doesn't surprise me much that you don't understand. It's correct to blame the person who is directly responsible for inviting the rapist into Europe

I'm not out of touch with the real world at all. It does absolutely nothing for anyone for people to fixate on the ethnicities of people who've done various bad things.
Where i have i said anything about a persons ethnicity? That's right i haven't, you're the one fixated on it

If the authorities take that in to consideration because statistically people from a certain place are (again, statistically) more likely to commit crime, then fair enough, that's just being objective.
Most people on this board are being objective, your selective blindness doesn't help anyone

But more often than not, it's just yet another thing that the thick use to moan about people who are different to them.

A small group of people yes, but those people you say are 'moaning' go beyond those small groups

So what do you do when you come across someone who is saying something thick? Don't highlight it in case they get butthurt?

Sound like some here has a superiority complex

I never said the concerns were invalid in their entirety
When you call people that have those concerns as uneducated and thick, you're by definition saying they're invalid

I'm essentially pointing the fallacious logic used to arrive at the conclusions. Whether the conclusion is correct, if you arrive based on faulty logic it's simply a coincidence and such thinking should still be challenged.

You like logic?

Immigrant rapes boy. Therefore if immigrant wasn't in country, boy remains unraped. If immigrant wasn't invited into country, immigrant not in country. Merkle and her cronies invites immigrants into Europe.

30 Apr 2006
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4 Jul 2012
It doesn't surprise me much that you don't understand. It's correct to blame the person who is directly responsible for inviting the rapist into Europe

I do understand, what I'm saying is that it'd idiocy. You blame people for the things that they specifically do, not people in the chain of events because a bad person did a bad thing.

So as I said before, the kid's parents are just to blame based on that utterly broken logic.

Where i have i said anything about a persons ethnicity? That's right i haven't, you're the one fixated on it

Where did I say you specifically?

Most people on this board are being objective, your selective blindness doesn't help anyone

Most people on these board wouldn't know objectivity if it ran into them with a bus.

Sound like some here has a superiority complex

A superiority complex doesn't change whether people are thick or not.

When you call people that have those concerns as uneducated and thick, you're by definition saying they're invalid

No it doesn't. Had I said that their concerns specifically makes them thick, then yeah you might be right. I'm pointing out that their concerns go one step further and fixate on the immigrant component. There are concerns, and then there are reasons for specific concerns. I'm talking about the reasoning, not the specific concerns.

You like logic?

Immigrant rapes boy. Therefore if immigrant wasn't in country, boy remains unraped. If immigrant wasn't invited into country, immigrant not in country. Merkle and her cronies invites immigrants into Europe.


Yes, if he wasn't in this country, it wouldn't have happened. But that is EXACTLY the same as if he wasn't at the swimming pool, it wouldn't have happened as well.

You can't say one is correct whilst dismissing the other. If all circumstances play a part in the outcome, then those circumstances are also to "blame" based on bad logic.
4 Jul 2012
All i got from that thread is that not many people knows what the **** spoffle is going on about half the time :p:D

He spends most of the time complaining others don't 'understand' him

Because unfortunately a lot of people don't really "do" logic or understand what philosophical debate is. People get their opinions from other people without properly thinking about why they think specific things.

Everyone has a prejudice, but if you can understand and acknowledge it, then it isn't going to spill out in to verbal diarrhea like a lot of the people on this forum.
29 Mar 2011
I have to say, it doesn't surprise me much that you don't understand.

Yes, I am aware that you're talking about Merkel. I'm pointing out that blaming her makes just as much sense as blaming the kid's parents for taking him to the swimming pool (as in, it doesn't make any).

She invited hundreds of thousands of people into her country, and now sex crimes are increasing.

Some mother took her kid the swimming baths and he got raped by an immigrant.

This is how thick people get angry about immigration, intelligent people seen it coming months ago. ;)
29 Jan 2008
I have to say, it doesn't surprise me much that you don't understand.

Yes, I am aware that you're talking about Merkel. I'm pointing out that blaming her makes just as much sense as blaming the kid's parents for taking him to the swimming pool (as in, it doesn't make any).

not really - there is an increased risk from these groups of migrants, that has been seen quite clearly already in Scandinavian countries
17 Feb 2009
Castration should be mandatory and the castration process offered to the parents of the child . This followed by being dumped somewhere else. Anyone who has kept pigs knows what a beneficial effect this procedure has

Why offer to castrate the parents of a rape victim :confused: They're not likely to accept.
5 Dec 2006
I didn't expect any less from you, a thread clearly calling out a repeat offending paedophile and your concern is spoffle's commentary?????

Hahaha exactly. He's quite hypocritical. Earlier, he was arguing that all I should have an opinion on is that a child got raped and that I should be thinking of the children and blaming immigration etc, and that I should not be making a very small point about something which I have noticed in a news article HE posted. Now when faced with a thread where the perpetrator is white, he's deflected to whining about spoffle and the "think of the children" attitude has gone right out the window.

It's bizarre, yet very interesting at the same time. The other day he actually demonstrated the manifestation of a completely false memory based on my username. When he said that I've been "white-knighting Islam in every thread possible"

You know, the way you've been white-knighting Islam in every thread possible in the last few years i had a strong impression you were a Muslim. Amazing :rolleyes:

When in reality, I've been denouncing all religions including Islam in every thread possible. If this isn't proof of serious underlying issues, I don't know what is.

He did it again in this thread when he jumped to conclusions that by simply stating a point about something of deeper insight, that I somehow support the rape.

It's absolutely bizarre behaviour.
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4 Jan 2013
Hahaha exactly. He's quite hypocritical. Earlier, he was arguing that all I should have an opinion on is that a child got raped and that I should be thinking of the children and blaming immigration etc, and that I should not be making a very small point about something which I have noticed in a news article HE posted. Now when faced with a thread where the perpetrator is white, he's deflected to whining about spoffle and the "think of the children" attitude has gone right out the window.

It's bizarre, yet very interesting at the same time. The other day he actually demonstrated the manifestation of a completely false memory based on my username. When he said that I've been "white-knighting Islam in every thread possible"

When in reality, I've been denouncing all religions including Islam in every thread possible. If this isn't proof of serious underlying issues, I don't know what is.

He did it again in this thread when he jumped to conclusions that by simply stating a point about something of deeper insight, that I somehow support the rape.

It's absolutely bizarre behaviour.

I rarely surf these forums anymore, yet even I can say that is not true. You seem to try and bring to bear some deep intellect (you merely come across as slightly drug addled btw) about trying to find an excuse for transgressions of an islamic nature.

As for the OP/topic of migration, to be honest, Europe is engaged in its own cultural suicide. Greater "empires" than us did it in the past so frankly I don't really care.
30 Jun 2007
I never quite understand the argument "but white/native people rape kids/commit crime too!!!"

Ots seems bizarre to argue that because some of your own citizens are a problem this removes the common sense aproach of teying to limit the amount of extra criminals you bring in.
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