The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Why on earth would you want to resist?

Because I know I won't have the time to play it fully and with other big games I want out very soon it's likely to be unplayed for awhile.

Missus wants to watch it when I get it also so would be streamed to tv...would take me years lol
And with that, the adventure is over.

Blood and Wine alone took me longer than the entire Witcher 2 did, and it was consistently higher quality than anything else on the market. Every quest, every piece of dialogue enjoyable, well written and designed. How does CDP create two expansions of this level of quality and length in a year, I have no idea.

This is how things had ended:

Dettlaff had to die, by way of Regis's teeth..Syanna survived and reconciled with Annarietta..Geralt got a medal in addition to 5K and a vineyard, which is nice :). Regis had to leave Toussaint, but not before drinking with Geralt one last time...and Finally, Geralt went home to find.. Yennefer there, waiting.

"I believe we deserve a bit of a rest" and Geralt's "that we do..", after which he looks at us... of the most impactful, memorable moments.

I have a feeling we will see Geralt again one day, and I don't mean just in Gwent.
All in all, I couldn't have asked for better ending.

What a complete, total masterpiece this game/experience/world is. Even if I did use a couple mods to make it even more enjoyable for me :)

Few last postcards from Beauclair (no spoilers)




I will miss this world. Hopefully we will get to go back one day, hopefully after Cyberpunk :)
GOTY edition is seriously tempting me. Haven't touched a single Witcher game before this.

As a side note I never played any of the Dragon Age series - the tone and gameplay didn't appeal to me; I do enjoy Elder Scrolls - until it becomes apparent how shallow the story is and lifeless the game world is.

Should I dive in or wait for a sale? :)
On that note, steam/gog or elsewhere? I barely use steam at the moment - think the last two things I played using it were Dishonoured and Skyrim, although it is convenient. But on the other hand it's nice to be free of it.
On that note, steam/gog or elsewhere? I barely use steam at the moment - think the last two things I played using it were Dishonoured and Skyrim, although it is convenient. But on the other hand it's nice to be free of it.

CD keys have the base game for under £12 atm

GOTY edition there is £20 odd
Oh, well I'd already bought it. :p

I'd rather not have to use gog galaxy to download but it seems unavoidable? Seems like yet another annoying application - is it possible to remove after downloading/installing the game?
I would have thought if you have all the dlc on steam they would upgrade it to GOTY edition, but you have to pay £35? :(

Or is it just the same with nothing new added?
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Kinda wish people would stop recommending CDKeys and similar sites, you never know where your money goes with these resellers.

I would have thought if you have all the dlc on steam they would upgrade it to GOTY edition, but you have to pay £35? :(

If you already own DLCs then you already have GOTY edition.
You can run the game without the client, but it won't patch the game if it needs it(don't think there are any patches left anyway?). It is worth keeping though, it isn't bad at all.
Kinda wish people would stop recommending CDKeys and similar sites, you never know where your money goes with these resellers.

Because some people want to pay the lowest price available and don't have a lot of spare money to just buy off any site.

Nothing wrong with Cdkeys at all if all you want is a game as cheap as possible

Yeah I'd like to know the devs get my money but if it's double the price on Steam for example I'll avoid it
Because some people want to pay the lowest price available and don't have a lot of spare money to just buy off any site.

Nothing wrong with Cdkeys at all if all you want is a game as cheap as possible

Yeah I'd like to know the devs get my money but if it's double the price on Steam for example I'll avoid it

I understand the desire to pay less, but you can always wait for a sale, or at worst, pirate and and then buy it when on sale later (if you really can't afford normal price). Even this is probably preferable to buying from resellers, because at least this way there is a guarantee the dev actually gets the money. With resellers...not so much.
I understand the desire to pay less, but you can always wait for a sale, or at worst, pirate and and then buy it when on sale later (if you really can't afford normal price). Even this is probably preferable to buying from resellers, because at least this way there is a guarantee the dev actually gets the money. With resellers...not so much.

Pirate? lol

99% of pirates will NEVER buy the game let alone care if devs get money.
If they had morals they wouldn't pirate a game at all imo
Pirate? lol

99% of pirates will NEVER buy the game let alone care if devs get money.
If they had morals they wouldn't pirate a game at all imo

If all games were guaranteed to be fully functional and bug free on release, along with having representative demos, or a refund system similar to Steam then I could possibly agree with you. However as it is, it's perfectly possible to spend £40 on a game which is **** or simply doesn't work and have absolutely no redress - I can't blame people for in some cases being reluctant to do this and instead looking for an alternative. That being said TW3 fully deserves every penny they get for this game!
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