Perhaps all but the most dedicated pirates will start thinking twice before ripping off someone elses hard work. It's the easy answer...*snip*
All that for a stinking game?
Perhaps all but the most dedicated pirates will start thinking twice before ripping off someone elses hard work.
Not this AGAIN. Piracy helps the economy and increases sales...fact. Even EMI agree.
Saying "fact" on a forum doesn't make it a fact... err.... FACTNot this AGAIN. Piracy helps the economy and increases sales...fact. Even EMI agree.
In any case I'm sure your firm/you would take a dim view of people ripping off your IP and would be taking action in milliseconds.
I can run you through why briefly, if you want, or if you want the long version I can send you a copy of my Masters dissertation on the subject. People don't realise quite how much evidence there is proving piracy has at worst a negligible effect on the creative industries.
I have no problem seeking the enforcement of existing law and bringing cases against people, I just think - and am in the vast majority in the legal world in thinking - the current laws on copyright infringement specifically, lack any sense from an evidential view point.
I can run you through why briefly, if you want, or if you want the long version I can send you a copy of my Masters dissertation on the subject. People don't realise quite how much evidence there is proving piracy has at worst a negligible effect on the creative industries.
Did you study the effect of no enforcement of IP laws? Also did you look at how it would affect industries like gaming where the sale of their product is the only revenue stream they have? The claim is that musicians can make it up on concerts and merchandise, what can gaming companies make it up on?
Studied the effect of laws now, laws substantially strengthened and laws substantially decreased.Did you study the effect of no enforcement of IP laws?
YesAlso did you look at how it would affect industries like gaming where the sale of their product is the only revenue stream they have?
The claim is that musicians can make it up on concerts and merchandise, what can gaming companies make it up on?
Maybe you should give us a link, I'd be interested to have a read and I'm probably not the only one![]()
It's still in the process of being marked and as such I don't want to put it out for general availability. I'm thus putting identifiers into each copy that I send out and making them subject to confidentiality agreements. People can read and use the sources, but I don't want it just 'out there' in case my supervisor gets annoyed.
Well I'll have to do with an email then![]()