HP LP2475w, IPS 24" Official Thread! (Now Available from OcUK)

no worries, those are on the "to check" list :)

Thanks, if you could let us know how usable it is once fully calibrated - i.e. does windows stay oversaturated when the profile is loaded into the graphics card LUT, and if there's any banding once calibrated (due to the calibration down to sRGB) that would also be fantastic!
Questions for Baddass:

I would like an assessment of just how bad you would consider the saturation of the monitor. For those of us without calibration equipment. I will of course be using RGB + brightness + contrast settings to calibrate best possible ;)
Well, I bit the bullet, mine either comes tomorrow or the day after - will post my experiences here!

sounds good
one thing I'd like tested, which seems unlikely, but if I don't ask I'll never know, is to connect a 1080p source via HDMI with a long HDMI lead to see if 1080p still works
my last monitor with an HDMI socket only worked with short leads (the 10m one works fine as I tested it with my TV)

would also like to know if it has an audio out like the Hazro, to pick up the audio from the HDMI input

and obviously if it's HDCP compatibe (surely?)

hope it works out well for you
Yay! It came about 20 minutes ago and I've just got it setup.

First impressions: wow....that box doesn't look big enough for a 24" monitor, are they sure they haven't sent me the 22" version?

Anyway, all fears were assuaged when I unpacked the thing and it is indeed the 2475. Stand isn't as hiddeous as I feared, the thing just looks very "business like" after the Hazro. Clips together very easily and to be honest, it's nice having height, tilt and all the other adjustments again - I don't have to slouch or put the monitor on top of something to get a comfortable height! I won't lie though, it just doesn't look as visually appealing as the Hazro - nothing, bar an ACD will, but how often do you look at your monitor housing?

Out of the box, the colours are of course a bit over-saturated, but strangely it doesn't seem as bad as the Dell 2408WFP when I first plugged it in...don't know if that's S-PVA vs IPS, or just the monitor backlight warming up. Ran the HP display assistant which is quite a nifty piece of software, controls the monitor itself through the DDC channel on VGA or DVI. Got it to a fairly good setting, toned down the intensity of reds and greens and the colours look pretty accurate, but I'm probably going to have to finally bite the bullet and get an I1 Display LT to calibrate the thing now that I've gone wide-gamut.

No dead pixels, backlight uniformity looks excellent, and (as far as I can tell in a fairly light room) no backlight bleed to speak of. This thing just feels like it's gone through a decent Quality Control before being boxed and shipped. Gradients, both horizontal and vertical, are smooth.

sounds good
one thing I'd like tested, which seems unlikely, but if I don't ask I'll never know, is to connect a 1080p source via HDMI with a long HDMI lead to see if 1080p still works
my last monitor with an HDMI socket only worked with short leads (the 10m one works fine as I tested it with my TV)

would also like to know if it has an audio out like the Hazro, to pick up the audio from the HDMI input

and obviously if it's HDCP compatibe (surely?)

hope it works out well for you

Don't have a 1080p source anywhere in the house, sorry! No audio out is immediately apparent, but I believe you can order a sound-bar (like on the Dell models). HDCP is still unconfirmed, some people on the german forum said it does, but HP are saying no over the phone, and leaving it ambigious in the specs. You'll have to wait for Badass to have a play to find that out, sorry!

So, any more questions?

edit: Lagom tests (all with manual calibration through HP Display Assist)

Black level: I can see from box 4 onwards
White saturation: I can see all boxes, the last one being very hard to make out, but definitely there
Contrast: can make out all of the boxes, the first of them being very close to black and hard to make out, but definitely there
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sounds good....
about the sound bar though, does that plug in to an adapter on the monitor to get the sound from the hdmi or is it simply speakers that fit on to the monitor ?

need to do the input lag test if possible too, will be important to lots of people I would think.
sounds good....
about the sound bar though, does that plug in to an adapter on the monitor to get the sound from the hdmi or is it simply speakers that fit on to the monitor ?

need to do the input lag test if possible too, will be important to lots of people I would think.

An input lag test has been done by a member of another forum, it came out to around 17ms average. Fired up grid and it definitely feels pretty lag free - may do a test with ET:QW but don't have it installed currently. Badass (TFTCentral) should be getting theirs today and may be able to say definitively what the input lag is. It feels on a par with, or better than the Hazro though (but that is purely subjective).

As for the sound bar, I don't know - that's something you'd need to contact HP directly about.

edit: Just had a look at the docs on the CD, there is indeed an audio out, however, it's S/Pdif and not analogue - it simply passes through the digital audio from the HDMI port.
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I think at the moment this is the best all-rounder. Although its not the best looking of monitors it seems not to have any of the problems plauged by the others (input lag, banding, viewing angles etc). Im very tempted to buy this as tbh its not that much more than the dell and hazro etc. I know the hazro are planning to bring out a firmware update but I cannot live with a glossy screen and the 26" is about 200 more!!

Is it possible to change the stand for this? I cant seem to find any after market stands and am not in the position to wall mount.
the monitor itself is actually very nice, thin bezel and well built. the stand is a bit big i agree. you can get stands and mounts from people like Ergotron which might be a plan
So you recieved it :D

Looking forward to :
an assessment of just how bad you would consider the saturation of the monitor. For those of us without calibration equipment. I will of course be using RGB + brightness + contrast settings to calibrate best possible
the monitor itself is actually very nice, thin bezel and well built. the stand is a bit big i agree. you can get stands and mounts from people like Ergotron which might be a plan

Yup, any VESA 100mm compliant stand/mount that can take the weight will be fine (weight should be on the HP specs - don't really want to risk damaging this thing by taking it apart and weighing the screen alone, sorry!).

Badass: looking forwards to hearing your review about black level and what kind of colour accuracy is available (and what the saturation is like after calibration).
will OCUK sell these if Badass finds these are good mointors as i will buy these over the dell atm due to having dell having serious issues
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