There is wedding photography and there is WEDDING photography.....

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Just came across this now on PoTN.....and i am lost for words.

"We had an awesome chance to shoot with StillMotion at a wedding last week. Angela and I had 3 5D MKIIs on us taking stills and StillMotion had 4 5DMKIIs on them (and 20 batteries!) taking all the video. It was just awesome to see how powerful this camera truly is."

Blog -

HD video -

I am particularly stunned by the video, and is this really where wedding photography is heading, if it is then I have a WHOLE new set of skill to learn !?
See this is exactly why I don't do weddings. I have always said leave weddings to the people who can do them properly. The standard is lowered dramatically because people are cutting corners on cost.

Not to discredit you my friend. I am sick of paying you compliments but I think your well on your way to getting this sort of standard.. maybe not in your capture but the introduction of yourself as a director you clearly take firm control of a wedding and direct it according to bring out the fun/kodak moments.
I have been feeling recently that with the introduction of DSLR DOF controled HD video I also felt that weddings will go more 50/50 in terms of capture. Video and stills.

I always felt that a wedding captured by a team was a positive thing.

It is, and there are a lot of times and moments where i wish i could shoot a video as well as stills.

But that video......the editing too is just, i dunno where to start !
I think a lot of people don't like intrusive wedding videos, this one obviously is and they had a camera in their faces all the time and were told what to do and scenes were setup, I know a lot of people especially in this country wouldn't like that on the day but it does make for an awesome video!
This camera blows me away everytime I see it used...truely incredible piece of equipment :)
Wow that video is stunning.

What would be the Nikon equivalent to the 5D MKIIs?

None so far...The D700 doesn't have a video mode, nor does the D3. The D90 does video but only in 720p.

Plus there is a downside for Nikon too, Canon have a much wider choice of lenses to choose from !
None so far...The D700 doesn't have a video mode, nor does the D3. The D90 does video but only in 720p.

Plus there is a downside for Nikon too, Canon have a much wider choice of lenses to choose from !

In short, the 5d2 kicks ass.
Hopefully Nikon will follow Canon in the future. Otherwise i might make the switch to Canon if i ever decide to upgrade my D80.

Ive always thought the video mode was a gimmick until i saw that video :eek:.
I think a lot of people don't like intrusive wedding videos, this one obviously is and they had a camera in their faces all the time and were told what to do and scenes were setup, I know a lot of people especially in this country wouldn't like that on the day but it does make for an awesome video!

The pictures and video is just beautiful though. Thanks for sharing.
Lovely video and the 5DMKII is a stunning camera, as for Nikon the word on the street is that the D700x & the D4 will have HD Video so watch out Canon.
wonderful work!

But I do have to wonder if the wedding turns into more of a video shoot!
that is serious videography there. Thanks for posting Raymond.

I enjoyed watching that video.
wonderful work!

But I do have to wonder if the wedding turns into more of a video shoot!

Yep my thoughts, 5 x 5D's that starting to turn in a feature length production. I would have been impressed if one camera had been used :D
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