Sorry if this has been said already, is anyone running Safari in 64 bit mode?
I could NOT use any flash site / video without it going into spaz mode.
Just wondering....
Sorry if this has been said already, is anyone running Safari in 64 bit mode?
I don't really see any point in forcing it. Not all my apps are 64 bit compatible so it'd be more trouble than it's worth.
I don't see the point in running 64bt kernel. Are there any actual real world performance differences to be gained from running it?
My Trash is taking an AGE to empty since the upgrade. Any ideas?
Go to 'Finder' then 'Preferences' then 'Advanced'. Is 'Empty trash securely' checked ?
It's a non-problem. Since when has a kernel ever needed more than 4GB RAM for internal use?
I don't see the point in running 64bt kernel. Are there any actual real world performance differences to be gained from running it?
Preview's still utter tosh, though. For the life of me I cannot understand why you cannot open a picture and then click 'Previous' and 'Next' to go back/forward in that folder. I have hundreds of pictures in a folder and I want to use Preview to open them, but why do I have to select them all in order to do it ?