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Geforce Titan rumours.

4 Dec 2002
North Lincolnshire
Ha I shop at lidl as its a 2 minute walk from my apartment :D

Suppose it depends how much you enjoy AA in games without the headache of SLI profiles. Before I sold my old pc I had 2x 3gb 580s watercooled and they performed really well, especially in SLI. I had a 120hz monitor and enjoyed 3D gaming, but before the SLI profiles came out, trying to play BF3 in 3D was impossible. Had the same problem with alan wake on the PC as well and even then, the SLI profile took AGES to come out, so I was left basically using 1 card, which had acceptable FPS, but in the 50s on the top graphics preset compared to twice that with SLI lol.

Having a single fast GPU solves all those issues, then you get the added benefit of simply adding another at a later date when the games get too demanding for the hardware.



13 Aug 2003
People do pay £900 for Dysons just as people pay £1 million for Veyrons and people will pay £800-£1000 for TITANS. People will always continue to pay for the "best" available solution at that given time even though most of them know it will be beaten within the near future. Life is short, buy what you can whilst you can is what I say :)

Do you know any? I bet they don't hang out in forums.

Good news for buyers of multiple Titans, that tasty looking sli bridge will be available to buy from April

Thats one slick SLi bridge! Clash of the Titans?
2 Jan 2012
Ha I shop at lidl as its a 2 minute walk from my apartment :D

Haha, my point was.. People like to buy expensive clothes.. Just because Primark is cheaper doesn't mean everyone will shop there all the time..

It's funny that when people were buying SLI 680's for nearly a grand no one was up in arms.. We know the Titan isn't the mainstream replacement for the 680, so it's in it's own tier, the 780 will come later and be around the same launch price as the 680... If those that are moaning about the price of the Titan have no intention of getting one why does it bother them?
22 Aug 2008
Magnesium alloy? Isn't that what Toughbooks (British Gas engineers have these) are made of?

Also isn't an SLI bridge just a ribbon cable underneath? I have loads of crossfire ribbons lying around but never had an SLI setup so wondering. If I was putting together a colour co-ordinated rig with proper cable management and fancy hose routing on the loop I'd definitely want one of these bridges. :)
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
So I see people are still going on about the price. When will people learn that people value their own money differently to how you may value it. It's like saying why go out and buy a Bugatti Veyron if you win the lottery when you could spend 200k modifying a Toyota Supra to go nearly as fast for 5 times less the price. I know which one I'd rather have and I also know which one I'd rather have out of a 7970 and a GTX TITAN regardless of the price.

WTF?? How can you even compare a hand built low production car which will be remembered in 20 years time,to a piece of electronics which will be outdated in one or two years time.

Except if you were to apply the same logic to your car comparison,both cars would actually be made by Toyota.

TSMC makes the actual GPUs using the same process,and the same OEMs make all the basic bits anyway like the PCBs,capacitors,etc.

The only people who are trying to make a £850 to £900 single GPU card look good value are either Nvidia stealth marketers or people who have invested in Nvidia shares.

For everyone else it is terrible news,because it now puts an upper limit on how fast the GTX780 will be and what it will be capable of,and no doubt whatever AMD will release too.

So,I expect another generation of tiny performance improvements.

Where is the modern G92 or RV770 now??
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12 Mar 2010
I went to Primark once, and thought 'ooooh I can buy 5 pairs of socks for a quid!' Well, never again. I now look for the best socks I can find. Hence, I bought a Titan. I'm a dairy farmer. Cheap socks are crap in wellies. Actually, they are crap all round. Pulling them on and the elastic bit pulling off... to be fair, there wasn't really any elastic to begin with because they didn't f-ing stay up anyway and just ended up in a crumpled heap in the front of my boots. Even if they did stay up, the polyester crap they were made of made my feet sweat.
1 Nov 2002
Its a good point to make and a worrying trend in my opinion. Of course, like everyone else I love reading the reviews and reading about the tech, and am superbly jealous of anyone who has one on order. But it is a worrying price especially when it will be out of date relatively quickly.

Seeing as the titan is only roughly 30 or so odd% quicker than a 7970, surely the 780 will be very close performance wise. I think I will sit this out even though I have been thinking about a titan/690, and save the money for the next generation.

I would never judge anyones purchases, or how they spend their money. Its their money, crack on! My concern is the wider implications for the market, will £1k GPU's become normality? Will Nvidia now offer a 'top' GPU with relatively small performance increases for twice the price of their high end mainstream, gpu?
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9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
No one cares, TITAN is here to stay :cool:

In fact more people do care,as they want good increases next generation. If you don't seem to understand that,then you are naive. Most of us don't prefer one brand over another. The only sort of stuff which Titan looks good value for is rendering and compute stuff on the desktop.

I updated a lot of the graphics card threads including vast sections of the GK104 rumours thread,so trying that crap makes you look silly.

The moment that one criticism is levelled,you go into defensive mode try to insult people calling them "hater" - trying those childish sort of things is hilarious and it reflects on yourself badly.

Maybe at the primary school you are studying at ATM,that seems cool,but really no one cares that much about coolness factor of CPUs or GPUs.

Perhaps in your weird world all the reviews calling Titan expensive are also done by Nvidia haters. In fact plenty of £450+ cards from AMD or Nvidia have been called overpriced. It must mean most gamers are AMD and Nvidia haters!! :rolleyes:

It just sounds like you are in damage control mode.
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19 May 2012
I went to Primark once, and thought 'ooooh I can buy 5 pairs of socks for a quid!' Well, never again. I now look for the best socks I can find. Hence, I bought a Titan. I'm a dairy farmer. Cheap socks are crap in wellies. Actually, they are crap all round. Pulling them on and the elastic bit pulling off... to be fair, there wasn't really any elastic to begin with because they didn't f-ing stay up anyway and just ended up in a crumpled heap in the front of my boots. Even if they did stay up, the polyester crap they were made of made my feet sweat.

You have brought tears to my eyes, I am not kidding.

I tried so hard not to laugh and doing that produced the reverse affect.

Thank you so much. Sweet dreams.
22 Aug 2008
I got a nice pair of Burberry socks that were very well made and comfy for christmas once, but somehow lost them. Now I'm back to my 3 for 1 packs of Wilson "sports" socks.

No way would I spend money on socks, only PC stuff!
18 Oct 2012
Most of us don't prefer one brand over another.

Stopped reading here. The AMD bias on this forum is clear. I'm not the only one to have said it, in fact someone said it earlier.

From another thread yesterday:

Yes. And the fact this forum is ludicrously biased towards AMD. Almost to the point of fingers in ears, "I'm not listening" mode.
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