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Geforce GTX 780, 770 coming in May

27 Apr 2012
Haha, yeah only messing with ya. I think there is a good incentive for people to jump to the GTX 780, it has near GTX Titan Spec / hopefully performance.

Depending on the price I'll go with two 770's or two 780's. I think near £500 each the 780's will be to much for me to justify, a pair of 770's at £300 each would be nice though :)

You already have 660 SLI; I'd hold out and see what AMD bring to the table, if you upgrade to a pair of 770s/780s then AMD bring out a 20nm beast which crushes Titan you'll be faaaiiirrly gutted. :p

Wishful thinking I fear. I doubt your GTX470 card will cope well at anything over or even equating to low/medium settings on BF4. You're in a prime position to upgrade and see a huge gain, but with BF4 coming out Q4 2013 and Maxwell coming in Q1 20114, I think you'd be well advised to bite the bullet and wait for Maxwell.

Sorry what, Maxwell Q1 2014? I don't think it'll be out that early in 2014... Maybe mid Q2 - they'll want the 7 series out at least a year.
Though I guess this totally depends what AMD do, if they come in high priced with the 20nm VI cards then Nvidia will want Maxwell out fast.
Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
Geforce GTX 780 comes on May 23rd

Overclocked a few weeks later

We got news from multiple sources that the Geforce GTX 780, based on GK110 Titan chip, is coming on the May 23rd. Nvidia is launching reference clocked cards and they should be available from day one, but most overclocked cards will show their face a few weeks later.

There will be overclocked cards, but from what we understand the Geforce GTX 780 is using a Titan cooler and most people will continue using it as it’s a high quality design. Some vendors might dare to use their custom cooling solutions as there are some available in the market and even water cooled cards might be in the works.

Reference cards should sell for around 500 euro, while overclocked cards will be closer to the 600 euro mark, but we expect some deviations depending on the market and the specific vendors. These prices are just a rough range of what Nvidia expects them to sell for.

2 Jan 2012
how about when they released the GTX680 at a cheaper price than the 7970 that it was faster than in many games at launch :D :D

Both cards were overpriced at launch. If the 680 had come in at £300 I would have thought it was good value at launch lol.

Honestly can't remember Nvidia releasing a high end card at a decent price at launch? In the past a price premium was more justified to be fair as the performance gap was always larger, these days not so justified. Pricing has gone full retard :p.

Mind you a GTX 780 at £400 and I'm in :D
2 Jan 2012
You already have 660 SLI; I'd hold out and see what AMD bring to the table, if you upgrade to a pair of 770s/780s then AMD bring out a 20nm beast which crushes Titan you'll be faaaiiirrly gutted. :p

Very true but I can't see AMD cards coming for a while yet, the 7XX cards will tide me over until then. They def seem to be better value offerings than the 6XX series cards, especially if they come in at the same pricing levels..
22 Oct 2008
Lisburn, Northern Ireland
Go away with your "People struggling for money" arguments and leave that for the Jeremy Kyle show please.

I don't know if you live at home with mummy and daddy or are a thieving banker but in reality...most people don't have lots of cash these days.

I don't watch Jeremy Kyle so I can't comment what topics he covers in his shows.

All I was inferring was that graphics cards are getting stupid in terms of pricing. With each new generation of card out they bump up the price in relation to the performance given...spending half a grand on a graphics card is a bit mad. Regardless if you can afford it or not.
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22 May 2010
Even £400 wouldn't be worth it if you own a 680 already IMO. Rumours are looking good but wouldn't be enough to make me swap out a 680 for a 780.

I paid £420 on near enough launch day going from a gtx 570. The performance boost was nice and made a real difference. So if i was to pay another £420 the performance gain would need to be equal or higher. Not sure if i would gofor a reference card again though apart from the fact that its easier to buy full cover waterblocks for.
30 Nov 2011
lmao, people spend a hell of a lot more on their hobbies than the occasional £500, what, per year

I know people that spend £100+ on paintball either per month or per week in some cases
what about a set of golfclubs? or modified cars?
even if you went to the cinema every weekend, or pub, that's £520+ per year

I probably get more hours of use out of my graphics cards than hours of entertainment of someone who goes to the pub once a week gets from that

how about smokers, they spend £5 per day to get cancer, now that is mad :D :D

point being, you shouldn't really criticise other people for how they choose to prioritise their money, this is a PC enthusiast website so if you think "it's mad" to spend money on computer hardware then you may have wandered in to the wrong place by mistake
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2 Jan 2012
18 Oct 2012
Well after Gibbo's comment in the MSI 7970 thread it seems the 780 is going to be well over £420. Such a shame, Nvidia could swallow up most of the market until AMD release the 8 series if they priced these right.
30 Nov 2011
Well after Gibbo's comment in the MSI 7970 thread it seems the 780 is going to be well over £420. Such a shame, Nvidia could swallow up most of the market until AMD release the 8 series if they priced these right.

at OCUK at least, but then they do tend to lead the charge of the price gouging on release day :D :D
get in quick to order at normal price before everyone else follows suit

remember, retail price is not set by nvidia, it is colluded set by retailers
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