Haha, yeah only messing with ya. I think there is a good incentive for people to jump to the GTX 780, it has near GTX Titan Spec / hopefully performance.
Depending on the price I'll go with two 770's or two 780's. I think near £500 each the 780's will be to much for me to justify, a pair of 770's at £300 each would be nice though
You already have 660 SLI; I'd hold out and see what AMD bring to the table, if you upgrade to a pair of 770s/780s then AMD bring out a 20nm beast which crushes Titan you'll be faaaiiirrly gutted.
Wishful thinking I fear. I doubt your GTX470 card will cope well at anything over or even equating to low/medium settings on BF4. You're in a prime position to upgrade and see a huge gain, but with BF4 coming out Q4 2013 and Maxwell coming in Q1 20114, I think you'd be well advised to bite the bullet and wait for Maxwell.
Sorry what, Maxwell Q1 2014? I don't think it'll be out that early in 2014... Maybe mid Q2 - they'll want the 7 series out at least a year.
Though I guess this totally depends what AMD do, if they come in high priced with the 20nm VI cards then Nvidia will want Maxwell out fast.