woke up this morning wanting to die

Wise Guy
9 Dec 2012
Turn 40 single, no kids no job, feeling very unhappy, most of my mates have left the country so no I feel alone, had a few flings last year.

Ive had a good 40 years but it seem now I feel like crap, I'm aging feeling that i'm getting old, I feel that life is **** and woke up crying, I was depressed end of last year and refused medication.

What do you do when you turn 40 and realised that your dreams will not come true, and feel that your waiting to die.

It all started when I found some broken asbestos in my flat it sent me into depression, been told it was low risk that i'd ever get any negative effects, it sent my anxiety levels high thinking about it.

On top of that I live alone which does not help, I just feel pretty low. i go to the gym 4 times a week.
Last edited:
27 Mar 2013
I had a bit of a mad one at 30.

Think about your options. You simply need to do things to improve your lifestyle. The best thing you can do in my opinion is go down to the local gym, get yourself signed up on some boxing classes or similar and then just get socialising and becoming fit and confident.

The rest will follow :)
Wise Guy
9 Dec 2012
I had a bit of a mad one at 30.

Think about your options. You simply need to do things to improve your lifestyle. The best thing you can do in my opinion is go down to the local gym, get yourself signed up on some boxing classes or similar and then just get socialising and becoming fit and confident.

The rest will follow :)

Been going to the gym for years, just I feel life has no meaning.
Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
I think if I felt like that it would be a case of drastically mixing things up. Save up and live abroad - now there's a goal to live for!!!
20 Mar 2006
First off you are the source of your own torment, go easy on yourself!

Stop looking back and stop trying to predict the future. All you have is the now and you need to start living your life in the now or it will slip away.

What are you doing this weekend? You need to go out get involved in something bigger than yourself. Where do you live?
22 Mar 2006
Been going to the gym for years, just I feel life has no meaning.

find some meaning, even if it just things you like to do such as fishing or video games, cooking, try to find joy in simple thing like this.

but the best thing you could do is to would be as someone else suggested, get any job, save money and travel in the east or india, it will change you.
Wise Guy
9 Dec 2012
First off you are the source of your own torment, go easy on yourself!

Stop looking back and stop trying to predict the future. All you have is the now and you need to start living your life in the now or it will slip away.

What are you doing this weekend? You need to go out get involved in something bigger than yourself. Where do you live?

In London, Saturday having a date but not into her, just don't know what going on, I can't sleep wake up with anxiety then it fades.
I always thought I'd have a successful banking career, but it turns out that I cant even get the chance to do that.
29 Jan 2008
Go East: Live there for a year.

do something like that... or even just a holiday

plenty of nice women over that way, join one of those language exchange sites learn a bit of the language, you could make some friends via that, then take a long holiday over there - save up your annual holiday allowance for it
23 Apr 2014
Meds are short term plus worried I might lose my hair on them or other negative side effects.

Are you not more worried if you don't try them then things may get worse and you'll just be stuck in the position you are now.

Stop worrying about ifs and whens and just try new things, see what works and what doesn't. At least then you'll know how severe the depression is.
Wise Guy
9 Dec 2012
do something like that... or even just a holiday

plenty of nice women over that way, join one of those language exchange sites learn a bit of the language, you could make some friends via that, then take a long holiday over there - save up your annual holiday allowance for it

Tried to join meetups but my social skills when I feel like this are crap, seem to talk about negative things.
20 Mar 2006
in London, Saturday having a date but not into her, just don't know what going on, I can't sleep wake up with anxiety then it fades.
I always thought I'd have a successful banking career, but it turns out that I cant even get the chance to do that.

It sounds like your head is full of stories about yourself, past regrets and future anxieties. You really need to stop listening to these things because they have either happened and can never be changed or have not happened and are not worth trying to predict.

If there is no realistic chance to have the banking career you need to make peace with the fact it wont happen and forget it. You can't make this disappointment be the story of your life.

It sounds like your at the part of the film or book where the hero is at a turning point. When was the last time you did something spontaneous and out of your comfort zone?
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