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*** AMD "Zen" thread (inc AM4/APU discussion) ***

The Ryzen Master software looks interesting, can overclock individual cores.

It would take a lot of tuning but I wonder if you could find the max of each core and then set profiles for different uses, i.e max the four strongest cores for gaming, or a lower clock for all 8 cores in heavily multithreaded apps for temp management/efficiency.

im also very interested in this, i just hope that its idiot proof if not i am going to be in trouble.
why do they need it to be cheaper when most gamers will go with the overall faster option ? the 7700k is the gaming chip of the moment ryzen wont change that.
Totally depends on the game and the i7-7700K will be on the losing side of that more and more over the next year or two. It's also more than £50 expensive than an R7 1700 when you consider the total cost of the system. If you play more games that favour the i7-7700K then it's going to be a better choice...at least until the R3 and R5 series come out.
Intel will justify what their customers will pay - so people justifying that the Core i7 7700K is the bestest CPU in the world at £350,will only be doing Intel marketing a favour.

I think you and i would agree a statement like that is naive and at this apparent point untrue, however i do agree with what you're saying, but again, i don't really care, the brand makes no difference to me, all that does mater is how much performance i'm actually getting for my money.

If people want to listen to complex arguments made blankly and / or buy based on brand that's their problem, for the rest of us there is now an alternative.
The Ryzen Master software looks interesting, can overclock individual cores:


It would take a lot of tuning but I wonder if you could find the max of each core and then set profiles for different uses, i.e max the four strongest cores for gaming, or a lower clock for all 8 cores in heavily multithreaded apps for temp management/efficiency.

Would be interesting to see what could be done with such granular control of core speeds.

I'm hoping in the reviews of the 8 core chips, that they see try disabling 2-4 cores and see what it will do to overclocking. Hopefully it will be indicative of the soon to be released 6 and 4 core chips potential
I think you and i would agree a statement like that is naive and at this apparent point untrue, however i do agree with what you're saying, but again, i don't really care, the brand makes no difference to me all that does mater is how much performance i'm actually getting for my money.

But you are seeing it in this thread - people trying to use every trick to justify that a £350 Core i7 7700K is worth that price. Intel will try their best to try and maintain as high a pricing level for their 4C line-up. They did it by artificially locking out the Xeon E3 CPUs from consumer sockets,making HEDT less affordable,etc.

You would think people would be excited at the prospect of Ryzen being decent and for Intel to drop pricing even if you don't want an AMD CPU,but its seems some really are negative at more competition in the CPU market again.
Ther other thing to note is that if you are buying a new motherboard, AM4 will be better than 1151 going forward.

I doubt Cannon Lake will be on 1151.

Agree ...Its time for Intel to wakeup and stop taking us all on there new socket every 6 month ride ...Deep down i have all ways disliked Intel even back in the mid 90's mainly due to there high prices compared to equivalents... but recently more so with there crap tim and endless sockets they deserve a good slap on the face by AMD and its looking like its about to happen...

Its a win win for AMD if these ryzen chips do perform peeps are going to jump ship and are going to see Intel for what they are greedy as hell & drip feeding us performance
And so it begins

Intel and Nvidia have taken us consumers round the price gouging fun fair, hopefully AMD new graphics card can also equally dominate
nvidia so that consumers can get better and more fair price whatever brand they choose. I can finally upgrade my OLD AMD system with RYZEN and Vega.

I been waiting for ages AMD, about time.
that would be great if intel counters with price cuts, i rather have that than seeing intel locking AMD out of the market, by bribing 3rd party for exclusive use like they did back in early 2000s.
and let's be honest intel profited a 100times more than the fine they had to pay, so it's really possible that they would consider this again, call me pessimistic, but i dont see why they wouldn't, maybe risking higher fine, but that depands on the projected loss, especialy if Naples and Raven Ridge threathens their revenue in server and mobile space.
But you are seeing it in this thread - people trying to use every trick to justify that a £350 Core i7 7700K is worth that price. Intel will try their best to try and maintain as high a pricing level for their 4C line-up. They did it by artificially locking out the Xeon E3 CPUs from consumer sockets,making HEDT less affordable,etc.

You would think people would be excited at the prospect of Ryzen being decent and for Intel to drop pricing even if you don't want an AMD CPU,but its seems some really are negative at more competition in the CPU market again.

no one is tricking anyone. some are stating ryzen will be bertter ingames based on no facts.other than more cores. i and few others state the intel i7 will be better for gaming. its good to see amd with new cpus but for gaming pcs intel are still faster.disagree or not wait for the benchmarks.some already shown thye were and you will see more soon.it doesnt matter if you think amd chips offer better value.if someone is a gamer they go with top performance.for their money.

games wont drastically change now as the current console line up is pretty young.

so while some games will use those extra cores and mp side the majority of console ports and such will most likely still favour faster core speeds.which intel still has in its bag.
But you are seeing it in this thread - people trying to use every trick to justify that a £350 Core i7 7700K is worth that price. Intel will try their best to try and maintain as high a pricing level for their 4C line-up. They did it by artificially locking out the Xeon E3 CPUs from consumer sockets,making HEDT less affordable,etc.

You would think people would be excited at the prospect of Ryzen being decent and for Intel to drop pricing even if you don't want an AMD CPU,but its seems some really are negative at more competition in the CPU market again.

You're right, the point is i don't care what Intel do, i will call out statements i don't agree with but whatever their reasons for those statements i don't care because i know better than to listen to them, by that i'm in no way implying anyone is defiantly doing anything untoward, i should say.

As for Intel and their tactics, use of shills.... whatever desperate means they use to keep the pricing high; again i don't care, there is an alternative now so i don't have to buy their junk, besides that i'm quite optimistic about the knowledge and intelligence of people, i think people can see shilling when they are exposed to it, look in this FUN thread ;), and i think they have the smarts to make decisions based on their own sound logic, you know what that means? while Intel are at war fighting for their bloated revenues AMD are getting a huge chunk of what Intel are fighting to keep. FAN-######-TASTIK!
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no one is tricking anyone. some are stating ryzen will be bertter ingames based on no facts.other than more cores. i and few others state the intel i7 will be better for gaming. its good to see amd with new cpus but for gaming pcs intel are still faster.disagree or not wait for the benchmarks.some already shown thye were and you will see more soon.it doesnt matter if you think amd chips offer better value.if someone is a gamer they go with top performance.for their money.

games wont drastically change now as the current console line up is pretty young.

so while some games will use those extra cores and mp side the majority of console ports and such will most likely still favour faster core speeds.which intel still has in its bag.

The consoles are years old and two generations of PC hardware in. Come November it looks like the Xbox will have a Ryzen 8 core and Vega GPU. 12 months after Sony will be on the Playstation 5 and possibly Ryzen+ and Navi.

Games are primed and ready for multi cores now. You seem a year or two behind the curve.
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