Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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14 Nov 2002
Under the Hill
It's still got to be believable within the limits of the world. If in the next episode a spaceship came down and conquered westoros.... how annoying would it be for some people turn around to you and say 'Well it's fantasy.... With undead and fire breathing dragons.... Some of you guys are taking this way too seriously'

The major issue is in suspending disbelief for the time of travel. I personally can live with that because frankly I don't want to wait 8 years for George Martin to finish his bloody books. Yes there are a coule of questionable decisions by characters, but that is true for almost every series and movie ever made. The serious among you can begin to decipher the movings of Littlefing and Aria, there's plenty of meat there and with the developing situation with Cersei if Dani does show up in Weteros. There is enough for everyone.
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
I am glad it has sped up - I couldn't take what would be one season out of each of these episodes. Plus the popularity would die out by then and we wouldn't get all of this big budget stuff.

So what are the unsullied up to? Haven't seen much from them.
21 Oct 2012
31 Dec 2005
Good in parts but agree with others the pacing was all over the place felt rushed at times.

Liked the bants and camaraderie in the group. Good fight scenes.
Didn't like the very forced childish spat between Area/Salsa...to the extent that it must be fake..a show for Lf.

I was slightly disappointed that it was Benjen who rescued Jon. I was half hoping the other Dragon would swoop down and save him and he would ride away.

Episode felt bit spoiled with Gendry the Usain bolt of Westeros and The dragons I guess must've opened a portal to fly all the way from Dragonstone to beyond the wall in a matter of hours.
But it was OK. Ep 4 still my favourite from this season.

No Bran this episode though :(
4 Apr 2003
That's because the show was serious and relatively realistic.

Until this season.

So so true....and in no particular order:

A fire proof girl mothers some dragons from a fire, dire wolves, a priestess births a demon killer, wight walkers and the knight king, people brought back from the dead alive, people and animals brought back from the dead dead, people brought back from the dead but neither alive nor dead, visions in the fire, children of the forest and the three eyed raven, all seeing all-Bran visioning through time, Sam getting laid, zombie mountain, many faces of the faceless ones, littlefinger's ever changing English and Irish accent, army of the dead, dragons, dragons, Jon Snow knowing nothing, Meister's reading all the mail, Sean Bean surviving to the final episode.........

Ok you got me, I made the last one up but you know a little bit of timey wimey convenient plot points......
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5 Feb 2010
You know they could have just had a couple seconds of one of the men on the island saying 'we'll not last another night...' and maybe a bit of an argument about how many nights it had been. I get the feeling the NK knew the events and was waiting to take the dragon.
18 Oct 2002
Few things I disliked, but god, what an incredible episode!

The Olympic javelin throw was just stupid. The ballista did hardly any damage, but this bloke just casually lobs a spear in the air like it's nothing and insta kills it.

The Dany/Jon love thing is being shoved in our faces at every opportunity. It was so forced.

Benjen with the completely pointless death. He could have just taken Jon back to the wall and said his goodbyes, like with Bran. Game of Thrones loves including utterly ridiculous self sacrifices for some reason.

Apart from those I absolutely loved it. Going to watch it again now. :)

Yet the walkers can take sword hit after sword hit and keep walking but a touch of dragon glass and the white walkers shatter into pieces. It's just the reverse scenario, white walkers and their weapons are the opposites of dragons and fire forged dragon glass, they are exceptionally deadly to the opposite type.

People have been speculating about the third dragon rider for ages and I guess they have their answer now, third one is from the other side?

Sansa's character just keeps on winding me up, at every stage she's been an uppity **** who I've never not hated. She started acting like some supreme leader overnight because the guy who pawned her off into a marriage she didn't like (but willingly went in to) is still using her. She still somehow can't see little finger using her but my problem with it is that it's painfully obvious. In this world Little finger would have been killed so damn long ago because while the show portrays him as cunning every word out of his mouth sounds like something out of a snake. He hasn't said a single word in the whole show where you've thought "he seems genuine there", he double crosses everyone yet he somehow despite spies everywhere and the obvious nature of all his actions magically no one suspects and just ends him.

Last up, do the undead come back on their own north of the wall or not? Because sometimes they act like one of the walkers has to specifically bring them back, other times not. We've seen the dead seemingly spring up without being touched by a walker, even inside the black watch keep haven't we? SO why not drag either a recently dead body or some guy about to be beheaded for rape/murder, take them north of the wall, kill him or just wait for them to come back then take that south as proof? But this episode implied touch is needed and undead are tied to a specific walker?



18 Oct 2002
The Great Lines Of Defence
A fire proof girl mother's some dragons from a fire, dire wolves, a priestess births a demon killer, white walkers and the knight king, people brought back from the dead alive, people and animals brought back from the dead dead, people brought back from the dead but neither alive nor dead, visions in the fire, children of the forest and the three eyed raven, all seeing all-Bran visioning through time, Sam getting laid, zombie mountain, many faces of the faceless ones, littlefinger's ever changing English and Irish accent, army of the dead, dragons, dragons, Jon Snow knowing nothing, Meister's reading all the mail, Sean Bean surviving to the final episode.........

Precisely, and all of that realism completely falls apart when you stop for a second, count on your fingers and realise Black Dragon Down rescue mission would take 6 days to arrive... I mean - whatever next - your own, long lost uncle arriving conveniently on horse in just the right moment to save you from hypothermia? ;)
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25 Jul 2005
Liked the last episode but much of it just seemed so out of place compared to the rest of the show. I'm not sure why but it just felt like it could have been a completely different show. Whether it was the long chats at the beginning, the camera angles/direction or something else I'm not sure.
17 Jun 2010
A book question. Are literature fans being done over here by being given pretty much the same story albeit minus the lengthy details. Or is GRRM having to completely come up with something different. Not sure I could enjoy the books as much with an imagination full of scenes from the TV show. I liked having my own perspective of the characters.

Broad strokes are the same. I've seen people saying the romance is pure fan service for instance but...

TAYLOR: (Laughs) There’s been an inevitability to the two of them coming together. It’s been foreshadowed over and over again, and those who know the books know it’s inevitable, but that doesn’t tell you anything about how it’s going to play out or how it’s going to go. I remember when I was doing Season 1 and we were on location in Malta, and George R. R. Martin came to visit. He was sitting in a chair, and he was being really quite open about things that were to come…

DEADLINE: About Jon and Dany or Game Of Thrones in general?

TAYLOR: Bit of both, but it was early days and nobody was paying attention to the show. We didn’t really know what a phenomenon it was going to be, and I think he was being less guarded than we’ve become since then. Anyways, he alluded to the fact that Jon and Dany were the point, kind of. That, at the time, there was a huge, vast array of characters, and Jon was a lowly, you know, ******* son. So it wasn’t clear to us at the time, but he did sort of say things that made it clear that the meeting and the convergence of Jon and Dany were sort of the point of the series.
3 Jul 2008
Such a badly written and paced episode, you have to wonder if they aren't rapidly undoing all the good work that has gone before. It's becoming clear it probably wasn't a good idea to push the series beyond the books. However, it's understandable given they needed to keep the momentum or risk the series falling apart waiting for GRRM. But cutting back from 10 episodes to 7 seems to have had consequences.

I still love the plot twists, characters and acting. But they are being overwhelmed by a total loss of credibility. Yes it's a fantasy world, but it still needs to stay plausible and obey some basic rules about distance, travel speed and ease of navigation, or the whole thing falls apart at the seams. The teleporting was bad enough in other episodes this season, with fleets and boats warping around seas, but you could suspend a bit of disbelief for that in the name of moving the plot along. But this week it crossed firmly into a whole new realm of WTF stupid. They might as well just install some magic portals (that great fantasy stalwart) and have done with it.

Episodes like this wreck the overall plot development because you wonder what nonsensical stunt the writers will pull next. Which is a shame because the over-riding plot themes are still immense and gripping. I hope the finale gets it right, but with so many loose ends to tie up I worry.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
If that's true it lends credence to Bran being the Night King theory which is just mental talk! :eek:

I really could see this being true, if you compare the Night King and Bran side by side, they look strikingly similar in terms of facial shape and features, they also move their heads in the same manner , even more so now with Bran recently becoming so much more robotic in his movements
28 Apr 2011
Barnet, London
My concern is it's becoming like any other TV show in that the main characters are 'safe'. I didn't really think at any point, any of our main guys would be killed and that's not a place GoT should be in my opinion.
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