+1 with your take on it all.
For 460-480 you can get an Aib 1080, and destiny 2 is Inc which if you want reduces the price to 420-440. Which then makes the 1070ti price points even more pointless.

Vega AC can maintain better than stock performance while consuming considerably less Watts over stock. Still not 1080 levels of efficiency but better much improved over the out of box experience.
I do not disagree

, I think I posted a well rounded/explanatory point that you quoted, so won't go into it again

Vega is a decent GPU, nowhere near the hype but neither is it a total failure.
I agree not a total failure. I can not help but feel performance should have been greater. If I put aside what I expected as performance then I can't help but feel it should have been released sooner.
On the other flipside, having now owned VEGA and seeing how voltages/frequency work, etc. I believe it was a larger tech/implementation leap then say other past recent GPUs. Perhaps these were the causes for delay besides HBM2 development, etc.
I wouldn't hold out much hope, I believe the "AMD fine wine" meme is mostly unwarranted. Both AMD and Nvidia improve drivers and performance over time. There is also the fact that the last few drivers released from AMD for Vega owners have been quite poor. Losing overclocks/undervolts on almost every reset, game profiles not working, display corruption in GUI etc.
Overall I am happy with Vega and do not regret getting one (especially at the £450 release price).
I too am happy with VEGA, if I could have asked for one thing to be better that would be improved power usage with increased frequency/some voltage being better.
I can't say I lose settings in WattMan, I have now what I call my primary tweaked profile. This is solid for sure in my uses, gaming, f@h and bionic, I have done plenty of hours of test cases now.
I have only had display corruption of WattMan if I resize it normal way. If I only resize it vertically I actually have no issues. So far game profiles for what I have used work, exception only being Wolfenstein 2.
As an example on say driver/game improvements, I saw
this today. I use Mein Leben! preset @ 1440P I think I get higher than 92FPS, I noted on the
test setup page of Guru3D it doesn't have Async Compute. Perhaps screenie was from nVidia GPU setup, but I use AC, as am on beta branch. Next GPU Culling is off, I have this On as it's recommended on AMD GPU. If when I test tonight these settings make a difference and/or I have higher FPS than that review it does paint VEGA incorrectly.
I'd be interested to see if other Vega users can get the following clock, hbm and voltage settings stable, while using whatever the lowest amount of voltage is required to achieve stability. I'd be interested to know what voltage is required to achieve these clocks from AC and LC samples if possible.
With this particular Vega 64 XTX I'm using at the moment, i have achieved the following which is 24/7 stable.
Stock core clocks, but core undervolted 0.075mv. State 6 core clock increased to 1702Mhz.
HBM overclocked to 1070Mhz.
That results in a constant core clock between 1702-1752Mhz.
Before I even try it I know this would be a total fail on my current VEGA sample.
HBM 1070MHz it would do with ease, as I've been using 1100MHz for several days and with increased GPU clocks I only need 975mV on memory slider (testing lower soon).
GPU Clocks of DPM6: 1702MHz 1100mV and DPM7: 1752MHz 1125mV would be epic fail.
I need for DPM6: 1557MHz 975mV and DPM7: 1652MHz 1125mV, any lower on DPM 7 voltage I have issues over several case situations. To make
DPM6: 1587MHz I need 1000mV and DPM7: 1682MHz needs 1150mV. If I use 975mV in DPM 6 it is a fail, if I go 1137mV for DPM7 it is a fail. I have passed ~1hr loop of 3DM FS Demo for this profile so far. I will do ~1hr each of Heaven/Valley and then some runs of SP 4K. Then several hours of gaming and at least ~12hrs f@h/Bionic. Then it qualifies as a "solid" profile for me.
Stock is 1.2v, undervolt by 0.075mv would be 1.125mv.
I think members will think the 1.2V when they move to manual voltages is stock for their particular GPU. It is not IMO, due to ASIC profiling/ACG/AVFS.
Here is "stock"
SP 4K on my card, straight after placing WB on card. I will do HML file at some point as the graph is nicer for viewing. We see VDDC min 0.756V, aver. 0.910V and max 1.087V.
Here is
SP 4K with tweaks, min 0.756V, aver. 1.030V and max 1.069V.
Then I know on my card if I use:-
DPM6: 1557MHz 975mV
DPM7: 1652MHz 11xxmV
HBM: 1100MHz 975mV
PowerLimit: 65%
And only change DPM 7 to 1100mV or 1112mV or 1125mV then I still use ~1.075V under load.
1100mV will work for clocks, but every so often some 3D load will have an issue. 1112mV works well, but 1125mV seems right to have. As all 3 of these mV settings I always still get same voltage under load, I believe monitoring is not quick enough to show ACG/AVFS fully in action. I believe this from how the increased values gain, me stability, but monitoring shows no change in voltage.