The nervous wait to exchange....

20 Jun 2005
Good luck Marky!

Update on my purchase - so...seems like the sellers solicitor has responded to the questions which my solicitor raised.

Bit of an odd situation - as it is 2 houses on the development that share a driveway, my solicitor wanted it to be clear on the title deeds that maintenance of the drive would be 50:50.
However, it turns out that someone else just completed on the house next door and there was no mention of this in their deeds - Hence it would be difficult (although not impossible) to get them to change their deeds to include this now.
So I have to take a view on this, but my solicitor said she would check with her supervisor to get his advice and revert back to me.

Everything is ready to exchange aside from this point!
25 Mar 2004
Good luck Marky!

Update on my purchase - so...seems like the sellers solicitor has responded to the questions which my solicitor raised.

Bit of an odd situation - as it is 2 houses on the development that share a driveway, my solicitor wanted it to be clear on the title deeds that maintenance of the drive would be 50:50.
However, it turns out that someone else just completed on the house next door and there was no mention of this in their deeds - Hence it would be difficult (although not impossible) to get them to change their deeds to include this now.
So I have to take a view on this, but my solicitor said she would check with her supervisor to get his advice and revert back to me.

Everything is ready to exchange aside from this point!

If neither of you assume any responsibility for the shared drive in the deeds then does it fall back to an assumed 50/50 anyway?
16 Apr 2007
Got the keys yesterday, very exciting :p

Already moved a few bits and pieces in - but today is going to be spent painting everywhere and cleaning it all up. Hopefully move all my main things in tomorrow once the paint has dried :)

Still have yet to sort out utilities - I can’t find the water meter which is a little problem. I’m going to introduce myself to my new neighbour and ask if she knows at all :p
5 Mar 2010
If neither of you assume any responsibility for the shared drive in the deeds then does it fall back to an assumed 50/50 anyway?

Would seem to make logical sense that way wouldn't it. At the end of the day if it's only 2 houses who access the driveway then it's a shared interest of both.

I guess where having it stipulated in the deeds comes in handy, depends on the kind of neighbour you have. I.e. if the driveway suddenly had some damage, would they be happy to go 50:50 with you for a repair. Or some might say they're not interested if the driveway has holes (especially if the holes are on your side).

Congratulations Marky! - have you checked everywhere in the kitchen, and downstairs toilet if you have one?
20 Jun 2005
Congratulations Marky!

w.r.t to the shared driveway, yes by default it is 50:50 as the sellers solicitor/property developer has confirmed, however my solicitor is coming from the angle that everything should be proper - to avoid disputes at a later stage.
This is especially true because they have to cross over my part of the drive to get to theirs (the entrance with the dropped kerb is within my boundary) - and it is not in their deeds or my deeds to give them right of way to do so!

So if that area where they go in and go out from is mine legally, and it develops holes from wear and tear from both of us, then I would solely have to shell out to repair to damage. I'm sure they will be decent people with common sense however you can't bank on that these days.

Seems like the conveyancing on the house next door was a half assed effort...
12 Feb 2006
Is buying part of someone's garden a common thing? One of the neighbours has this rubbish bit of garden that they don't use behind their shed, it's like a very sharp triangle that you can't do anything with. I'm thinking I could go round and ask about purchasing it from them as it would square off our garden nicely of the house we are purchasing
24 Jul 2003
South East Coast
Was hoping I wouldn't have to post in here but alas buying a property is a nightmare.

Long story but will try to shorten it as much as possible.

My mum and I each lived in separate flats, both very nice but about a year ago was mentioning to my mum i'd love a place with a garden to get a dog but funds didn't really allow (live in a top floor flat at the moment but the family house had 5 acres and grew up with several dogs but sold when my dad died). She's in her 60's and the block she lived in had a fairly old age group of which she was on the block's committee (new block and she had a fantastic top floor flat also) and she wasn't liking the politics. She is also having health issues and finding it difficult and suggested we both sell up and get a place together if we could find somewhere where we could have dual dwelling with a garden. I wasn't keen at first as i'm in my early 30's and although single don't want to limit myself my sharing a place with my mum after living on my own for so long. We came to the conclusion that if we could find a place that would allow us to live truly separately albeit not too far (grandma lives in a care home as in her 90's! and mum visits her most days so she didn't want to be too far - completely understandable) then we would do it. Mum put her place on the market first as her flat was a bit of a niche market i.e very top end and as I live in Hastings which doesn't have very high property prices, hers would be in a weird area where people could buy a nice 2 bed house for the price of her flat - we would borrow the rough value of my flat from relatives to pay back once we had found a place, bought it and then sell mine. We did this before we had found a place. Fast forward and my mum has a buyer who is willing to pay almost asking and everyone is advising us not to let the sale fall through as it had been on the market for 6 months. I agree.

We find a place that would be good (not perfect - very small garden) but separate living. Get to a certain point with that and turns out has massive issues, its new but has a septic tank which was bodged on install and would cost 20k + to fix, seller won't budge on price (at the top of our budget) and advised we should 'part ways'. Ok.

Continue searching and mum has to proceed with her sale or lose the buyer so she moves in with me in March. We find another place, fairly good location, decent sized garden but needs a complete refurb. Offer accepted but after getting some builders up to value the work required there are some underlying problems which will put us over budget and eat into all our savings. We pull out as would just be too much worry if other stuff was uncovered.

Move on another 2 months, mum is thinking she should just buy another flat and leave everything else as is. But! A new build comes on the market, we go see it and it is literally everything we wanted, 3 floors, bottom floor with separate entrance for me that has a big lounge, big bathroom and utility room easily converted into bedroom and then top 2 floors for my mum, but easily accessible if she needs help. Good sized garden but there's an extra piece of land behind it that the developer was refused permission to build on, we offer £5k over asking for the property plus the extra land and the offer is accepted. At this stage we are complete cash buyers as mum's proceeds plus borrowed means its just sitting in the bank. Properties need another 6 weeks to be finished but all good. Fantastic. Seller wants a quick sale, so quick they want to exchange within a week of the offer being agreed, we advise we still need to do searches etc but will exchange ASAP after. Whilst waiting for the searches we try to get everything else sorted but notice an odd trend of unanswered or incomplete questions, lack of plans etc we keep at it, searches come back, all good but we're still waiting for everything needed. We have a good solicitor who pointed out a few things that we wouldn't have noticed that definitely come across as strange (like the deposit after exchange will go to a very unusual place and may not be recoverable if the seller pulls out, unlikely but just plain weird). After speaking with the solicitor and the only neighbours to have moved in to the new builds turns out the woman who is the developer hasn't paid the builders in 2 months and they've walked and had to call it quits and the woman is very eccentric and doesn't seem very 'with it'. Also appears this is her first development and she really has no idea what she is doing. Construction has been going on for 3 years! and so appears in that time she never got paperwork in order ready to sell. Multiple requests to her solicitors and the estate agent trying to contact her has led to silence since 6th July. She does want to sell to us apparently but has ignored all communication from the estate agent who is also selling the other new properties she has. And to today, almost a month later, everything completely stalled, we did get some paperwork from her solicitor on the 29th after the estate agent emphasised to them that we may pull out but it was all useless and not what we asked for. Looking into her a bit more it seems as if she basically runs a lettings company (with terrible reviews) and may have a lot of financial issues, one of the key questions that our solicitor asked that was sent and ignored was around 'once the sale is complete please confirm there will be no debts on the property' which is very worrying. We would pull out except that we have been looking for about 8 months, viewed 50+ properties and this one is absolutely perfect for our unique requirements. Just to add insult to injury the documents received on the 29th while being completely useless for legal reasons did highlight that fact that the property we want to buy, number 1 is actually registered as number 4 with the council, and the only current people moved in are at what we and they think is number 4! When they ordered bins from the council they were delivered to our number 1. Complete amateur hour from this woman.

The estate agent to their credit has been brilliant, constant updates but we are at the point now where the next step is to write the estate agents an email basically saying if there are financial problems let us have it at a lower price and we will finish it ourselves or we will start reducing our price per week as my mum has all her stuff in storage costing around £75 per week plus our solicitor has warned that the continued chasing of info from their solicitors will result in extra (understandable) charges if it goes on much longer. The estate agent will then forward this to the seller who has refused to contact even them in a month. If the property wasn't perfect we would pull out but it is. I already have a buyer for mine (someone in the same block is ready to go, mortgage approved for just under market value but without the hassle of estate agent fees and advertising etc) so perfect.

I can't get my head around why this woman will not take our money! And its 5 months since my mum moved into my 2 bed flat and although we're fine its far from ideal!

Sorry for the wall of text but needed to vent, is very depressing. Asking my mum to just buy another flat would feel awful as since she has been here its been clear she does need some help and as long as I have my independence i've gotten over the taboo of 'moving back in with my mum in my 30's'.
3 Oct 2009
Dealt with a house like that earlier in the year. The "developer" was a total cowboy and the whole situation was awful from legals to the house itself. Strongly recommended client not to go ahead but they did anyway. I dread to think what problems are going to arise in the years to come but the 6 page disclaimer letter they signed will come in handy I think :o

Does the developer on yours even provide a new build warranty? If not that's enough to walk away in itself.



18 Sep 2003
Our completion is on Friday. Although I'm not hugely comcerned I know that the lender sometimes does a final check just before completion, and although rare there's still a chance they can withdraw the mortgage offer...



18 Sep 2003
Yes it's under the NHBC. I honestly don't think there is a problem with the quality of the build. Just the person organising it all!

Have you spoken with any of the people who have already moved in? They may have had similar experiences so might be able to give you some ideas hopefully.
24 Jul 2003
South East Coast
Have you spoken with any of the people who have already moved in? They may have had similar experiences so might be able to give you some ideas hopefully.

We spoke with the one person who had moved in who advised they exchanged last July (2017) and moved in a month ago! He was the one who advised the developer wasn't really with it, although he used slightly more colorful language. We haven't contacted them again as don't want to be a nuisance already and its actually their holiday home and they live in London primarily.
Have sent the email I mentioned today asking for a reduction and to allow us to complete the work so will see if that yields any results.



24 Sep 2005
Completed Friday, all went smoothly.

One issue we have is the sellers have swapped the integrated dishwasher that was there with some crap looking 2nd hand thing which the panel won’t even fit on. Will contact solicitor tomorrow for her to advise if we can do anything, but pretty peeved they’ve done it.

The washing machine valve also has a splitter on it so we have 2 inlet pipes, can’t access it so need to cut a hole in the cupboard and try sort that, was not ready for house ownership :p



18 Sep 2003
We spoke with the one person who had moved in who advised they exchanged last July (2017) and moved in a month ago! He was the one who advised the developer wasn't really with it, although he used slightly more colorful language. We haven't contacted them again as don't want to be a nuisance already and its actually their holiday home and they live in London primarily.
Have sent the email I mentioned today asking for a reduction and to allow us to complete the work so will see if that yields any results.

Apologies, I did see that when I reread your post.

I hope that you get a reduction, but is another property completely out? This many problems now might mean problems later, something I'm sure you've already considered. Hopefully you'll get a response to your letter quickly.
24 Jul 2003
South East Coast
Apologies, I did see that when I reread your post.

I hope that you get a reduction, but is another property completely out? This many problems now might mean problems later, something I'm sure you've already considered. Hopefully you'll get a response to your letter quickly.

Thanks. It's not that another property is completely out, still checking rightmove each day but finding one to suit our needs is very difficult, if we had unlimited funds to completely re-work a property then it would be easier but we don't. The only problem is actually buying the place, once its ours its all good but just can't figure out why the developer would suddenly go quiet. Hoping the letter gets a response, we've said they have until 24th August to get all docs in place for exchange otherwise we will reduce our offer weekly to counteract the extra costs we are taking due to the delays. Whether this even gets a response I doubt it but fingers crossed!
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Completed Friday, all went smoothly.

One issue we have is the sellers have swapped the integrated dishwasher that was there with some crap looking 2nd hand thing which the panel won’t even fit on. Will contact solicitor tomorrow for her to advise if we can do anything, but pretty peeved they’ve done it.

The washing machine valve also has a splitter on it so we have 2 inlet pipes, can’t access it so need to cut a hole in the cupboard and try sort that, was not ready for house ownership :p

Hmm thats a crappy thing to have done. Whilst i'm sure that you have some kind of grounds for complaint i'm not sure how you'd go about proving it as i presume the fixtures and fittings form just had a tick next to integrated dishwasher?

I suppose if the pictures from the advert show the panel fitting then it helps to prove it's been changed?
16 Apr 2007
Congratulations Marky! - have you checked everywhere in the kitchen, and downstairs toilet if you have one?

Thanks! :D
Yep, checked all through the place now, still nothing - Someone said to check outside the property on the pathway - but I totally forgot to check before I head to work this morning. I'm going to call the water company today, hopefully they'll know!

Congratulations Marky!

Thanks! :D

Completed Friday, all went smoothly.

One issue we have is the sellers have swapped the integrated dishwasher that was there with some crap looking 2nd hand thing which the panel won’t even fit on. Will contact solicitor tomorrow for her to advise if we can do anything, but pretty peeved they’ve done it.

The washing machine valve also has a splitter on it so we have 2 inlet pipes, can’t access it so need to cut a hole in the cupboard and try sort that, was not ready for house ownership :p

Congratulations! :D That is a bit cheeky! I assume that a dishwasher was listed as "Included" on the contract? But possibly no stipulation what make/model etc.?


I spent, with my family, all weekend painting and decorating and moving all my stuff in - I'm absolutely knackered!!! My back is killing me! :p There's still a little more to do, but we've made great progress for three long days work :p I had a leak from the drain under the sink yesterday, so that's something I'm going to have to get resolved pretty quickly.



18 Sep 2003
Thanks. It's not that another property is completely out, still checking rightmove each day but finding one to suit our needs is very difficult, if we had unlimited funds to completely re-work a property then it would be easier but we don't. The only problem is actually buying the place, once its ours its all good but just can't figure out why the developer would suddenly go quiet. Hoping the letter gets a response, we've said they have until 24th August to get all docs in place for exchange otherwise we will reduce our offer weekly to counteract the extra costs we are taking due to the delays. Whether this even gets a response I doubt it but fingers crossed!

Good luck, hopefully it'll be resolved soon.
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