Hacker group releases '9/11 Papers', says future leaks will 'burn down' US deep state

15 Oct 2018
To be fair, without vigilance and constant questioning, the US government has a track record of unleashing a 'snake in the room' and the CNN-type networks (as well as the BBC) never do appropriate journalism on it. Some of the more CT inclined, however, do:

On Obamacare (before Trump 'existed' as presidential candidate)

On Ivy League admission practices:

It's ironic that conspiracy theories are so derided and dismissed as 'fake news' in the mainstream, yet when it comes to the Russians, mainstream media always has multiple conspiracy theories without evidence that they constantly push as fact.

17 Jan 2016
A good example of a CT that turned out to be true was the no WMD in Iraq.

It turned out to be a bunch of lies told as an excuse to attack Iraq, supposedly in retaliation for 9/11.

We even saw Colin Powell at the UN giving a talk with charts and diagrams supposedly showing were these WMD's where.

I remember at one point they said they were on trucks being moved around and thats why the weapons inspectors couldn't find them.

So we know that everyone was lying about WMD.

The sad thing is I ended up in an argument with a guy on facebook a few years ago when he still thought there was WMD in Iraq and was calling me a CT, even though Bush came out and admitted it after the event.


17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
IIRC that wasn't so much a CT, as something that huge numbers of people, including the weapons inspectors were saying...

From memory even various intelligence agencies were questioning it, and ex intelligence officers who were still respected pointed out the language used was not normal for their old agencies (IE the report wasn't done to normal standards).
24 Jul 2016
South West
Don't forget about David Kelly and Robin Cook, their deaths/murders? were linked to Iraq War and CT's too
And the Iraq war was almost a direct consequence of 9/11 other than the pipeline they needed to run through Afghanistan.

So you have the patriot act, the Afghanistan war/pipeline, the Iraq war/wmd’s and the lost trillions of unaccounted pentagon spending as an almost direct consequence of 9/11.

So wether 9/11 was an inside job or not their seems to be a lot of events that came from it and a lot of interests that coincidentally benefited from what happened on 9/11.
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15 Oct 2018
IMO Saddam Hussein's dictatorial rule was the best check against Muslim Wahhabism (that's responsible for so many atrocities while yelling about Allah) around at the time. Now it's middle-east unleashed in the form of ISIS, which would've been crushed in Iraq under Saddam's rule before they could ever achieve momentum.
9 Jun 2005
A good example of a CT that turned out to be true was the no WMD in Iraq.

It turned out to be a bunch of lies told as an excuse to attack Iraq, supposedly in retaliation for 9/11.

We even saw Colin Powell at the UN giving a talk with charts and diagrams supposedly showing were these WMD's where.

I remember at one point they said they were on trucks being moved around and thats why the weapons inspectors couldn't find them.

So we know that everyone was lying about WMD.

The sad thing is I ended up in an argument with a guy on facebook a few years ago when he still thought there was WMD in Iraq and was calling me a CT, even though Bush came out and admitted it after the event.


Are you so sure? I bet you never heard of Mahdi Obeidi, most people obviously haven't, neither would I had I not be into reading Christopher Hitchens work.

17 Jan 2016
Are you so sure? I bet you never heard of Mahdi Obeidi, most people obviously haven't, neither would I had I not be into reading Christopher Hitchens work.

I'm not sure when Hitchen is talking in those videos and what would his opinion be on the video I posted of Bush saying there was no WMD. I would guess the Hitchen videos you posted was still in the phase the US government was pushing the WMD lie or he doesn't want to admit he got it wrong. If there was any WMD then Bush would have kept pushing the WMD line.

This really is how conspiracy starts, when people not close to the source repeat and defend whatever the source says with the implication the source is right. Then the moment people start questioning the source suddenly they are CT whack jobs for asking questions.

Here is some WMD related links;


In June 1999, Ritter said:

When you ask the question, "Does Iraq possess militarily viable biological or chemical weapons?" the answer is "NO!" It is a resounding "NO". Can Iraq produce today chemical weapons on a meaningful scale? No! Can Iraq produce biological weapons on a meaningful scale? No! Ballistic missiles? No! It is "no" across the board. So from a qualitative standpoint, Iraq has been disarmed. Iraq today possesses no meaningful weapons of mass destruction capability.

From 2002 CNN Interview;


SWEENEY: Well let's not go over that in the very short time we have. Let's ask what you believe the weapons of mass destruction situation is in Iraq at the moment.

RITTER: Well, look: As of December 1998 we had accounted for 90 to 95 percent of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction capability -- "we" being the weapons inspectors. We destroyed all the factories, all of the means of production and we couldn't account for some of the weaponry, but chemical weapons have a shelf-life of five years. Biological weapons have a shelf-life of three years. To have weapons today, they would have had to rebuild the factories and start the process of producing these weapons since December 1998.

From 2010 BBC;


'No smoking gun'
Asked about the inspections he oversaw between November 2002 and 18 March 2003 - when his team was forced to pull out of Iraq on the eve of the war - he said he was "looking for smoking guns" but did not find any.

While his team discovered prohibited items such as missiles beyond the permitted range, missile engines and a stash of undeclared documents, he said these were "fragments" and not "very important" in the bigger picture.

"We carried out about six inspections per day over a long period of time.

"All in all, we carried out about 700 inspections at different 500 sites and, in no case, did we find any weapons of mass destruction."
9 Jun 2005
I'm not sure when Hitchen is talking in those videos and what would his opinion be on the video I posted of Bush saying there was no WMD. I would guess the Hitchen videos you posted was still in the phase the US government was pushing the WMD lie or he doesn't want to admit he got it wrong. If there was any WMD then Bush would have kept pushing the WMD line.

Its from 2005, Saddam had used wmds in the past right, it had a department to hide those weapons, hence why parts and plans for a nuclear weapon was found buried in a garden, imagine if that scientist was murdered, it would never have been found, these things are not to be shrugged off, but no... the papers and news just perpetuate the myth of no WMDs, its a shame.

And I don't believe Hitchens was lying when he said at the end of the first video I can show you evidence if you so wish.

There is also this from a few years back https://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/16/...ght-and-destroyed-iraqi-chemical-weapons.html
17 Jan 2016
Its from 2005, Saddam had used wmds in the past right, it had a department to hide those weapons, hence why parts and plans for a nuclear weapon was found buried in a garden, imagine if that scientist was murdered, it would never have been found, these things are not to be shrugged off, but no... the papers and news just perpetuate the myth of no WMDs, its a shame.

But its not just the papers and news that are saying there is no WMD. It's President Bush that said it, in the video I posted. If there was any evidence he could have clinged on to about WMD I'm sure he would have done it and not had to back down and admit there wasn't any. The US wanted any excuse to support another war against Iraq.

This is a flipped CT. It used to be that there was no WMD. Now the CT is that there was WMD... even when Bush is telling you there wasn't any.
23 Dec 2011
Northern England
But its not just the papers and news that are saying there is no WMD. It's President Bush that said it, in the video I posted. If there was any evidence he could have clinged on to about WMD I'm sure he would have done it and not had to back down and admit there wasn't any. The US wanted any excuse to support another war against Iraq.

This is a flipped CT. It used to be that there was no WMD. Now the CT is that there was WMD... even when Bush is telling you there wasn't any.

There's a difference between no WMD's and no plans/components for WMD's.
9 Jun 2005
But its not just the papers and news that are saying there is no WMD. It's President Bush that said it, in the video I posted. If there was any evidence he could have clinged on to about WMD I'm sure he would have done it and not had to back down and admit there wasn't any. The US wanted any excuse to support another war against Iraq.

This is a flipped CT. It used to be that there was no WMD. Now the CT is that there was WMD... even when Bush is telling you there wasn't any.

Well clearly there have been small finds since he made that speech, its just not on the scale they were expecting. I don't think its a CT, im looking at some the evidence thats all.
24 Jul 2016
South West
Well clearly there have been small finds since he made that speech, its just not on the scale they were expecting. I don't think its a CT, im looking at some the evidence thats all.
Was that some of the weapons that Reagan/papa bush sold to saddam during the gulf war by any chance?


It’s actually quite interesting when you look up the definition of the word Avarice.

extereme greed for wealth or material gain.
"he was rich beyond the dreams of avarice"
synonyms: greed, acquisitiveness, cupidity, covetousness, avariciousness, rapacity, rapaciousness, graspingness, materialism, mercenariness; More
Which coincidentally is what most people think is the true motive for the wars in the Middle East. Oil.
21 Oct 2011
20 Mar 2006
17 Jun 2012
Tells you at the end, he registered an email address using his own ip which he then used to send blackmail messages.

Schoolboy error


I think I made a mistake, it says this guy was serving 42 months in prison so it couldn't have been him that did the 911 papers hack although I think same group and same species.
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