Finally, I get my day in court!

15 Feb 2003
I've always thought that in cases like this the injured party (who this will unfortunately be with for life) should be compensated enough to live like a king. It won't fully fix any damage, but at least it goes a long way to making life that little bit easier.

Also, aren't private criminal prosecutions a thing in this country? So that might be an avenue albeit a costly one, hence the need for proper compensation.
16 Nov 2012
Sorry Vidar that’s a shocking decision by the CPS.

hopefully the main chap gets identified and actually gets the CPS actually doing a proper job.
21 Jun 2006
So to get this clear, they've been able to show from the cctv that the majority of the bodily harm was caused by one of the guys who couldn't be ID'd? So he's definitely a good candidate for GBH, but the guy they did ID only did enough (on tape) such that they could get away with affray?

If they all arrived and disappeared together as you said, and are then obviously all known to one another, it's ridiculous that the ID'd guys are allowed to keep schtum about the **** who did the most of it and get a reduced charge based on a plea.

It's not about what you know it's about what you can prove.

Prove they all know each other and it wasn't randoms sharing a cab?

Could have been an uber drive share for instance.

Prove it wasn't.

There was a famous case in Glasgow where a gangster shot someone in Broad daylight hundreds of witnesses. None of them showed up. Everyone knew who done it including the police. He walked away scot free.

So prove they know each other. If they say they don't then nothing the police can do.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
I think the big problem is moral-less, money-grabbing, career-furthering, selfish ***** I mean lawyers

It's an adversarial system, so the duty of a criminal lawyer is to win cases or at least lose them by as small an amount as possible. Their entire purpose is to fight for their client (and thus for themselves, furthering their career by their success). It's arguably the least bad way to arrange things and it's not the root of the problem. The main root of the problem is money. There are more effective ways to handle crime, but they're a lot more expensive at least in the shorter term and they result in negative publicity because of the cost and the lack of vengeance.
16 Jan 2006
It's not about what you know it's about what you can prove.

Prove they all know each other and it wasn't randoms sharing a cab?

Could have been an uber drive share for instance.

Prove it wasn't.

There was a famous case in Glasgow where a gangster shot someone in Broad daylight hundreds of witnesses. None of them showed up. Everyone knew who done it including the police. He walked away scot free.

So prove they know each other. If they say they don't then nothing the police can do.

if you could prove they all knew each other, you wouldn’t need to prove they all knew each other.
17 Jan 2016
Sorry to hear about how the case turned out.

I didn't think plea deals happened once it went to court. I've learned something today.

I'm sure it's a matter of time until he gets in trouble with the law again.
18 Dec 2008
I've dealt with people like this guy before over the years, I've dealt with worse in my line of work. Yes I'm disabled now, yes because of him and several of his mates. Still I'm not going to just hide away somewhere or not try to seek justice if I can find him.

I may never find him and if not that's something I've just got to accept but if there's a small chance that with a little help I can get a name to pass to police then I will.
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