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I suppose for Asus they make more from the OC card and they are essentially the same card just a diff setting.

Maybe when the 3070 and Navi are available demand will slow and they will produce some.

Though I think I recall some been available from some outlets, so who knows.
It's so crazy, it just seems so ridiculous that I can't help but wonder if it's a clever marketing move by Nvidia at the expense of retail outlets like OCUK.

We will find out within a few weeks.
1. Either stock suddenly appears in high enough numbers to calm the masses, but keeps the demand/frenzy.


2. They really did drop the ball whilst damaging other business reputation in the process.

It would only be damaged in the eyes of us enthusiasts. Their core business is so far from discrete video cards now. It's all about Skynet and the overthrow of the human race for us to become batteries...
If all of this is lack of stock is setup by Nvidia to drive up prices which is looking more and more likely, then just be patient and wait till November.
It means Overclockers aren’t allowed to give out information hence the lack of updates. Everywhere is the same regarding information.
I understand people want to vent their frustrations but I it’s just like hundreds of pages of the same complaint and nothing is gonna change. This is all Nvidias doing.
I’m a pretty pessimistic person but I really do believe in November you will start to see these queues dropping like a stone.
Asus 3080 TUF gaming has received a pitiful 4 units in 2 weeks of waiting since queuing system launched. Im position 101.

Lots of TUF OC are coming in dribs and drabs it seems but not the TUF gaming.

Getting very very irritating!

They have had a couple of small deliveries of OC TUF. It’s hardly been lots.
So I bought my 1080Ti for 600 quid off of OCUK 2 years ago. At that time that was around the price of a top tier card. Then almost immediately the bitcoin thing kicked in and all of a sudden GFX seem to double in price overnight.
Then along comes the new top tier in the shape of a 2080Ti at 1500 a go. **** dat!
Fast forward 2 years and Nvidia release a card for half the price of a 2080Ti and a better performer.

And Nvidia have been caught out by the level of interest!!!! Even Mr Magoo saw that coming!

Even I know these would be super popular. Someone high up in NVidia is in the wrong job if they didn't see this coming.

I just hope I get my Asus 3080 before Xmas. It was an early Xmas present to myself, at this rate at 1100+ in the queue and only moving 120 places in 3 weeks.
I'll be lucky to see it for Xmas 2021!!

I dont blame OCUK nor do I care that my money is sitting in someone elses bank earning pence for interest.
But I am an impatient mofo and I just want my new card!

600 for a Ti? I assume not at release, I remember paying about 630 for my standard 1080 at release. (And I thought that launch was bad, took nearly two weeks before OCUK upgraded my order for free to an MSI Aero OC'd card from whatever cheap thing I'd originally bought so I could get it faster)

I've never bothered with titan series but I always remember them being closer to a thousand and thinking "that's too much for a single component"

Asus 3080 TUF gaming has received a pitiful 4 units in 2 weeks of waiting since queuing system launched. Im position 101.

Lots of TUF OC are coming in dribs and drabs it seems but not the TUF gaming.

Getting very very irritating!

They've released zero. Those places you moved up were all cancellations, my position changed from 3 to.... 3.
If all of this is lack of stock is setup by Nvidia to drive up prices which is looking more and more likely, then just be patient and wait till November.
It means Overclockers aren’t allowed to give out information hence the lack of updates. Everywhere is the same regarding information.
I understand people want to vent their frustrations but I it’s just like hundreds of pages of the same complaint and nothing is gonna change. This is all Nvidias doing.
I’m a pretty pessimistic person but I really do believe in November you will start to see these queues dropping like a stone.
If that's the case and OC know but are being silenced by and NDA then they can still find away to get that information accross.

gibbo just needs to say "in an OK amount of time we will get a DREAM amount of EVERYTHING" :P

As it is now with the silence it feels like they're battening down the hatches ready for more onslaught when november comes and goes. I hope im wrong tbh
If that's the case and OC know but are being silenced by and NDA then they can still find away to get that information accross.

gibbo just needs to say "in an OK amount of time we will get a DREAM amount of EVERYTHING" :p

As it is now with the silence it feels like they're battening down the hatches ready for more onslaught when november comes and goes. I hope im wrong tbh
"Shipments for September will be small.
October will have an initial delay due to Golden Week in Asia during 4-9th October causing a production delay, but then production volumes will improve, but we are not seeing any numbers yet.
November and December are currently unknown but in theory should be larger volumes."

That's from Gibbo's 2nd post on the RTX 3080 Update thread
How many more people will cancel? Christmas is coming, bills need to be paid. Xbox, switch, new ps5. Quarter 4 overloaded with lots of wonderful game releases. People will need money. Is more cancellations incoming? Or more queue switching?
How many more people will cancel? Christmas is coming, bills need to be paid. Xbox, switch, new ps5. Quarter 4 overloaded with lota of wonderful game releases. People will need money. Is more cancellations incoming? Or more queue switching?
I'm sticking this out. Went for finance option buy now pay 12 months later and have money set aside to pay within the interest free period. Queue number 216 for Gigabyte Gaming OC. Hoping I can see the card around end of November but worst case scenario just means I won't bother getting Cyberpunk till start of next year.
How many more people will cancel? Christmas is coming, bills need to be paid. Xbox, switch, new ps5. Quarter 4 overloaded with lots of wonderful game releases. People will need money. Is more cancellations incoming? Or more queue switching?
If people are living like that then they shouldn't be buying a £700+ gpu anyway!
Once again vague pathetic information from Gibbo. Why when others are giving numbers can ocuk not do this. Please stop with the "ok, small, very small" others are saying how many they have ordered and how many came in why can you not.
This is how I do it honestly. I have something built into me that I'd sooner pay something off a little each month that won't notice/miss on 0% interest as opposed to pulling out £900 from one of my bank accounts in one fell swoop. My Gf is literally the polar opposite and I find it odd.

If my credit card gives me 28months interest free (or other interest fee payments like a year etc) then I'd use that over just straight up losing the money there and then. I also find this allows me to buy what I want as I like upgrading tech regularly and I'm never short of money because I'll always clear stuff then role the next expensive thing on a new 0%.

Won't ever use credit if its not 0% though. People often assume using credit to pay means your can't afford it. Quite the opposite in my case tbh.

If you can use 0% interest then at least it's not costing you more, but it still kinda begs the question why do you need to do that at all? OK so you've taken on a debt for 900 quid and you've got 900 quid in your bank account and you're going to transfer it over slowly to settle that debt a little bit each month. My main worry with that sort of thing is that it's often reliant on your source of income, what happens if you lose your income suddenly through redundancy or whatever. Then you have a debt hanging over your head and less ability to pay it. If you flip that system on its head and first save up a decent savings account then you can take 900 quid from that safely whenever you need to and you know there's no future debt problem you know you can afford it now. Generally that's a very safe thing to be doing, you ideally always want 6 months of outgoings saved at any one time. But the average person isn't responsible enough to do this, the amount of people that live month to month is insane, some extremely high proportion of people in the UK couldnt' afford an unexpected £300 bill, that's nuts.

If you do have savings and you're still paying slowly over time then I don't really get it. I was raised poor though so I learned about all this stuff at an early age, to be very careful with money and debt and that stuff, it amazes me some people get credit lines to buy products they can't afford that are as expensive as a 3080 or 3090, that'd stress me the F out lol.

It's getting hard to see it any other way tbh and without any answers coming from OC what are people to think?

I'm keeping an open mind, there's been lots of leap of logic here which have turned out to be wrong, people complaining about inconsistent queue waits which can be easaily explained by cancellations and accusations of prebuilts going out before card purchases which has been responded to by saying only a few were done which were in the same queue as the rest of us. Peoples impatience is leading to frustration and that leads to accusations of stuff which could be way wrong and so people just need to be careful when doing that, it doesn't help anyone to get people all wound up over something that might not be true.
Fed up with the lack of communication and laughably tiny shipments Overclockers have been getting, so have cancelled my order. Was 242 in the queue for the non OC Strix. Good luck everyone waiting for your orders. It's been a weird ride! :D
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