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25 Sep 2020
That is something of an anomaly though, no ideas how they have been managing to get those cards because the rest of Europe has been getting virtually nothing from EVGA until the last couple of weeks.

You only have to look at EVGA's own forums to see the complaints for everywhere else in Europe about the complete absence of stock being delivered to their retailers.

The other place is to be congratulated on getting the stock they managed to get, but for EVGA at least that is the exception, getting nothing from EVGA has been the norm for everywhere else outside the USA.

Jesus Christ man. Do you think there is anything that OCUK has done wrong, or is it just everybody else's fault? You keep on criticising people for using well placed assumptions as "facts" and than you write some nonsense about EVGA. As a matter of fact, there has been different 3080 and 90 available in small quantities not only at preferred Nvidia partner, but also many European competitors and local rain forests in Europe, some deliver to the UK for a number of weeks now. If you keep on spreading this clear and bias OCUK propaganda, you will leave me no choice, but to assume that you ether have been kicked in your head by a horse, or are a shill and that's a FACT.
31 May 2016
Good god. A new account with all 4 posts defending OC with such imagination. Is that you Gibbo? And you got your mates involved too I see, all at once.

So we have 2 queues now for retail cards. And the prebuilt queue comes before the queue despite being a month or so after in ordering. They are queues for the same retail cards! But that's above board is it? Doesn't prove that OC are prioritising prebuilds? Are you for real? You aren't are you? Only someone who was a shill could even go there. And I don't mean that to be derogatory and I am not being nasty, I mean an actual shill.

Cards have disappeared by the bucket load. I don't think that they are to replace DOA as more have gone missing than have actually been sold. Unless OC are replacing DOA cards with 2 new ones and a majority are DOA, then that isn't it is it? People who had to be fitted into queues, interesting. I was one of those. There weren't many of us, I spoke to customer service on the phone and on the website, we had a thread too. That very tiny few of us that were spread around all parts of the queues could not be responsible for the missing cards. The straws that you are clutching at suggests that you are shilling here. Are you sure this isn't Gibbo?

We even received half orders of cards for the first order. Expected 50 we were told by Gigabyte. 50 confirmed delivered by gigabyte.25 turned up and were shipped, confirmed by Gibbo. So what happened to the other 25? Can't be DOA replacements, they hadn't sent any of that card out at all. Can't be lol sorry "missing persons" because there were 25 sent confirmed. So yes missing. 100% missing with no rational (or irrational in your case) explanation for their disappearance.

Seems like whatever I say to you, you will defend OC, almost like you work for them. If that's you Gibbo, man up and stop hiding behind the facade. If you are a colleague then I hope they are paying you well to defend the indefensible. If you are neither then I suggest you set your alarm clock on its loudest setting and wake up, because you are in dreamland.

Amen brother
25 Sep 2020
Good god. A new account with all 4 posts defending OC with such imagination. Is that you Gibbo? And you got your mates involved too I see, all at once.

So we have 2 queues now for retail cards. And the prebuilt queue comes before the queue despite being a month or so after in ordering. They are queues for the same retail cards! But that's above board is it? Doesn't prove that OC are prioritising prebuilds? Are you for real? You aren't are you? Only someone who was a shill could even go there. And I don't mean that to be derogatory and I am not being nasty, I mean an actual shill.

Cards have disappeared by the bucket load. I don't think that they are to replace DOA as more have gone missing than have actually been sold. Unless OC are replacing DOA cards with 2 new ones and a majority are DOA, then that isn't it is it? People who had to be fitted into queues, interesting. I was one of those. There weren't many of us, I spoke to customer service on the phone and on the website, we had a thread too. That very tiny few of us that were spread around all parts of the queues could not be responsible for the missing cards. The straws that you are clutching at suggests that you are shilling here. Are you sure this isn't Gibbo?

We even received half orders of cards for the first order. Expected 50 we were told by Gigabyte. 50 confirmed delivered by gigabyte.25 turned up and were shipped, confirmed by Gibbo. So what happened to the other 25? Can't be DOA replacements, they hadn't sent any of that card out at all. Can't be lol sorry "missing persons" because there were 25 sent confirmed. So yes missing. 100% missing with no rational (or irrational in your case) explanation for their disappearance.

Seems like whatever I say to you, you will defend OC, almost like you work for them. If that's you Gibbo, man up and stop hiding behind the facade. If you are a colleague then I hope they are paying you well to defend the indefensible. If you are neither then I suggest you set your alarm clock on its loudest setting and wake up, because you are in dreamland.

I find it funny that you think Teal and I are sticking up for OC! haha! I am not in the slightest. Merely just pointing out, as is Teal, that none of these 'Facts' are supported by hard evidence that proves them.
26 Jan 2010
Has anyone received a Zotac 3080 Amp Extreme Holo ?

I moved on average 15 places per week, but i dont know if they are cancelations or actual orders.....
As far as I can tell the release date for them has shifted to mid December

ive had a look on the bay, there are people scalping the Zotac Amp Extreme Holo cards in the UK

So that must mean they bought it from somewhere which means the release date is not December, though December is around the corner
19 Mar 2014
Claiming that 'most retail cards' have disappeared is utterly unsubstantiated and for the last point just because you can't work out where they went doesn't mean they disappeared, there are DOA's to deal with and the totally legitimate day 1 orders that didn't get into the published order queue so were being managed outside the queue system.

I ordered an Asus RTX 3080 ROG Strix Gaming OC on the 24th September and my queue position updates are as follows:

02/10/2020 Position #760
14/10/2020 Position #670
23/10/2020 Position #650
13/11/2020 Position #550
20/11/2020 Position #531

So I would say that is evidence supporting the claim that at least for Asus cards the supply is drying up at a time it should be ramping based on all the public statements. Admittedly OcUK is only one retailer but I am losing patience as I don't look to be getting a card before Xmas and with rumours rife that a 3080ti is already in the works for January it would not surprised if those still waiting are offered an option to "upgrade"!
19 Sep 2020
I ordered an Asus RTX 3080 ROG Strix Gaming OC on the 24th September and my queue position updates are as follows:

02/10/2020 Position #760
14/10/2020 Position #670
23/10/2020 Position #650
13/11/2020 Position #550
20/11/2020 Position #531

So I would say that is evidence supporting the claim that at least for Asus cards the supply is drying up at a time it should be ramping based on all the public statements. Admittedly OcUK is only one retailer but I am losing patience as I don't look to be getting a card before Xmas and with rumours rife that a 3080ti is already in the works for January it would not surprised if those still waiting are offered an option to "upgrade"!

Drying up? It was never there. I ordered on launch, same card and I've gone from 75 to 36 in that time. Most movement people are seeing is because of cancellations
25 Apr 2014
Am confused about something, last Week I went online and saw a 3080 in stock and available so I bought it paid for next Day, a few Days passed and I rang and asked about my order only to be told they did have some but the orders exceeded the stock so I was as of last Friday 188 in the que, I just need to understand why OCUK are still advertising the same card on site as a preorder when they cant even satisfy the existing orders or indeed give an ETA?

Also the price on Nvidias site which links directly to OCUK is different in one case by a substantial amount is this profiteering, I know upfront OCUK is not the cheapest but I pay the extra for the aftercare and support which is great but it feels a bit wrong right now to keep taking orders with no actual delivery schedule in place and bumping the price at the same time
7 Nov 2020
If you all like a good conspiracy theory how about this one. 3090's seem to be appearing here and there for sale now. Maybe Nvidia is holding back 3080's with the intent of trying to push people towards buying 3090's :D:D:D
26 Jan 2010
I ordered an Asus RTX 3080 ROG Strix Gaming OC on the 24th September and my queue position updates are as follows:

02/10/2020 Position #760
14/10/2020 Position #670
23/10/2020 Position #650
13/11/2020 Position #550
20/11/2020 Position #531

So I would say that is evidence supporting the claim that at least for Asus cards the supply is drying up at a time it should be ramping based on all the public statements. Admittedly OcUK is only one retailer but I am losing patience as I don't look to be getting a card before Xmas and with rumours rife that a 3080ti is already in the works for January it would not surprised if those still waiting are offered an option to "upgrade"!

right now the whole planet need PS5s and XBOX X series consoles, xbox already announced that it wont be till feb/march still stocks hit retail stores sifficiently

This is due to more demand and less manufacturing due to covid

Exactly the same thing with GPU's AMD and Nvidia
13 Nov 2020
I just need to understand why OCUK are still advertising the same card on site as a preorder when they cant even satisfy the existing orders or indeed give an ETA?

Its so they can still take everyone's cash and earn interest on it. FREE CASH for doing nothing but take peoples cash for something they cant deliver!
5 Oct 2020
Has anyone received a Zotac 3080 Amp Extreme Holo ?

I moved on average 15 places per week, but i dont know if they are cancelations or actual orders.....

Received one today from OCUK, no news on the forums but I won't be complaining on my end. I guess I can confirm for you they are being shipped to the UK :D
2 Dec 2002
Good god. A new account with all 4 posts defending OC with such imagination. Is that you Gibbo?

'A new account' ?

I'd suggest you look again, my account was setup in 2002... Never worked for OCUK and never likely to, doubt they could afford me :)

... and my post has nothing to do with defending OCUK, just pointing out that like so many of the other posts generating so called 'facts' by repetition of supposition and assumption there is no solid footing for the majority of the more outrageous claims being made, or for that matter by the oft repeated claims of staff members posting lies. Being wrong, or being mistaken or having an estimate turn out to be wrong is not a 'lie'.

I get that there are a lot of people angry and frustrated at the lack of stock arriving and hence the long wait for their cards, but that doesn't give people the right to insult, demean and generally attack the staff members of OCUK or to string together a bunch of guesswork into 'facts'.

No question that the information flow could be better, but each time there was an attempt to improve it feels like the new facts were simply used to add to the attacks on the company and the staff, when the thread became essentially toxic I'm not surprised that staff members stopped posting here, anything said would just have been used to cause further problems.

Right now I completely agree that there should be more information on which cards have actually arrived, but you'll notice that even the other place that is so often quoted as a great example of information sharing has managed to avoid any information that permits the customer to discern exact numbers of expected deliveries by card or any way to distinguish between numbers shipped and cancellations when looking at queue length changes... They do make a better job of giving the impression of clarity and openness, while actually keeping a lid on any real precision at the level of specific cards beyond how many are in each queue at any point.

There are plenty of ways to explain the differences that are interpreted from the information that has been shared here especially when you try to correlate between the comments from vendor reps, the B2C side (Gibbo), the SI side (Pre-builds) and the comments from CS staff as they all have different sources and assumptions about what they are saying. Also keep in mind that CS staff can be the most unreliable source for some of this as they are often being pressured to make comments on stuff that is outside their direct knowledge. We'll never get to the bottom of this though as for one reason or another there seems to be an unwillingness or an inability to simply disclose exact numbers of deliveries at the card level, both here at OCUK and elsewhere...
29 Jan 2017
Can you imagine how bad that would look. As an example, competitors entire queue for MSI gaming X is only 150. My launch day queue position for the same card is 412, and that same card was available for pre-order for weeks after. The queues must be huge!

Also my original queue position was like 252 on launch btw, still haven't received my card hahah.
21 Sep 2020
I find it funny that you think Teal and I are sticking up for OC! haha! I am not in the slightest. Merely just pointing out, as is Teal, that none of these 'Facts' are supported by hard evidence that proves them.

You don't half sound like Gibbo to me. You don't seem to be too keen on the truth, you must at least be related right?

You aren't sticking up for OC? Come on mate. That isn't true is it?

So to try to muddy the water a little more, this is now just a conspiracy theory, right? Cards didn't really disappear did they? It was the fairies wasn't it, could have been the elves or Father Christmas who took em? There are really 2 separate queues for retail cards aren't there, with different retail stock for each lol? OC aren't prioritising prebuilds are they? The 30 prebuild staff have been sitting around twiddling their thumbs for months. These things are all just unfortunate co-incidences aren't they?

You are absolutely full of it.
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