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27 Jul 2015
Just got an Email telling me that my Inno iChill RTX3080 has been shipped. There has been absolutely zero updates on this, just an out of the blue Email which I wasn't expecting and I have to say, although I'm pleased to be finally getting the card, I'm pretty annoyed with OCUK for failing to give any kind of heads up whatsoever on these cards. My belief is that they are trying to run the company on skeleton staff at a time of worldwide silicon shortages and no single individual could possible cope with the workload which this entails. No doubt it will make the management wealthier, but it does nothing for customer service at all.
25 Oct 2012
Just got an Email telling me that my Inno iChill RTX3080 has been shipped. There has been absolutely zero updates on this, just an out of the blue Email which I wasn't expecting and I have to say, although I'm pleased to be finally getting the card, I'm pretty annoyed with OCUK for failing to give any kind of heads up whatsoever on these cards. My belief is that they are trying to run the company on skeleton staff at a time of worldwide silicon shortages and no single individual could possible cope with the workload which this entails. No doubt it will make the management wealthier, but it does nothing for customer service at all.
Congratulations on the dispatch of your unicorn
Yeah Ocuk have really dropped the ball
15 Oct 2020
I was optimistic when ASUS said they're ramping up production of cards. I was optimistic when they said they'll have more cards out. I now seriously doubt that most of us will be getting cards until 2021. which is just the saddest thing alive that they didn't prep stock for the situation they knew was going to happen so they could get more money.

I started the queue at 150 and since then there's been 15 Strix Non-oc cards received that we know of.
I am now at 102 in the queue. which means people have just given up on waiting and I don't blame them.

I also don't blame gibbo for not posting every day about stock updates because I doubt that's his main ******* job role.
OCUK should've appointed someone to be in this forum on the daily, to answer questions, provide updates on outstanding cards etc.
Not what we currently have with Gibbo posting vague "ok amount" updates about cards as they come.

I will blame Overclockers for the pure lack of transparency in the orders they've received.

I honestly don't care how many cards come in at a time only that there is a clear number of stock that you're receiving.
This "Small/OK/Good amount" ***** is just shady practice to mislead people into thinking they're getting their card sooner than they really are

Look at literally any other competitor and you'll see they have clear numbers of What's been delivered, what's outstanding, what, coming to day etc.

I am ranting because my patience is non-existent at this point and I'm at my wits end just like a majority of people on this forum who had the same dumb idea of ordering a card from this site

I don't have time to be browsing the web for cards all day. which is why I trusted a large parts provider like OCUK to provide me with what I ordered and ASUS dumping all their resources into making OC variants of cards just to make it look like they're worth it because "The OC Variants are being produced and the Non-OC Variants are being focused last" is just pure scum.

Anyone with half a brain would tell you to look at orders placed by Sites like OCUK and ratio the GPU production accordingly. Not what they're currently doing by putting every GPU in the OC pile and the ones that fail the oc tests and are still usable can go to the non-oc pile.

Sorry for the many angry words but **** me dead all I wanted was a god dang graphics card in the same month I ordered it

14 Oct 2020
Mostly is them thieves at Ngreedia which I think don't even look at social media as they don't care about customers let alone about what they think of them :D AIB gets chip from Ngreedia if Ngreedia doesn't give them any they cannot make cards either :)

Guys I hope you are VERY YOUNG, giving updates for the sake of it is pointless, giving bad reviews because of it is as bad, the fault lies with Nvidia really, they launched they knew they would have not had stock yet people go to Jensen feet licking them clean despite charging again like 20xx with a fake RSP... so...

People won't get cards until 2021, it is shocking that after Jensen himself said it people still keeping preorder and expect a card, there are none, as there are no AMD CPUs or GPUS, the "consumers" company :D

Just chill, because even the other store updates aren't really useful, nice touch? Yes...but you still won't get your cards until 2021, probably not even before Q2 as Q1 people will fight like gladiators to win contract to move ehm... BILLIONS of Covid Vaccine not GPUs :D

So....until probably 2022 most of these shipments will be by ships! Simple common sense...

what are you talking about? what thieves from Nvidia? I understand greed, its a corpo hence why they will go where they can get more money faster, but thieves? please do elaborate what they stole from you..

What do you mean by giving updates for the sake of it is pointless? Did you ever hear that customer informed, invested and communicated with is a happy and loyal customer? or are you VERY YOUNG?

Yes, majority of fault lies with NVIDIA but not all.

We are talking here about OC's communication with their direct customers not Jensen building Nvidia's cards in his spare time
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23 Sep 2020
I've set December 10th as my cut off. Seeing as its Cyberpunk's release day, and with the no-deal Brexit looming with possible import taxes for me and the sheer lack of transparency from @Gibbo and OCUK.

I honestly am okay with my GTX 1080 for Cyberpunk at 1440p60. A new build will happen in late 2021
14 Oct 2020
well seeing i have recieved a confirmed order direct form a maufacturer...i cant seem to cancel the order from here.
having cancelled one already(to order a different model),the cancellation form says ive already used it.
So how do i cancel?...kina perplexed atm.
got same, try discord mate
21 Sep 2020
Why is everyone so obssessed with playing CP2077 on release day? It isn't going to disappear, just wait and play it when you get your new card?
My reason is that I will have 10-12 days off work so I am desperate to play C2077 on release and during Christmas Break. I do not have that much free time these days you see.
28 Oct 2020
Why is everyone so obssessed with playing CP2077 on release day? It isn't going to disappear, just wait and play it when you get your new card?
When has a game ever been fully functional with no bugs on release day ? I always wait six months to a year before playing, at least then it's the full game AND patched up. I'm in no rush for Cyberpunk, just like every oither game. My 3000+ games across multiple digital stores is plenty to keep me going. I'm waiting until my Strix 3080OC arrives, and that looks like June 2021 at the current rate of uptake.
19 Sep 2020
Look at literally any other competitor and you'll see they have clear numbers of What's been delivered, what's outstanding, what, coming to day etc.
As far as I can see, only one other well-known place is doing that. The other bigger names have zero information and 2 or 3 of them won't even show pricing until the item comes into stock, so you have no way of knowing what to expect, let alone when to expect it.

None of which is meant to excuse Overclockers of course, it's simply that they are not alone in providing precious little information.

Had I known that the card would be so hard to come by, back on launch day, then I would have simply waited until all the madness subsided (whenever that time may come) and ordered when I knew I could get the card within a day or two. I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed. My growing collection of games will just have to sit unplayed for a little while longer, as my aged GTX 980 simply can't run a lot of them at anything other than the lowest setting on my monitor :(
10 Nov 2020
Just got an Email telling me that my Inno iChill RTX3080 has been shipped. There has been absolutely zero updates on this, just an out of the blue Email which I wasn't expecting and I have to say, although I'm pleased to be finally getting the card, I'm pretty annoyed with OCUK for failing to give any kind of heads up whatsoever on these cards. My belief is that they are trying to run the company on skeleton staff at a time of worldwide silicon shortages and no single individual could possible cope with the workload which this entails. No doubt it will make the management wealthier, but it does nothing for customer service at all.

Which version (x2, x3, x4)? #29 for a x3...
10 Nov 2020
@ASUS GPU Support Any word on 3080 Strix OC? For the last two weeks there have been only cancellations. I was under the impression that production was ramping up, from the diplomatically worded Twitter post. Did I make the wrong decision ordering that product from yourself and should have gone for the cheaper model in terms of turn around?
14 Oct 2020
Nice ! 160 at that resolution. Oh man. We gave guaranteed ultra gaming for next 3-4 years before massive hit to visuals and fps. I will test DOOM tonight ! What monitor do you have? I have AW3418DW.
I'm rocking LG34GN850, it maxing out at 160hz (monitor when OC) need to check the FPS when unlocked :D when I was testing 6800xt it was well over 250fps, dont remember exact number tested whay to many cards recently :)

Bro, fen next years will be glorious :) tomorrow I'll get my Aorus Master and decided to wait for TUF OC then I'll sell Aorus... anyway I will not upgrady my GPU for years now :)
9 Oct 2020
Why is everyone so obssessed with playing CP2077 on release day? It isn't going to disappear, just wait and play it when you get your new card?
Personally I have waited the 8 years or whatever to play it...I am not going to risk spoilers whilst OCUK, Nvidia (whoever) decide to get their act together and sort this mess out...Some people would rather watch the cup final on a 14" CRT TV than wait for their plasma TV to be delivered and risk knowing the final score from some idiot on Reddit/down the pub spoiling it...People will make do with that 14" TV but would be ten times happier with the plasma to watch it...If you don't understand video games but love sport you my get the sentiment...
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