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9 Oct 2020
I've set December 10th as my cut off. Seeing as its Cyberpunk's release day, and with the no-deal Brexit looming with possible import taxes for me and the sheer lack of transparency from @Gibbo and OCUK.

Any change in import taxes or any other financial changes that might increase prices to imports won't effect a card you've already paid upfront for though. I think thats a big reason why lots of us aren't cancelling our orders. Its certainly a big reason I'm not cancelling mine. The price of the 3080 isn't going anywhere other than upwards next year.
11 Jan 2007
Cambridge, UK
Any word on if anywhere let alone ocuk is stocking any of the cards like Asus EK, aorus waterforce, pre installed waterblock cards. They all said mid November for launch and its December now lol
I've had a ticket open about the Asus EK for the last month, last response ~3 weeks ago saying they'd get back to me if they got word.
If it helps, the only EK blocked 3080 card Asus appear to have done is based on the TUF (good for size) but priced a hundred or so higher than the Strix, so I figure I'll stick with my Strix order and block it myself.
23 Nov 2020
people... there is no shortage of worldwide silicon.. stop reading into all that. There is no delays due to covid either.

The simple situation is that nvidia have gone into just in time production. Basically seeing how many orders they get before fulfilling orders. Thats all thats happened here. They have been hit hard with a surge of orders they probably didnt see and now there Just in time production line is completely messed.

The only mistake they made here was announcing a release date. This release date should have not happened. It should have happened July 2021.
24 Oct 2020
@ASUS GPU Support Any word on 3080 Strix OC? For the last two weeks there have been only cancellations. I was under the impression that production was ramping up, from the diplomatically worded Twitter post. Did I make the wrong decision ordering that product from yourself and should have gone for the cheaper model in terms of turn around?
Im wating on the same card (high 3 figures in the queue). i'm resigned to the thinking, unless i hear something, im gonna assume nothing has happened.

Im sure they are ramping up production, but that is only one aspect. Covid has been the "damage multiplier" in this, how much can you ramp up production when you have to adhere to covid restrictions?
your 100% capacity under covid restictions, but only be 40% of your normal capacity.
There going to be other aspects, Asus/Gigbyte and the likes, getting the chips from Nvidia (who are also gonna be working to "covid capacity" also). Then on top of that you have covid impacts of actually getting things transported around the planet (im sure costs have increased and capacity/capability has dropped). They might be waiting untill they have a good amount to send out as "a oner" as it would be cheaper per unit than doing dribs and drabs consignments.

Add all of ther above in the mix that these cards are leap in performance at a cheaper price of the previous Gen (3070 equals a 2080ti at less than half the price) and the bots/scaplers (i think even without them getting involved, demand would still have out stripped supply) and we have this situation
All we can do is sit tight and keep our ears to the ground for where stock may pop up. i know buying a card elsewhere might not be vialable when you have already paid for one
24 Nov 2020
I placed an order for Inno3D 3080 in September. Last Friday I was the 3rd in queque. I hope I am gonna receive the dispatch email today as well.....
13 Oct 2006
Personally I have waited the 8 years or whatever to play it...I am not going to risk spoilers whilst OCUK, Nvidia (whoever) decide to get their act together and sort this mess out...Some people would rather watch the cup final on a 14" CRT TV than wait for their plasma TV to be delivered and risk knowing the final score from some idiot on Reddit/down the pub spoiling it...People will make do with that 14" TV but would be ten times happier with the plasma to watch it...If you don't understand video games but love sport you my get the sentiment...

Fair enough I guess.
9 Oct 2020
people... there is no shortage of worldwide silicon.. stop reading into all that. There is no delays due to covid either.

The simple situation is that nvidia have gone into just in time production. Basically seeing how many orders they get before fulfilling orders. Thats all thats happened here. They have been hit hard with a surge of orders they probably didnt see and now there Just in time production line is completely messed.

The only mistake they made here was announcing a release date. This release date should have not happened. It should have happened July 2021.
And the fact that they sold $175 million dollars worth to cryptominers has nothing to do with it...
26 Feb 2013
Guys I'm out. Not coming back to OverClockers. I've got banned for saying " if you want to know whats coming to UK, you need to scan the web site. Got banned for using the word "scan".
Anyways I've got my second card delivered yesterday from the competitor for £100 less than what this OverChargers selling for.
Placed an order with Overclockers on 7th October and canceled on 23rd November because I've managed to get 1 from the competitor and got another 1 yesterday from the same competitor.
Stop wasting your time here. Internet is so big, if you want your card faster, then search online, sign up for discord and telegram notifications. I'm sure you can get a card within a week if you do that.
Bye and good luck
Yeah that's what I did and I got managed to get one. Done with overclockers. Lesson learned. Don't put your faith in them for any hardware launches in the future.
9 Oct 2020
There is no delays due to covid either.

Thats not true at all. I can assure you every industry is being effected by delays due to Covid. In fact most of the reason we're in this situation is due to Covid. Including of course the very reason people are spending way more on home entertainment, including upgrading their graphics cards, is that everyone is stuck at home.
7 Apr 2015
So I have a choice to make. Keep my OCUK order which will be delivered sometime in 2021, but it cost me £750. Or keep/cancel another order which will be delivered 14th Dec but is £130 more.
21 Sep 2020
West Sussex, UK
So I have a choice to make. Keep my OCUK order which will be delivered sometime in 2021, but it cost me £750. Or keep/cancel another order which will be delivered 14th Dec but is £130 more.
Simply it comes down to "Need" over "Want" formula. Do you need it for your rig? If NO then does your "Want" for the card value £130? No one can tell you not to buy it as its your choice if you want for the GPU sooner rather than later and can afford it.

I really wanted to experience Cyberpunk with RTX on release so I bought a 3070, even though I have a 3080 on order. i will most likely sell my 3070 once my 3080 arrives, rather than cancelling my 3080 order now. Some people will think thats crazy, but its my choice as I am very looking forward to playing Cyberpunk and experiencing its visuals.
29 Sep 2014
Thats not true at all. I can assure you every industry is being effected by delays due to Covid. In fact most of the reason we're in this situation is due to Covid. Including of course the very reason people are spending way more on home entertainment, including upgrading their graphics cards, is that everyone is stuck at home.

True, I posted this on CPU side but they decided to close the tread as apparently was "OT" despite the article clearly state delay in shipment from Taiwan, but hey :D surely as everywhere people are using covid as an excuse for delay, low staff, firing...especially in some countries more than others for no reasons.

So I have a choice to make. Keep my OCUK order which will be delivered sometime in 2021, but it cost me £750. Or keep/cancel another order which will be delivered 14th Dec but is £130 more.

IMHO 3080 are already overpriced, the only price worth paying is SRP, if you pay 100 more than SRP you are paying 20xx pricing, actually in some cases more... it seems that pre-order aren't exactly in the hundreds of thousands and if these cards will not reduce in price it will end up like another 20xx fiasco.

Surely with people staying at home more one may want to upgrade, I think we are all in the same boat...but I am not sure how much is it worth it now, let alone at an even higher price than already is... :)

Then hey your money...

competitor has 3090 but I can't bring myself to do it - especially being 54th in the Q for the Vision 3080

Is available in a lot of store, who would buy that? It starts making little sense even for 3D... 6900xt is around the corner at 600 less, true the Vram difference for 3D isn't really little but unless one does specific big job, or worse just gaming, at £1.5k is just the usual Ngreedia robbery for absolutely no reasons whatsoever.

I was thinking about that yesterday but really is like deliberately throwing money in the street, no difference, and also I would kick my preferred platform by supporting thieving strategies.

I would say wait, anyway until games are optimized for PS5 there won't be any real need, thanks to Ngreedia innovation was blocked on PC for years as 20xx sold, as we know, nothing so we did not get anything at all... thanks to consoles by mid next year we shall get some interesting titles using new hardware.
21 Sep 2020
competitor has 3090 but I can't bring myself to do it - especially being 54th in the Q for the Vision 3080
There is something odd about delivery schedule for vision. Competitor was supposed to have visions in stock last week but now it is delayed and today when I checked it is not even showing as coming in stock....
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