Again, why would the handbrake be on with such a fundamental power failure?
We've been over this...
Handbrake on > engine off > time passes > car runs out of power.
Yknow, the normal process for when a car runs out of power?
How likely is it that your car breaks down on the motorway and ends up with zero battery power and thus no ability to release the handbrake?
Not impossible, which is likely enough. But there are other more likely situations previously mentioned. Even if it isn't dangerous situations we are talking about, there are plenty where it would be inconvenient.
Also it isn't only the losing power thing, with it being a button and wires, something as simple as a wiring issue, loose connection, faulty switch, faulty electric actuator, etc, would also cause problems.
The argument could be made that there are lots of electrical thing which can go wrong, which is true. But the handbrake is the only electrical thing which will physically prevent you from moving a car manually if it fails. On a manual at least... With a modern auto the electronic gear selector could also cause issues there... Whats wrong with a lever connected to a cable for the gearbox as well?

To be honest, I am not completely against the idea of them, I am against the current implementation, whereby they cannot be mechanically overridden in case of emergency (or just need).
However it does make drift entries a bit challenging... And handbrake turns.

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