Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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29 Jan 2008
Armchair general that I am would, in that situation(any nuke used on Ukraine) Any nation or company that still trades with and does not cut Russia off economically will be sanctioned in the same way as Russia is(e.g Russia banned from any foreign currency transactions). A nuclear response need not be actually nuclear, but economic, social "nuke" would also count. Sanction them (and those that still do business with them) back to the stone age.

Yup, any use of a tactical nuke here by Russia would have to mean perhaps exceeding North Korea levels of being cut off, no excuses for Germany and others to buy gas, just shut it off + China being told to pack it in too/not support them unless they want to trash their trade relationships with the west.
7 Jun 2020
Past 30mins:
*Russia’s Gazprom: Poland Is Still Buying Russian Gas
*Russia’s Gazprom: It Is Buying It From Germany
*Russia’s Gazprom: Reverse Flows to Poland From Germany Are at 30 Mcm/Day
1 Mar 2010
5 degrees starboard
We could always just supply small arms to Ukraine and not escalate a conflict with a nuclear armed state. We can sit here and say Russia won't do anything and believe it to be true, but if they do it then we'll all be dead, even if we retaliate it doesn't matter, we're all just as dead as they are. It just isn't worth it. Ukraine is doing fine without us sending heavy weapons, why do our Ministers continue to escalate with words? We can sit here and wait for Putin to die of old age and the Russian economy to collapse, we don't need to lift a finger to win.
We escalate with words partly to show Putin that we do not cow to his or his ministers threats of a nuclear escalation. Russia does not rule the conversation and if we do nothing they will just keep up the threats. We also cannot allow them to stop or limit any support we can give.
25 Sep 2009
Billericay, UK
Does anybody here think that we (NATO) will ultimately get dragged into this conflict at some point in the near future?

As much as I think we stay on the sidelines supplying weapons and aid to Ukraine whilst pointing and laughing as Russia gets bogged down, it seems clear to me that Russia aren't just going to give up and walk away from this. I'm starting to wonder whether despite their losses and poor performance, they'll just keep throwing people at the problem until Ukraine caves in, then they'll maybe start looking at other places to push into.

It feels very frustrating trying to understand exactly what the future holds, it just seems that this thing isn't even close to be decided..

Yeah this is the thing that I find interesting, when the west does it's calculations in terms of trying to understand how Russia will react, or what they'll do - they almost always seem to be wrong. The things that the West values, like stability, economic power and influence just don't seem to resonate with Russia, they just don't seem to really care about perception, even in a globalised world where everybody is connected.
I've been watching a few videos from a channel called Geopop, one of the featured talkers is Peter Zeihan who is very insightful and analytical minded. He explained that for Russia it's first and foremost priority is security, not economic well being or makeing sure standards of living increase. It's this drive for security that has put Russia on a collision course with NATO as in order give Russia the protection it's needs they need to invade the Baltic states and Poland as there are natural geographic barriers that effectively shortens the area s they would have to defend.
1 Dec 2010
Welling, London
I’m very concerned with the way we’re behaving. We’re becoming the most aggressive of all the NATO nations. Its a high risk move and we should reign it in.

Truss‘ attempt to appear like a Poundland Maggie Thatcher is very dangerous.
9 Jul 2003
I’m very concerned with the way we’re behaving. We’re becoming the most aggressive of all the NATO nations. Its a high risk move and we should reign it in.

Truss‘ attempt to appear like a Poundland Maggie Thatcher is very dangerous.

Its a winner with conservative party members and she can see a leaders contest coming soon.
25 Nov 2005
I’m very concerned with the way we’re behaving. We’re becoming the most aggressive of all the NATO nations. Its a high risk move and we should reign it in.

Truss‘ attempt to appear like a Poundland Maggie Thatcher is very dangerous.
So Russia invades Ukraine twice, invades Georgia, attempts to/kills people on UK soil with chemical and radioactive weapons, but we're being too aggressive because of some words that have been said ?
25 Sep 2009
Billericay, UK
I’m very concerned with the way we’re behaving. We’re becoming the most aggressive of all the NATO nations. Its a high risk move and we should reign it in.

Truss‘ attempt to appear like a Poundland Maggie Thatcher is very dangerous.
By our actions or by our words? The Russians have invaded sovereign nations, stole, raped and murdered 10,000's and displaced millions not to mention the attacks on UK soil. If Britain has been the most aggressive NATO member then so be it Russia has had this coming for years.
1 Mar 2010
5 degrees starboard
It's this drive for security that has put Russia on a collision course with NATO as in order give Russia the protection it's needs they need to invade the Baltic states and Poland as there are natural geographic barriers that effectively shortens the area s they would have to defend.

I am sure that carrying on through Germany would be a logical extension as well as a few other states. That would give them all of the eastern seaboard of the baltic and maybe a chunk of the North Sea too. Not to be allowed really.
25 Jan 2013
Germany showing their true colours by allowing their gas companies to buy in roubles.
Just to play devils advocate for a moment, what's the reasonable alternative? A governments foremost duty is to protect it's citizens, this includes keeping them warm and fed. If depriving themselves of Russian energy means sacrificing the general wellbeing of their own people then what's the point?
1 Jun 2004
Chryston, Glasgow
Just to play devils advocate for a moment, what's the reasonable alternative? A governments foremost duty is to protect it's citizens, this includes keeping them warm and fed. If depriving themselves of Russian energy means sacrificing the general wellbeing of their own people then what's the point?
Perhaps - however we are in this situation because the EU didn’t react strongly to Russias previous invasions.
10 May 2012
I’m very concerned with the way we’re behaving. We’re becoming the most aggressive of all the NATO nations. Its a high risk move and we should reign it in.

Truss‘ attempt to appear like a Poundland Maggie Thatcher is very dangerous.

She literally doesn't have the IQ for the position she's in
19 Oct 2008
Inviting nuclear Armageddon is popular with the Tory voters?
Putin apparently reacts to and respects strength. Behave like scared cats and he'll walk over everyone......
Personally I agree with a tough stance being taken, ideally collectively under the NATO banner. In worse case, the world has another chance to rebuild itself but I don't believe in showing weakness to someone who is now terrorising the entire world with his nuclear threats especially given what their country has started.
Saddam was nothing compared to this guy yet he wasn't tolerated.........
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