England and Wales are no longer Christian nations...

30 Jul 2013
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The results showed that for the first time in a census of England and Wales, less than half of the population (46.2 per cent, or 27.5 million people) described themselves as ‘Christian’ in 2021. This marks a 13.1 percentage point decrease from 59.3 per cent (33.3 million) in 2011.

The census also showed that every major religion increased over the ten-year period, except for Christianity.

Despite this decrease, ‘Christian’ remained the most common response to the religion question. ‘No religion’ was the second most common response, increasing to 37.2 per cent (22.2 million) from 25.2 per cent (14.1 million) across the ten year period.

So Christianity is still the majority religion, but more than half the UK now identify either as 'No Religion' or some other religion.

Any thoughts? I'm fine with phasing out pixie sky worshipping to be honest. I've been to a few church weddings, baptisms etc and always found them quite cringe worthy.
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Islam up 44% in one census alone...now 6.5% of population and definitely underreported.

But I remember the liberals saying they were going to assimilate in and become secular!

Native population down another 5%. Certain places like Leicester now a majority non white. But the replacement theory is just conspiracy!

(For what it's worth I'm fine with the genocide of the British they caused so much misery in the past few hundred years that its karma. I'm just worried about the impact on the rest of Europe).
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And how great society as become since there is less religion :rolleyes:

Well, much better than it was for the majority of human history. I won't die at 30 from a common cold or work myself into an early grave while my family borderline starves the whole time.

(For what it's worth I'm fine with the genocide of the British they caused so much misery in the past few hundred years that its karma. I'm just worried about the impact on the rest of Europe).

Ah yes, the old, suffer for the sins of your fathers argument. I love the idea that everyone in England has had a wonderful time over the past few hundred years as a result of our colonial past as well. That guy working down the mines, the peasants scrabbling around in the dirt to scrape a living until they die young, the children in the work house.

The rich and powerful are the people who mainly benefitted from this. Not the 99%, the 1% but nah, screw the whole country hey. Such a sad view and if you dug even slightly below the surface you would find that most countries have an abhorrent past.
I believe in religious freedom, so anyone can believe what they want.

Religion, however, should have not a single impact on government policy. It should also be a private thing, and not taken into work, to be kept only in your home or place of worship.

Religion is a CHOICE. Your CHOICE should not impact anyone.

A former employer of mine was taken to tribunal because 2 employees claimed that the management were racist & discriminating against them for their religion.

Every employee got 1 hr off 'break time' made up of 45min lunch and a 15min short break which were scheduled into the day so that everyone didn't end up on break together leaving no-one customer facing. These 2 employees requested that time for the prayers twice a day so the management split the 15min into 7.5s and scheduled them at the required times, often meaning that other employees had their break time displaced.

What these 2 employees then claimed is that they should have their prayer breaks IN ADDITION to the regular 1hr break time. Management said no as it would be unfair to everyone else and there was no room to give everyone else an extra 15min break to make it fair. They quit and opened a case of contructive dismissal by discrimination.

The tribunal threw it out stating that one's religion cannot be used to gain an advantage & that the management had complied with all anti-discrimination legistlation.
Less than half the nation identifies as Christian =/= the UK is no longer a Christian nation. Much of the tenets of Christianity are baked into modern Western World even the values of so called atheists are informed by their Christian heritage.

What we are is no longer believers, we lack faith. Much of the best of Christianity is an invisible thread we no longer think of.
Don't think it makes much difference to much outside church communities these days... The actual number of regular churchgoers is much much lower than even the shrinking number that describe themselves as Christian, and even among them there are only a very small number that take up 'unusual' political positions on things (eg Steve Baker).

Most of the negative effects as I see them (another contribution to loss of social cohesion, social interaction around a shared purpose, and a sense of community and purpose in people's lives) have already been felt.

I'm not sure how much of a direct effect this is, as anglicanism in recent decades has been much more mild than some of the American evangelical traditions which have massive impacts on politics over there, but could be argued it's a positive that over time the decline in people identifying as Christians has reduced the legitimacy of appeals to the authority of fusty old theologians when it comes to social and political issues, and made them more receptive and open to arguments from other sources.

Edit: agree with the above though, that regardless of how people identify, the fabric of the country and certain values and ways of thinking have deep roots in a Christian past.
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Much of the tenets of Christianity are baked into modern Western World even the values of so called atheists are informed by their Christian heritage.
Christian values are basically 'don't be a ****'. It's a little disingenuous to suggest that atheists who try and live decent lives are basically Christians in denial.
I don't care. I really don't care in the slightest. I don't care whether people believe in a deity or not and if they do, which one. It has no effect on my day to day life.
Don't see the issue really. Grew up Christian, been an agnostic from about 16-19, then Atheist since then.

As a poster above says, Christian values were baked into me. And that is what I think is important. As long as you are a decent human being, help others occasionally/when needed, why should it matter what religion you identify as?

To clarify, what I mean is religion doesn't matter so long as you are a decent human being/do not negatively affect other people's lives.
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Anyone know why doesn't the census include Northern Ireland and Scotland? Did it ever?

The census was delayed up here until this year and then extended another month because of the number of people who couldn't be bothered to fill it in so they might not have had all the results when this article was written.
Correlation does not equal causation.

Also I'm amazed it took a whole 5 posts for someone to complain about the number of people responding that Islam was their religion.

Thats probably because its not a good thing to have any group with very different cultural ideas to come into a country and have a large voting power. Political parties don't do whats best for the country, they do what will get them elected. If pandering to a certain religion helps them they will 100% do it.

Religion should have no influence on state.

The fact that certain religions are very much run top down is also a very bad thing. There is a reason why religious leaders in some areas of the country wield massive amounts of power to influence elections/vaccinations etc.

Ignoring it and patting yourself on the back for being multicultural etc is not a good thing. Religion shouldn't have any place other than in peoples private lives. Shouldn't be in schools, work or anything else.
Isn't the change in stats because those that previously 'identified' as Christian now say they are either agnostic or no longer practicing christians?

Not sure this can be pinned entirely on the hordes of immigrants the headlines are trying to imply are the cause..
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