YouTube Premium

Oh no you got me :rolleyes:

There is a world of difference in using a loophole, that YouTube don't seem to be in a rush to close, and paying for a service compared to not paying a penny and expecting the world for free.

I'm not acting entitled in any way shape or form. I am paying for a subscription and Google/YouTube are happy to take whatever currency I have paid in and give me the benefits that YouTube Premium offers.

Complaining that you have to watch adverts whilst keeping your pennies in your pocket is entitled.

Some exceptions aside most people are complaining about the ads while not seeing value in the full UK price and not wanting to abuse regional pricing - I'm not one to bang on about morals in this kind of context but it doesn't not have consequences for those in poorer countries when people do that - even if in this case I put a lot of the onus on YouTube to do better.

YouTube have made several attempts to close it, but it isn't an easy thing to do in the age of VPNs and various different payment providers which can obfuscate, while also facilitating people who might travel.

Your forgetting YouTube music, your getting more than Spotify for £13 a month.

Personally Spotify is much better for my music tastes and uses, though I also get Spotify with one of my phone plans which is still saving a good few £ a month.
Some exceptions aside most people are complaining about the ads while not seeing value in the full UK price and not wanting to abuse regional pricing - I'm not one to bang on about morals in this kind of context but it doesn't not have consequences for those in poorer countries when people do that - even if in this case I put a lot of the onus on YouTube to do better.

YouTube have made several attempts to close it, but it isn't an easy thing to do in the age of VPNs and various different payment providers which can obfuscate, while also facilitating people who might travel.
Seems quite simple with all of Google’s tracking. This account is only ever watching videos through devices with a uk ip. Phone only stays in the UK with some trips abroad.

You can be pretty confident this account is based in the UK.

I suspect once they have the numbers they need on premium expect them to really try and enforce country pricing.
Oh no you got me :rolleyes:

There is a world of difference in using a loophole, that YouTube don't seem to be in a rush to close, and paying for a service compared to not paying a penny and expecting the world for free.

I'm not acting entitled in any way shape or form. I am paying for a subscription and Google/YouTube are happy to take whatever currency I have paid in and give me the benefits that YouTube Premium offers.

Complaining that you have to watch adverts whilst keeping your pennies in your pocket is entitled.
I agree with ianh observation but I disagree with his conclusion/reasoning.

It is ironic that you say this

People aren't not paying because of some perceived poor value

And only a few lines later talk about how you are using tricks to not pay full price.

Since changing my subscription from India to Argentina in March

It undercuts your own argument.
As mentioned many, many times before -

£13 per month as an individual.
£20 a month for a family.

That £157 to £240 per year to watch youtube videos of funny cats or how-to guides or Mr Beast etc. The cost is always, and will always be, the biggest reason people complain. If it was £10 a year hardly anyone would complain and YT might actually make more money from getting way more sign-ups, but they won't.
If that's all youtube has to offer than why are you miserable. Stop watching YT and move on with your life.
Well I attempted the VPN trick but cannot get it to work, using various countries and browsers but continually get the "We couldn't verify your country" notification after logging in to Youtube Premium. hohum!
I agree with ianh observation but I disagree with his conclusion/reasoning.

It is ironic that you say this

And only a few lines later talk about how you are using tricks to not pay full price.

It undercuts your own argument.

Personally, I disagree. If there is a way for me to get something cheaper with tools available to myself and easy to do, I’d be a fool to not take advantage.

If tomorrow they had found a way to stop the loophole then I would start paying the correct price. I watch a lot of YouTube and to me Premium is worth it but the fact I can get it for cheaper is icing on the cake.

Show me someone who would pay full price for something when they could easily pay a fraction of that cost and I’ll show you an idiot.
If that's all youtube has to offer than why are you miserable. Stop watching YT and move on with your life.

Who said I'm "miserable", I haven't - Stop inventing make believe narratives, we call people who invent make believe things "liars" and no-one enjoys being around liars as they make the people around them miserable.
Who said I'm "miserable", I haven't - Stop inventing make believe narratives, we call people who invent make believe things "liars" and no-one enjoys being around liars as they make the people around them miserable.
I said your miserable, based on your crude summation of content on youtube
Well I attempted the VPN trick but cannot get it to work, using various countries and browsers but continually get the "We couldn't verify your country" notification after logging in to Youtube Premium. hohum!
I was using sideloaded uYouPlus app on the iphone and got fed up of the ads on the TV.

Ended up using the VPN trick to get premium just today. Not the cheapest but atleast doesn't get the country verification error...
Country: Ukraine
Cost: 99UAH/month (£2.15)
Personally, I disagree. If there is a way for me to get something cheaper with tools available to myself and easy to do, I’d be a fool to not take advantage.

If tomorrow they had found a way to stop the loophole then I would start paying the correct price. I watch a lot of YouTube and to me Premium is worth it but the fact I can get it for cheaper is icing on the cake.

Show me someone who would pay full price for something when they could easily pay a fraction of that cost and I’ll show you an idiot.
Time and faff come into the equation.
And judging by how many people above keep talking about the various issues they are having it clearly not that easy.
Time and faff come into the equation.
And judging by how many people above keep talking about the various issues they are having it clearly not that easy.
It is is only difficult if you don't know

1 - which country to use
2 - the steps

But this thread has plenty of information to get it done. It is a 1 time event, only for signing up, once that is done it is valid until your card expires.
Personally, I disagree. If there is a way for me to get something cheaper with tools available to myself and easy to do, I’d be a fool to not take advantage.

If tomorrow they had found a way to stop the loophole then I would start paying the correct price. I watch a lot of YouTube and to me Premium is worth it but the fact I can get it for cheaper is icing on the cake.

Show me someone who would pay full price for something when they could easily pay a fraction of that cost and I’ll show you an idiot.
As long as google are happy to take my money, IDGAF what other people think. I use, i pay. end of.
Contributions? You’ve been watching videos on a streaming service it’s not like you’re doing some act to mankind out of kindness by watching cat videos on YouTube.

It’s entitlement, nothing more nothing less. Pay for premium or don’t pay for premium and either watch adds or try to block them.

What you don’t have is the right to complain about adverts when you’re not paying for something and you certainly can’t use an angle of “I’ve been watching YouTube for years I’ve made it what it is”

Lolwut, did I say that watching cat videos on YT is some form of philanthropy? I also dunno why you're tarring me with the same entitlement brush as those complaining about ad blockers. I don't give af about all that, nor did I say jack about it.

And yeah, contributions. Do we need an exhaustive list of how YT has prospered and generated revenue through all the avenues its users have contributed through, prior to shoving a paywall in their face? Because I think you'd be hard-pressed to list them all.

But those of this demographic certainly can't use this angle? Well, why not? They did make YT what it is today, especially those who have stayed and continued to support the platform since its inception when ads weren't even a thing.
google might be in a better moral position to complain about ad block if they weren't a major factor in people needing them in the first place.

I didn't install ad-block the first time to not watch adverts on YouTube, I did it because the like of ad-sense were being used to spread malware around the internet and generally make websites more unusable than geocities.
They’ve rolled out that “turn watch history on” **** to the TV app now so you no longer get the recommended videos, newly uploaded, etc. lists when you first open the app.

Deliberately obnoxious.
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I pay for premium and it winds me up that you still get adverts and lengthy endorsements from YouTubers, Google need to get a handle on that.

I don't mind a little nod or suggestion, but was watching someone the other day and they did a 30 second blurb on some crap mobile game grrrr

That’s not remotely the same thing, that’s just a video sponsor, do you really begrudge the creator getting some extra money?
That’s not remotely the same thing, that’s just a video sponsor, do you really begrudge the creator getting some extra money?

Yeah if you have an issue with this, then stop watching that creator. Enough people do it, then ways will change.

I just skip through.
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