Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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10 May 2012
Well maybe get Roar to have a word with Vlad and ask him to pull out all his troops from Ukraine, return to pre 2014 borders and pinky promise never to invade a neighbour again. Or I guess we could all just bow down to Putin, let him take everything he wants and not spend any money on our military.

And you forgot we are huge exporter of arms, we were before the war and we remain so.

Ukraine could've handled the situation in Eastern Ukraine better though, calling all the separatists terrorists and allowing Nationalist militia groups like the Azov brigade to fight them was some third world stupid ****. The fact countries in the EU backed and trained Ukraine while they had a Nazi brigade fighting Russian backed separatists seems insane, we pretty much wrote the propaganda for Russia. This just isn't any of our business because none of us fully understands the situation, certainly no one in the EU does. Some people in this thread think the war started in 2022 and Ukraine was peaceful before then, I'd bet 95% of people in the West think that.
10 May 2012
No. I'm merely saying we're profiting from the war. In other ways, we are absolutely worse off because of the war.

And old mate still doesn't understand what trickle down economics is.

Who is we? The average person in the West is far worse off because of the war. Period. My mortgage has gone up by 43%, the cost of food is about 50% up, gas and electric is up. Saying "we're profiting" is an insane statement to most people.
28 May 2007
Sankari you're literally claiming we're better off because of the war? Is that your stated position?

Are you saying we can deal with an invasion of Europe in a more cost effective way? Leave the Ukrainians to perish at the hands of a delusional lunatic to inevitably pay orders of magnitude more to tackle? Is that your position?
14 Feb 2004
Peoples Republic of Histonia, Cambridge
I don't like Russia, watch the documentary about them cheating at the Olympics called Icarus, this is just generally indicative of the wider problems with Russian culture, corruption, cheating, etc. The problem is that an objective middle ground appears to be a Russian stooge on here when your entire view of a conflict is formed based on massive amounts of pro Ukrainian media that didn't report the entire story. I do not support Russia invading Ukraine, that was illegal, as I've said many times.

So you don't support the invasion, but feel that the invasion is somewhat justified if you remove the Ukrainian “propaganda” and instead listen to the "entire story" which is essentially Russian propaganda.

Like I have said already. This isn't complicated as conflicts go. It's not the middle east. No long running historical boarder disputes. No deep rooted religious tensions.

The only reason it's "complicated" now is because when Russia saw things weren't going their way, they attempted to stir the pot. .

The opposite wasn’t true when mini Putin was in control. No Ukraine speaking break away republics. No threats of invasion, territory annexations etc.
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3 Oct 2007
London, UK
I know something about this has been posted before
But i feel it needs to be posted about again for the people that missed it :cry:

What the bets Putin will have 24/7 electric & heating :mad:

Its amazing, for your average Russian its little better today than in Stalin years. Peasants are still peasants and the city elites still taking everything for themselves.
14 Feb 2004
Peoples Republic of Histonia, Cambridge
Ukraine could've handled the situation in Eastern Ukraine better though, calling all the separatists terrorists and allowing Nationalist militia groups like the Azov brigade to fight them was some third world stupid ****. The fact countries in the EU backed and trained Ukraine while they had a Nazi brigade fighting Russian backed separatists seems insane, we pretty much wrote the propaganda for Russia. This just isn't any of our business because none of us fully understands the situation, certainly no one in the EU does. Some people in this thread think the war started in 2022 and Ukraine was peaceful before then, I'd bet 95% of people in the West think that.

No getting involve is a policy. And one we know doesn’t work.

Just becuase people make mistakes doesn’t justify invading a country. Stop looking for excuses.
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25 Sep 2009
Billericay, UK
Morale is still high amongst the Ukrainian infantry:

10 May 2012
So you don't support the invasion, but feel that the invasion is somewhat justified if you remove the Ukrainian “propaganda” and instead listen to the "entire story" which is essentially Russian propaganda.

Like I have said already. This isn't complicated as conflicts go. It's not the middle east. No long running historical boarder disputes. No deep rooted religious tensions. Ukraine existed quite peacefully for year right up until the moment they decided to move away from the Russian sphere of influence.

The only reason it's "complicated" now is because when Russia saw things weren't going their way, they attempted to stir the pot. .

The opposite wasn’t true when mini Putin was in control. No Ukraine speaking break away republics. No threats of invasion, territory annexations etc.

I know you don't think it's complicated, it only becomes complicated when you begin to understand it. You realise some people in Ukraine still have flags flying of the USSR and other people want to be part of the EU, but you don't think it's at all complicated? I think this is a situation where you don't realise how much you don't know about something.
25 Apr 2010
I know you don't think it's complicated, it only becomes complicated when you begin to understand it. You realise some people in Ukraine still have flags flying of the USSR and other people want to be part of the EU, but you don't think it's at all complicated? I think this is a situation where you don't realise how much you don't know about something.
Wow your so smart,
Woah, wow.
25 Apr 2010
Confirmation bias doesn't make you correct, this is a complex situation with a vast history that you personally and almost everyone in this thread, have no real idea what they are talking about. All that happens on a daily basis is the repeating of whatever latest twitter post from your favoured non impartial news source is, doesn't even need to be accurate, just needs to be posted first.
Woooo wow you have us all beat master of complex understanding.

You’re so unique on your big brain thoughts. We need to stop just believing all the Twitter posts and listen to your very well thought out pov.

Thanks for having a real idea on the going’s on in Ukraine.

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28 May 2007
I know you don't think it's complicated, it only becomes complicated when you begin to understand it. You realise some people in Ukraine still have flags flying of the USSR and other people want to be part of the EU, but you don't think it's at all complicated? I think this is a situation where you don't realise how much you don't know about something.
Trust me squire, I understand things. Russian testosterone dealers, blowing up piles of rubble with millions of pounds of cruise missiles , defending low quality people even the woman’s’s
3 Oct 2007
London, UK
Ukraine could've handled the situation in Eastern Ukraine better though, calling all the separatists terrorists and allowing Nationalist militia groups like the Azov brigade to fight them was some third world stupid ****. The fact countries in the EU backed and trained Ukraine while they had a Nazi brigade fighting Russian backed separatists seems insane, we pretty much wrote the propaganda for Russia. This just isn't any of our business because none of us fully understands the situation, certainly no one in the EU does. Some people in this thread think the war started in 2022 and Ukraine was peaceful before then, I'd bet 95% of people in the West think that.

So Ukraine could have handled Russia stirring up separatists in the east better could it, maybe they should have just handed over huge potions of their country to Russia :rolleyes: Far right nationalists thrive when there is a threat or perceived threat to their nation/culture, we after all saw a large rise in them in the years running up to Brexit. The Azov Brigade formed in May 2014 as a result of Russian annexing Crimea in February 2014 and it being pretty much right on the Russian border in Mariupol. Funny that these Ukrainians who were right on the border didn't want Russia to invade or be part of Russia. What were Western countries mean to say to Ukraine? "we'll train your soldiers but not those far right nationalists from Mariupol." What was the Ukraine government meant to tell these guys actually fighting Russia that they weren't wanted?

No Russia writes the propaganda and then relies on fools to spread it for them.

You've managed to blame the EU several times in that post. Struggling to contain your anti EU bias I see.

Oh and Eastern Europe including Russia has had a far right nationalism problem for a very long time. Russia is full of them.
14 Aug 2013
Ukraine could've handled the situation in Eastern Ukraine better though, calling all the separatists terrorists and allowing Nationalist militia groups like the Azov brigade to fight them was some third world stupid ****. The fact countries in the EU backed and trained Ukraine while they had a Nazi brigade fighting Russian backed separatists seems insane, we pretty much wrote the propaganda for Russia. This just isn't any of our business because none of us fully understands the situation, certainly no one in the EU does. Some people in this thread think the war started in 2022 and Ukraine was peaceful before then, I'd bet 95% of people in the West think that.
Because they were Russian backed terrorists. Also, funny how you neglect to mention that half of the DPR and LPR units were openly and proudly far right and loved a Nazi symbol too
26 May 2009
Perhaps the US over-estimated what was required to deal with Russian hardware and thus while the Bradley may not have lived up their expectations, It's more capable of the job it was meant for than they thought it would be.
Historically the USA usually underplays the capabilities of it's stuff (barring obvious examples like the A-10), whereas the USSR/Russia would routinely overstated both the abilities of their stuff and the amount they had.

Examples would include the M-4 Bison bomber, the T-72 (and now the T-14) tanks, their anti air weapons, the MiG-25, etc, etc.

The reasons for this would be that they realised that by overstating their amount and it's capabilities it forced the USA to waste vast amounts of money trying to match those abilities/numbers (it should be noted that the USSR was on multiple occasions actually leading the USA in many areas at many times during the cold war).

The thing Russia hasn't realised now though is that everyone knows they talk **** so it doesn't work anymore xD
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26 May 2009
I am sure this has been written many times, but why do you people persist in the waste of time arguing with the propaganda merchants?
Because if somebody posts lies/misinformation/mistruths/etc and nobody challenges/corrects it then it stands there uncorrected and is there for anyone to find by searching Google or the forum (or simply browsing the thread), and failure to challenge misinformation has become one of the main ways that misinformation spreads online.
10 May 2012
Because they were Russian backed terrorists. Also, funny how you neglect to mention that half of the DPR and LPR units were openly and proudly far right and loved a Nazi symbol too

I don't think they were terrorists though since there were essentially just two sets of terrorists fighting each other, it's just one was on the side of Kyiv and the other wanted to be independent and govern themselves because they don't want to join the EU and consider themselves closer to Russia. Why would I care about Nazis on a side that my country isn't backing? It's like saying Russia is bad, yeah I agree, but we're not on their side.

It's nice documentaries like this are still available to view online.
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